Painting Class 001

Aug 08, 2008 15:06

((OOC Okay how I think this'll work:

1) This class is intended primarily for Tegaki E use, mostly just 'coz we can reply directly to the images themselves on there. HOWEVER, if you wanna do an assignment on oekaki, or wanna do it in Photoshop/Painter/oC/SAI/et cetera and upload it and put it perhaps on SBG_Creative for student critique or something like that, that's all fine by me, whatever works best for you. If Tegaki E starts failboating, we can do Tegaki J but it has even more limited colors so . . . well we'll cross that bridge when it comes, eh?)

I'll see how well the first class goes, if it goes real well I'll prolly make a new Tegaki tag (lol D:) so our main thread isn't full of art assignments.

2) Someone asked if they'd have to draw how their characters would draw. Honestly, I don't care a whole lot. Mods can pipe in with this if they want, but since I'm not actually really GRADING anything (EVERYONE WILL PRETTY MUCH BE GETTING AN A UNLESS THEY WANT ME TO GIVE THEM A WORSE GRADE FOR ROLEPLAY PLOT PURPOSES 8D) it doesn't really matter to me how well you/your character draws. if you want to be an anal IC person you could perhaps make the first couple of assignments kinda crappy and have your student improve? IT CAN HAPPEN BELIEVE IT.

3) Next class I'll post links to all assignments, whether they be on Tegaki, oekaki, an image uploaded to photobucket, et cetera, just so we'll have a listing of them~

4) HAVE FUN. >:( ))

Nyag~! Hi, students! Welcome to your first painting class! I'm so excited to be teaching, I HOPE YOU'RE EXCITED TO BE HERE!

Okay! In this class I provide acrylic paints, I'm a bit biased, heehee, but if anyone wants to do any painting in any other medium, oil or watercolor or what have you, in the future I'll help provide you with supplies!

Acrylics can be a bit tricky since they dry out faster than oils, but I find the challenge extra exciting for my pictures. If you want something more flexible, I'd suggest oil paint, I'll bring some linseed oil based ones in next week, I was so distracted by my big move and meeting new people I forgot to get something not acrylics, hahaha silly me!

But we're gonna launch right into our work today, kids! There's honestly not much I can say or do right now to teach you other than letting you launch into work and offer you advice as we go along. If you have any questions, any at all, ask away~

To keep things easy on you, our first assignment is a simple, introductory one.
1) Paint someone from this school! Be it your roommate, your friend, a teacher you admire (or even hate heehee), a stranger that caught your fancy, one of those scary monster spiders I've seen about, nyag~, ANYone~ It can be a simple portrait or feel free to get creative with it~
2) It has to be a limited shade of color! Choose a shade you like and stick to it~ Here's an example I did quickly some days ago:
(I hadn't really met anyone at the school yet so I just did my trainer from when we were in school together~) ((OOC: if you have sketch lines showing that aren't the one shade of color I won't judge you on it lol like my gray lines))

Okay, that should be all! Ask any questions if you have any or wave me down if you just wanna chat, nyag. All due next Friday, have fun!

And oh yes, of course, please comment on each other's works! Can't improve less you help each other out, right?

((EDIT EDIT Since Numbers asked about Ollie, any teachers are always welcomed to stop in and paint, too, or pick up paints, and participate. 8D)))

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