Jul 21, 2009 12:12
Ah the pleasure of wwriting on music. Well, there are certainly those pesky things that seem to come up for me. First. The familiar and comfortable feeling of being a little bit thugish. This can be a comfortable place. in the choice of the people around me it seems so clear that the choices that matter or become more apparent are the manners...well the person you are with so can reflect ....bullshit I think to myself as the statement of the ills of man brought upon solely by the poison thoughts. if there is anything that I would like to have learned from this fellow is the non'pushiness that apparently I found so perplexing. I know that I have been needed here howver I have not been here. I was supposed...ugh. I need to just relax. I have a strange faith that all my prayers will be answered. hmm. Come to terms with prayer. Which sounds so similar to the word "player" A word used to many times around the world of hip hop that I feel as if I am pretty hip for this sentence of plea toward a spiritual entity. The terms kill me though. Really. Coming to them is...well a gentle journey.
I sincerely put to wwords what I cannot in speech. herwe I am a tad pissed. A tad perplexed. There is a draw her. Oh yes,. the player. It is god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
There is also a different...