Oh, look. It's this douchebag.

Oct 14, 2011 20:10

[Where the hell has Char been all summer?

The short version: Kanto.

The long version? On a strange and surprising journey of self-discovery and acceptance and not being pissed off all the goddamn time.

Stop one: Viridian. He laid eyes on the gym for the very first time. Nice, what Green had done with the place. Not the best surface to challenge Arcanine to a race, though; lots of spinning around and sliding on those floor tiles ensued. Still, it'd been far too long since he'd seen Pidge, Jolteon, Exeggutor... all the rest of that big 'ol crowd Green also trained. Still couldn't outrun Arcanine, but he was quite sure he gave Pidge a run for his money when it came to flying. (He hadn't realized how much he'd missed them all.)

Stop two: Pallet Town. He hadn't seen Daisy in years; last time he'd seen Green's sister, he'd been a Charmeleon. Also he sorta kinda might have bitten her. A little. (She forgave him, for the record, and she really was amazing at grooming.) Oak's lab, too. ...He visited his mom. Talked about some things. Yeah, he's a grown Charizard, but sometimes a guy's gotta let his mom know that he's thinking of her. The lab was full of fresh Charmanders just waiting for beginner trainers to pick them out. Seeing a male Charizard was mind-blowing for them -- even moreso when they found out he had started out just like them. He'd spent the remainder of his visit swarmed by Charmanders begging to play-fight, to please ride on his back while he flew, to show them what Flare Blitz looked like, to come play chase... every request had been met with cantankerous grumbling about demandin' little brats, but begrudgingly granted.

(...It was kinda nice.)

Stop three: Fuchsia. Torrent's egg had hatched, and there was a baby Squirtle running all over the place. Begrudgingly, Char conceded that the little guy was kinda cute. Ish. For a Squirtle. He guessed. Aiden booked a week off work for a camping trip. ...It had been a lot like the old days, gathering around a campfire, talking for hours under the stars. ...The difference between his life and the one Adrenaline and Alkaline lead surprised him; they were happy and comfortable, but they were housepets. Char... wasn't a housepet. Sincerely doubted he could ever be one. He and Aiden did a lot of talking that week. About college, about football, about Nyx, about the future. ...Aiden spoke to him like he would a human, not a Pokemon.

(It was strangely bittersweet.)

Last stop: Route 10. His familiar stomping grounds. The formerly-enslaved Charizards were doing better. With Char around full-time, they flourished; hunting, flying, all the necessary skills for survival... they'd really been getting the hang of it all. Char's hope of them all splintering off never quite happened, but he was pleased to note that the competitive spirit a male ought to have was starting to burn within them. They fought, they bragged about bringing in the biggest kill, they compared wingspans and tail flames with an eager pride in their eyes. The mood was strangely infectuous; Sasha showed up faithfully when the Dojo allowed her the time, and though Char had argued with her each and every time, it had been more for the fun of arguing than out of irritation. He wasn't sure how, but the two of them had managed to build up a functioning, capable pack of Charizards out of a helpless little pack of sheep. It was funny; he'd claimed it was just some eye-rolling pain in the ass responsiblity, a task shoved upon him... but he was just as proud of those Charizards as he was of Bulba or Rasputin.

(Kind of proud of Sasha, too.)

Still, summer could only last so long. A chill seeped into the air, the leaves turned gold. Finally (about a month after his first semester as a college freshman had begun), he spread his wings and headed for home. First of all, the forest; Rasputin had responded to his call, skittering joyfully from the wilderness back into daddy's arms. Who was a good boy? He was. Yes he was, oh yes he was. Daddy missed him so, so much! Just look at how big he was! So big! So, so big! Spider and Charizard turned to the dorms together, falling back into the familiar routine. BE-12 as usual, with stupid pain-in-the-ass Genny waiting for... oh. Never mind. BE-12 was empty. Not a single sign of that stupid tank that he'd always used to take shelter from Char in. ...Alright. Cool. Exactly what he wanted, actually. No more Genny. Perfect. ...Right. Well. Time to dust off that old laptop, he supposed.]


Sup, faggots? Here's hoping you haven't forgotten who owns this school. (I'll give you a hint: go fuck yourselves, because it's me.)

So, gimme an update: have we run Red's dumb ass outta the school yet, or do I gotta go reduce his kidneys to the consistence of paper-mache? And where the shit's Genny? Has he finally fled this shitpit in a fit of bitch tears?

pokemon: rhys (rhyperior), pokemon: green oak, pokemon: chika (pikachu), advance wars: jake, metroid: samus aran, pokemon: vinne (venusaur), pokemon: lt.surge, !public post, pokemon: sonny moe (snorlax), pilotwings: goose, fire emblem: nephenee, pokemon: kerosene (charizard), sonic: knuckles, advance wars: max, pokemon: red, pokemon: bulba (ivysaur), mario: general guy, pokemon: nyx (gengar), pokemon: voile (gardevoir)

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