
Oct 21, 2021 21:45

Had weird dreams last night, I don’t remember most of them but I remember one of them was me freaking out because some part of me has been expecting the worst with this pregnancy, and now that we’re near the finish line (of the pregnancy, the starting line of an even bigger journey), dream me was freaking out about not knowing anything about babies. It was a creepy guilt and anxiety ridden dream that made me want molly but she’d already gone to work.

Rest of my morning I kind of bumbled around listening to my audio book (attachments by rainbow Rowell). I made a last minute change in my outer wear choice, opting to wear my old transformer hoodie instead of my herringbone cardigan, and then promptly locked myself out of the house.

I texted Molly and my family both, but no one was responding making me worried that my phone wasn’t working, but my audio book was still going so I didn’t worry too much. Checked some emails and cleaned off the porch a bit. Before calling my mom to bring me a spare key.

Discovered that the mess of wildflowers in our front planter box managed to produce cherry tomatoes. Which is cool, but late, and so entrenched in vines and thorns that I need to kill it all and start over.

At work today I helped Justin lead a group project of making wooden toy cars. The idea is the kids will each make two toy cars one to take home and one to live at the J in our car center. Not sure how well it’ll work out. The kids weren’t super excited until they realized the project involved tools and then they got into it. I need to pick up some better saws though. They were using the mini saw blades on some multi tools, and old pumpkin carving tool sets. They liked the rotary tools but the battery charge kept dying since we hadn’t charged them up before. Still I think it was a fun project with some room for continuation later on.

After work molly and I went to my parents house to have dinner with them because Wayne and Kathy were visiting for the night. Beth and Ken were also there. It was fun if a little awkward. Molly and I left around 8, right as my brother was supposedly on his way. We came home but since I was getting a headache and she skipped her nap, we opted not to watch anything. Instead she chilled in the bed while I took a hot shower and listened to my audiobook.

Now sleep.
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