mrmanlytiara wrote in
Feb 19, 2009 22:28
Marth is wandering the halls, rubbing a hand over the back of his head. He's not quite sure as to what's happened, but he'd like to find out.
"Ah, excuse, me, is there anyone..around..?"
((U-Um let's try a bit more IC this time around. Same quirks more knowledge?))
mrmanlytiara wrote in
Jan 02, 2009 21:05
[Marth is sitting on the floor, his head in his hands. He has a massive headache and he's not sure why. He doesn't have a clue where he is, either. It seems..familiar at most, but he can't remember. Plus, his headache is getting worse, so why should he care if he knows?]
mrmanlytiara wrote in
Sep 21, 2008 19:48
[Marth is washing his hair out once again. It's a bright red color, and fades to blue every few moments when he thinks he's succesfully washed it out. Once he's done, he turns around and realizes it's yellow. It quickly switches to red as his mood swings and he goes to wash it again. This has been going on for quote a while now.]
mrmanlytiara wrote in
Aug 02, 2008 20:17
[Marth is sitting at the edge of the water. He's dressed, but his chestplate, cape, sword and headpiece are piled not far off along with his gloves. He looks like he wants to go in, but at the same time can't decide what he's doing.]
mrmanlytiara wrote in
Jul 24, 2008 17:17
[Marth is sitting by himself, leaning back on his arms and staring up at the stars. After a few minutes, he's barely awake. He could get up, but he doesn't really want to go back to his room.]
mrmanlytiara wrote in
May 30, 2008 15:57
This stubid cold won't go away. It's been a few days now. How long do they usually take? This is my first in a long while and it's getting on my-[ACHOO]
It's getting on my nerbs. D<
And I can't talk proberly eider. [sniff]
Oh and thank you for the soup waddledee
mrmanlytiara wrote in
May 26, 2008 22:12
Marth has the blankets pulled over his head and is surrounded by tissues. He's sneezing every few minutes and his face is all flushed. He's sort of out of it.
"Ugh. This isn't good.."