Bored at work...

May 24, 2006 11:38

Bored again..sitting at work with not that much to do, well I have stuff to do but don't feel like doing it right now :)

I am so excited for this coming up weekend..not because we really have plans, but because it's going to be a *3 day* weekend and I plan on staying at the beach the entire time :) We may be going out on a boat with some of our friends from Orlando but I'm not going to hold my breath if you know what I mean. I have also been trying to talk Ashley's brother Kelly and his girlfriend Natalie into getting a babysitter and coming down but I'm not sure they are going to be able to come. I don't know why everyone acts like it's sooo far away, it's really only about 4 1/2 hours, that's not THAT far away.

I really have nothing to say I'm just bored lol

School is going good so Humanities class is basically a bunch of reading and papers which I can handle but it's going to be pretty boring because I don't think the teacher really trys to make it interesting. My speech class is going to be a little bit harder because I have 5 main speeches for the quarter and I have to videotape every single one of them and mail them to my professor. I also have to have at least 7 people in my audience. I guess I will just do my speeches after work and get people from work to watch me. It won't be too bad in front of them because I know them already but still..I hate speaking in front of people. I probably should have taken my speech class on campus but oh well, too late now. I think I will learn a lot from that class.

Haha I added it all up last night and it's going to take me ANOTHER TWO YEARS to freaking graduate. That's if I take just 2 classes per quarter which will be all that I can handle because I have a full time job. But I don't guess that's too bad, but considering I'm only going to have my A.S. that kind of sucks. All of my credits from SWGTC and St.Leo did not transfer. The only two classes that transferred was my psychology and college algebra classes. OH well, no use to get mad about it. I'm going to make the best of it and try to get it over with in as little time as possible. Plus I have a great job now that I am going to probably advance in so yeah.

OK I am rambling on about nothing at all. I'm just bored :) I will try to write later. I hope everyone has a great afternoon!
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