Who: The Perpetual Uke Club's lead members Olimar and Luigi
What: Olimar confronts one of his favorite students Luigi about his jerk-ish questionable behavior from earlier.
When: July 18, briefly after Biology.
Where: Olimar's office
Rating: G, Luigi isn't one to swear and Olimar's very mild mannered when he's not pushed too far(and even then...), especially with students.
Olimar looked half-heartedly at the pen he idly held in his left hand, move back a little in his office chair. Luigi should be in his office any minute now, he never intended to have to drag the poor student in for a lecture anything too harsh. Luigi was normally a very kind thoughtful boy and Olimar held respect for someone as young as him to be usually more responsible. Especially from the little incident at the hot springs.
If anything this conversation had to be brief and to the point, for he had other plans in mind as soon as it was over with. Falcon had dropped hints that he might be needing someone around when talking with Minch later that day. The thought of what could possibly happen made him nervous and was dropped from thought at the moment.