...Just tell me that ya want me...

Dec 15, 2003 18:03

I love now that I know what this song is about ;) It makes a whole lot more sense now. Which I guess stinks...I liked thinking that this song was in some way about elephants...even if the words didn't go with that theory, loti. This song is amazing..Lindsey rules.

Anywhosie. Wow, today was a long day. And those icy road conditions didn't make anything but my car go faster....Ok, so the roads are fine, but I'm just really mad at mother nature..That was my attempt at ignoring and misleading her. Thanks for nothing, BITCH!

:deep breaths:

That was so weird...and you're all wondering why you might waste your time reading this...The journal of someone who cusses out Mother Nature. rofl...quite insane if you think about it ;)

Back to the song - I think I'll listen to it for the rest of the night...Or until I start doing tribal dances and use war paint...I think that'd rule if I had my own tribe and dancing to "Tusk" around a fire would be our ritual - Just think - that could be normal! I'm sold...;)

Wow, have I gone insane?

Saying the word 'insane' makes me think of Lindsey even more, so it was a bad idea using it...Since I'm trying to get back on track...Y'know, about my exciting day and all..

Actually, today was quite fun. I like pulled a muscle in my back b/c I was laughing so hard in Science, loti. I think Mr. Bonaparte is finally warming up to my contagious laugh...not even he could resist cracking a smile while trying to tell me that I shouldn't laugh quite so much - or so hard. It was a good time. But then the fun stopped there b/c I'd worn myself out.

Accounting was quite interesting b/c for a good 5 minites, merely talking was quite impossible. Everytime I opened my mouth, I fumbled and stuttered my "words"..turning them into non words...Laughing ensued and it was crazy. And that laughing spent every ounce of what energy I had left.

Spanish was a bomb on the day. How damn boring. She thinks that she's helping our grades by giving us thousands of assingments at once...but in reality, she's just stressing us, and herself, out. Tomorrow we have a quiz [on what? I don't know], we're supposed to do a dialogue and present it and the whole bit for a Test grade by Thursday, we have a Test on Friday, and a project due on Monday [for 2 test grades]. I think she fails to realize that we all have enough to do outside of school without all of this bullshit. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if she forgot about the dialogues, she always does.

Went XMas shopping. It makes me hate XMas. I blew a shit load of money in, literally, no time. I think I was at the mall for like an hour. But I'm half way done, so that's alright, loti.

People drive like assholes when there's snow on the ground. I'm going to be bald from pulling all my hair out. It makes me want to return my license..I can't even describe to you...anything about my experience, loti. Fear me. I have intense road rage.
Real Savage-Like


I have so much Fleetwood Mac news to share with all of you eager souls, that there's an FM News back up in my mind. :D

WELL..just a couple stories. Even though, now that I've decided to write about it, I can only think of one, loti.

There was yet another "scuffle", or fight, if you will, at the Fleetwood Mac concert a couple weeks ago. I think that brings the total to 2 or 3, loti. Rowdy folks. Alcohol is a huge factor, I know. Apparently, during "Tusk" [ironically], Lindsey looked down and saw one man hit another, loti. And that was enough to send the man over the edge..The "fuck" word was said as well as an order to leave his concert, loti..

And it doesn't end there, aha...

Apparently, the two men didn't take very well to this command and continued to "boo" Lindsey and give him the finger...Stevie wasn't havin' that shit..She ran over and gave the finger back and the words "How dare you" were said....The men were taken out and the song continued, loti

The last time there was a fight in the front row, Stevie cried and Lindsey had to finish the song, loti..I don't think he was having a repeat of that, which is probably why he was so fiesty...Minus the fighting and harsh words, quite an adorable story if I do say so myself, loti.

People have been wondering if Lindsey's "gone insane"...again, loti. I don't think this is the case, but the man's got a history. I think if he rids his nagging wife, he'll be all set ;)

Wooo for the second long post in a row... 8)

I'm in the process of changing the songs...humour me and actually do something with these...What if I said I'd give $5 to the first person who downloads all the songs and thinks of some way to prove it...that'd be fun. <3 contests.

Anyways, the site's being kind of crappy, so they'll probably be done much later.

Later days, xoxo.

Still tryin' to come up with a username....Hmmm....
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