Oct 10, 2008 02:16

I'm definitely loving this season so far. Contrary to what others (like Tuna Man) feel, I'm totally bought over by the writers shoveling thousands of plot points down our throats. At least it's not boring shit like last season!

Thoughts so far:

I love how Maya's accent totally went away.

I also love how everybody forgot she was a wanted criminal.

Tracy =/= Niki. THANK GOD.

Poor Spider-Mohinder.

Domestic Sylar = awesome.

Future Claire = a total bitch. (Though that might be from the total incest she and future Peter were up to).

Matt/Daphne? Ewwwww. It's either Matt/Mohinder, or Matt/his wife from S1. Or are we forgetting she ever existed, like Maya's accent?
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