Apr 21, 2010 11:14
There was a burst of energy inspired this morning that makde me think, well of course this day is unlike any other. Of course I have the gift of time, of course I would put something off naturally, But how could this day truely be like any other.
blessed with a bright home. I am here for awhile. What does that mean? talking about philosophy and wonder if they wonder. I confront and avert. Such is the way that there are tendencies and where might I avert myself and where might I find a hand to assist me in my bike riding. And where could I find the money. I comes back to me again and again and I feel truely blessed, a miracle note would have me say that the gift of prayer, the gift of wanting, the gift of belief of new ideas. I have somewhat of a bed, somewhat of an essense of humility, how does it come that i make and interesting friend. But do you need help? I did not say to him this day if he needs any help. We think about money and we do not know. Marriage is something that puts people in a place far away from me. Far away becuase it is a rite of passage and where might I find the power to look past all of this joy, where might I find the joy of reciept. And how free is free.
The quiet. I would attest, to me. I would claim as myslef. I would confess, honestly to have not a clue as to how to run a life as to where the inspiration would arise. Eighth grade. What do I like to do? A person and a secret and the secret of the self and I live so close to everything. I would bet that most people are mostly like me. And where would I find her? and what would it be like to know. How do I sound as if I am normal? How do I do if I am not. How do i do if someone does not like me at all? Truely what would I do?
Yard sales, no money. Hula hoops. Poople brothers. Tea with girl girl girl.