Apr 12, 2011 16:14
I'm still alive.
I'm switching medication again. This means that I have a serious case of the brain zaps. (Never had 'em? Feel happy.) The zaps are paired with dizziness, which is awesome when I lay in bed and feel like I'm Alice in Wonderland falling down the rabbit hole while Maxie Zeus gives me a brain massage. The good news is that it will go away, eventually, but I'm impatient.
In other news, I just got done disassembling the laptop, cleaning it, and reassembling it. Everything works, nothing caught on fire, and no one was horribly injured. (Well, Kyle came close, but that would have been an injury from me throwing him onto the floor and screaming "CAT STAY OFF MY HARD DRIVE OR I WILL KEEEEEEL YOU!!" Fortunately, he listened to my last spiteful threat and stayed away, so I didn't have to drop-kick him.
I'm in another play!...did I say anything about my last play? I don't remember. Anyway, that one was a farce/comedy in which there was lots of hugging and smooches and roller skating. Also, one night, I almost skated off the stage and into the concrete pit twelve feet below! The current play has very little death-defying action, though. I'm a chorus member and a co-choreographer (I was the sole choreographer until I realized that I had no clue what I was doing).
I've been extremely bad about writing things. (Well, things for the internet, at any rate.) I hope I can change that.
Off to lay down until the zapping eases up!