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punchtheflute October 15 2011, 05:54:40 UTC
Welcome back, Charizard.


blazinglizard October 15 2011, 06:05:08 UTC
Thanks, lardmo. Congratulations on becomin' even more gelatinous while I was away.


punchtheflute October 15 2011, 06:21:44 UTC
Yep, I've been working really hard on that new years resolution! Almost got that extra hundred pounds!!

How was your vacation time? Did you go back to Pallet town or somewhere else?


blazinglizard October 15 2011, 06:24:24 UTC
Keep reachin' for that star. You'll achieve King Lard status if you believe.

Yeah, Pallet and Viridian both. Short enough distance between the two that you really don't even gotta bother flyin'.


punchtheflute October 15 2011, 07:17:06 UTC
Less believing, more french fries!

Yeah, I remember it being a nice walk between the two. You do anything fun or just spend time relaxing? How's Green's Sister? She was nice.


blazinglizard October 15 2011, 07:26:58 UTC
Good point. Belief ain't something you can dip in baconnaise.

Had a hell of a time up in Viridian. Can't believe I went years without seein' my own trainer's gym. You oughta see what he's done with the place. Nice seein' the rest of the peanut gallery, too. Got to see how I stack up against 'em, and I kicked serious ass, if you ask me.

Pallet was less excitin', I guess. Oak's got a new batch of starters hatched up. Holy hell, Charmanders are a huge pain in the ass. Little brats wouldn't leave me alone. Think Daisy was glad for the company, though. She spoiled me rotten, and we talked about Green pretty much nonstop. She's gotten real good at that groomin' thing, y'know.


punchtheflute October 15 2011, 07:38:04 UTC
Aw man - why'd you have to go say Baconnaise? Now I'm hungry for Baconnaise, haha!

I'd like to see his Gym! I bet it's looking really great. And it would be fun to see the rest of your team that isn't at school here. How's Pidgeot doing? Has he ever looked into coming here?

Aw. I'd like to see all the new little starters. They sound like fun. And I remember Daisy used to do those massages? She was really good at those too - always made me feel really relaxed. Which I guess isn't saying much because.. well. I feel relaxed pretty easily. But still.


blazinglizard October 15 2011, 07:57:33 UTC
Pidge is the same as ever. Think he's got his feathers a bit ruffled about me totally out-flyin' him, though. I 'unno if he'd ever show up around these parts or not. Kinda think he's likin' actin' like he's in charge back at the gym.

She's only gotten better, wondergut. She does groomin' nowadays too. I was all sheddin' and peely when I showed up, but she had me like new in no time.


punchtheflute October 15 2011, 20:01:55 UTC
Wow, you're outflying him now? That's impressive - He flies FAST. I hardly ever saw him coming! That's cool!

I should go pay her a visit. My summer coat is finally starting to grow out.


blazinglizard October 15 2011, 23:10:12 UTC
Turns out I'm a goddamn genius at flyin', too. Probably helped that I been havin' a shitload of practice at it, though. Haulin' ass to other regions all the time really works the wing muscles, y'know? I mean... back when I first evolved, tryin' to fly to Sinnoh just about wiped me. Had to stop and rest up on an unsuspectin' boat along the way. Visited again a couple months back, and I made that trip just fine. Hell, got halfway across the region before I had to touch down.

[Good job, Sonny Moe, now you've got him bragging.]

...Pretty sure at this point I'm contractually obligated to tell you to stay away from my family and threaten you with several dozen kidneypunches. Might need help locatin' said kidneys amongst all them folds, though.


punchtheflute October 15 2011, 23:43:46 UTC
That's really cool, being able to hop around the regions like that. What's Sinnoh even like? I heard it's pretty cold and has a big mountain in the middle, but that's about all I know.

[It's OK. Sonny is just amazed and delighted that they are having an actual conversation type conversation.]

Yeah. I know you are. But I don't think she'd really mind - she was nice last time I saw her. Hey, I guess if you wanted to punch me up, it would help shake off some of this extra fur, kinda like beating a rug! haha!


blazinglizard October 15 2011, 23:56:01 UTC
Definitely cold. It was winter second time I went. Snow friggin' everywhere. Much prettier if you can go in the summer. They got a tower kinda like Lavender used to have, and a bunch of incredibly stupid-lookin' contents. Don't enter those.

[BIT BY BIT HE'S GROWIN' UP, SONNY. Well, that and Smoe isn't nearly as easy to drag into an argument as Vinnie or Sasha would be.]

Yeah, she probably wouldn't. Think she'd be happy to have someone visitin', even if it's one of Red's complete wastes of oxygen. Just make sure you don't make a mess of the place or nothin', or I'll burn all that fur off instead.


punchtheflute October 16 2011, 00:50:49 UTC
I've never really been interested in contests myself, though, I know some people who are. What about the Pokemon there? Are they really different to Kanto and Johto? I don't recall if I've ever met many Pokemon from there at all.

[Our little Char is growing up sob sob quick, get the camera. Have him stand at the kitchen door and get the pencil so we can mark his height!]

You know I wouldn't mess the place up, Char! That would be rude, you know.


blazinglizard October 16 2011, 02:11:34 UTC
There are Zubat and Geodude and all that other stuff you find everywhere, but there's plenty of stuff you can't see in Kanto, too. All kinda shitty-lookin', though, if you ask me. I mean, you ever taken a good look at a Bidoof?

[He burned the kitchen down last week, sweetie.]

I dunno, dude, I've seen you when you get in the mood for snackin'. Who knows what sorta chaos that'll lead to?


punchtheflute October 16 2011, 04:11:32 UTC
Oh!! Bidoof are from there? Cool!

[He loves Justin Beiver, Char. You'll never take that from him.]

I wouldn't raid your family's fridge. I have SOME manners, you know. Even when I'm hungry!


blazinglizard October 16 2011, 05:48:19 UTC
Yeah, the place is crawlin' with the useless little things.

Good. If you gotta eat somebody outta house 'n home, then go over to Red's.


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