Dec 16, 2003 16:12
This song is great. Granted this version isn't a "complete" song, but I like it like that. Stevie says, "Fuckin' A" [covers ears]..but once we pass that rough moment, it's just lovely :) She has a great voice.
Macaroni and Cheese. It always sounds like a good idea...but a whole box later, when you're on the verge of puking - you swear you'll never do it again...Except you do..2 days later. Repeat cycle. I think that's the very definition of insanity, loti. Ahh, well, so my secret is out :shrug:
My mood? Hmm, hard to determine at the moment. It kind of flip-flopped throughout the day. I've found that I can't be around certain people everyday or I'll most definitely kill someone. I can only handle the rude, disrespectful personalities about twice a week. Unfortunately for everybody, it doesn't work out that way.
"Rocket Man" was on in Homeroom and I was psyched. LOVE that song. Elton John is better than you.
I love it when people don't take their own advice. Except...I just lied right there. It annoys me to the very core. I think it's called "hypocrite"..but I try to be cautios in throughing that word around...We all do it once in a while, but for most of us, it's not quite as blatant as others. What a shame.
I like it when people roll their eyes at me and give me dirty looks for no reason. It's wicked cute and I wish it happened more often. It puts me in an awesome mood...Go ahead and try it.....Except don't or I'll probably knock your teeth out. And I'll probably knock yours out, too, if you fuckin' do it again. That goes for you too.
haha. That almost made me look crazy.
I wish I was interesting.
I wish I could get some of you people to listen to me and take me seriously when I'm interested in something. If I'm willing to share it with you - it usually means that it's important.
Amazingly, I have nothing to write about today. My crazy mood seems to have flown away...Damnit..the days of writing my random thoughts are temporarily gone...It was fun.
In other news..Someone on the BN message board said that there's a "Tusk"-ish sounding song on the GMC commerial. ROAR. If it's true...there'll be hell on earth for everyone. That song is absolutely untouchable. Once you start messing with it - you mess with me. We can't be having that. "Tusk" is unique in everyway possible. You're just crappy when you rip it off. I will kill. Don't think I won't.....I, however, find it incredible ironic that a song, an album, that was once criticized and written off as "experimental" is now being praised. What a crazy, messed up world. I love Lindsey for creating something that was so great from the very beginning - and still is - even if it took some crappy people so long to realize it.
I also hear that there's a cover of "Stand Back" now playing on the radio. I guess it's some techo bullshit. That sucks so bad. I hope I never have the misfortune of having to hear it. Poor Stevie, people take her awesome songs and turn them in to shit. I'm kind of defensive about people covering FM/Stevie b/c the songs are so personal and they actually mean a whole lot...that having them come from someone else is just so completely wrong.
Wow. I'm so boring. I think I'll stop now.
Later, xoxo.