Unova Adventuring? It's time to catch a Pokemon!

Oct 20, 2011 05:16

Who: Lash, Alex and Skarmory
When: Future-dated when Lash comes back from Gerudo Lands
What: Wunderkinds try to expand tiny team rosters by getting the most elusive of all Pokemon creatures - an afrotaur. I mean Bouffalant (may not be as elusive as first stated).
Where: Unova
Warnings: Alex swears a lot, Lash is a terrible rolemodel and Skarmory...uh is not house trained adorable.

Castelia City was a large bustling metropolis that reminded Lash a lot more of the cities of Orange Star Cities and Final Destination than the tiny ones she had passed visiting the other regions before (and what little she did). This was going to be their first stop before they'd go for their planned trip of heading down to find a single Pokemon Lash actually wanted - a buffalo-like creature that had hair reminding Lash a little too much of herself.

She really wanted it. After all, it might not fly, but there were buffalo wings, right? So that totally counted.

Totally. And it was a normal type - she didn't have any of those on her team either. Maybe she could find a kid or get a pair to breed like she had with Skamory who knows, she was gonna wing this, because she was that awesome. They were doomed.

'Route Ten' was still a long way off, but that was okay, she had her trusty transforming plane that could do the trick instead of bicycling around like most people did.

The machine landed close to the city, and she activated the holographic shielding which made it invisible. They might have not used it recently for anything Black Hole related for over a year, but hell if Lash wasn't going to abuse her own inventions. Not like Skarmory and Zapdos would go around telling everyone what she had or didn't have, after all.

"We're here!" she told them a little too excitedly. Busy Pokemon City was not a word Lash had known before, so this was mostly why it had been their first stop. MOrbid curiosity at what it had to offer, for one. She could also get some money exchanged so she could buy supplies as well. She could almost imagine herself as a trainer! And if asking for things didn't work, there could always be threatening and stealing. The best of both worlds.

Maybe one day she'd actually get badges or something.

[Either of you can go first and that will be out posting order! ♥]

!rp log, skarmory (pokemon), claus (mother), !mixed log, lash (advance wars), !closed log, alex/zapdos (pokemon)

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