So stolen from Shiny_Glory_Chan

Apr 25, 2009 03:26

1. Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/etc.
2. Have your f-list guess your favorite character from each item.


1. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Terrayndian - Toph
2. Star Trek: The Next Generation - Terrayndian - Picard
3. That 70's Show
4. Star Wars - Originals - Becca - Han Solo
5. Star Wars - New Trash - Terrayndian - Obi-wan Kenobi
6. Song of the Lioness Quartet (Tamora Pierce: Alanna Series)
7. Protector of the Small (Tamora Pierce: Keladry Series)
8. Sevenwaters Quartet (Juliet Marillier)
9. The DragonCrown Cycle (Michael A. Stackpole) - Becca - Nefrai-Kesh
10. DC Comics
11. Disney's Robin Hood (With the foxesesesss) - Becca - Clucky/Lady Kluck
12. Disney's Mulan
13. The Fast and the Furious
14. Lufia 2
15. Final Fantasy 7 - Terrayndian -  Cid Highwind
16. Final Fantasy 8 - Terrayndian - Seifer
17. House M.D. -  Terrayndian - James Wilson
18. The Closer
19. Band of Brothers - Becca - Doc Roe
20. Pride and Prejudice - Becca - Mr. Darcy

meme, journal

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