Smash 1x01

Feb 09, 2012 20:57

I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion about the pilot episode.

What did everyone think? Personally, I loved it.

I like that we're seeing all sides of the process. Usually, on shows and movies like this, it's solely from the perspective of the actor or actress wanting to get the part. I like that we're seeing the creation process in Tom and Julia, the management process with Eileen, the 'birthing process' (so to speak) with Derek, and the acting struggles of Ivy and Karen.

And I like that the episode ended with the end of the song, so that we didn't even hear the production team's comments on Ivy and Karen's callbacks.

I also enjoyed seeing the characters' private lives. I hope we get to see more of Dev, Frank, and Leo.

And I liked how Karen handled the situation with Derek. It might blow up in her face later, but I think he deserved it.

discussion: episode

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