Monday is my birthday. That's probably today for most who read this. i don't talk about it much because i don't want to make a fuss.
Over the past week, 3 men i have "played with" have left this planet. Two due to auto/motorbike accidents, the other essentially due to hiv. :-| Went to a service Sunday (well, today) and was humbled by how many peoples' lives JH touched. Whoa. Found out about another just before attending JH's service today ... and the third when i got back.
karen_mssdl2004 and
katnmouse helped though... we had planned some pre-b-day play. i got 36 needles (with candles inserted into them) pierced in my inner thighs; 18 a side. After they were inserted but before being lit, i had a wonderful cathardic release and got to cry my eyes out for a time. i need more still... but i got to cry and mourn and honor my friends who passed, for they too are of Leather spirit and would have enjoyed my scene. At midnight,
katnmouse gave me my 36 spanks... among other things. ;)
Sorry to be so scarce, folks ... life is kinda busy and sometimes hard.