
Mar 10, 2011 21:51

Who: Four space cops very upstanding and not suspicious at all representatives of the Galactic Federation purveyors of fine caffeinated drinks. Also, YOU.
What: So there's this coffee shop, right.
When: ALL WEEK. From Tuesday, March 8th, to the end of the AU event.
Where: A totally unassuming and absolutely not-a-front-for-Galactic Federation- ( Read more... )

vianca/red and white pikmin (pikmin), goose (pilotwings), sable (animal crossing), izzy/zubat (pokemon), uxie (pokemon), !open log, captain falcon (f-zero), kyle hyde (hotel dusk), blacky/misdreavus (pokemon), samus aran (metroid)

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March 10 at some point. Open to WHOEVER. vaporeonshowers March 11 2011, 04:34:45 UTC
Vaporeon was still gravely upset about her entire team being instantly vaporized along with the rest of Viridian city, but she decided there wasn't any good moping about it any longer. It wasn't like that would bring them back or anything. Maybe Samus was right about this whole independence thing. What would it be like to not have anyone hold her back? Or not be the one holding anyone back anymore, in her case.

She'd get strong enough to prevent something like this from happening to anybody else again. She'd be strong enough to protect Kerosene. He was all she had left.

But first she was going to drown her sorrows in some cappuccinos. She'd heard that was some new fad with businessmen in some place called Fourside, and since she couldn't easily get into a bar without Neph and her special connections, a cappuccino would have to do. She stood outside the cafe for several minutes pondering the DivX symbol someone had painted onto the concrete.

She stepped inside, the strong aroma of coffee hitting her like a slap in the face.


Re: March 10 at some point. Open to WHOEVER. colonel_falcon March 11 2011, 05:12:31 UTC
Oh, look, it was Samus' probably lesbian roommate.

He was supposed to be undercover MAYBE HE SHOULD JUST STAY IN THE BACK ROOM AND LET SOMEONE ELSE HANDLE IT. Surely, however, she would not recognize him with his brilliant disguise.

Decisions, decisions.


vaporeonshowers March 11 2011, 05:21:25 UTC
More like definitely lesbian with an exception for robot ninjas roommate.

While Falcon was busy trying to make important life decisions, Vaporeon was just going to. Ding the bell. More than once.


colonel_falcon March 12 2011, 01:23:34 UTC
Well that was kind of annoying. His subordinates had to be the laziest coffee shop workers like, ever.

But no matter how brilliant his disguise was, he didn't think he quite wanted to chance it on Samus' roommate, especially if they were all supposed to be undercover. Best to stall until Kyle or Uxie were done cleaning the toilet or whatever they were doing.

"Just a minute." He called.



vaporeonshowers March 12 2011, 02:51:12 UTC
That voice sounded like... someone. She couldn't quite pin it. The guy who used to answer the phone for the pizza place?

Anyway, Vaporeon had a disguise of her own. She clicked her tongue and sighed dramatically. "Wow, too bad I'll have to mention this in my food review for The Final Print..."


colonel_falcon March 13 2011, 04:00:11 UTC

He was pretty sure that a Smash Academy student was not an actual reporter, but what did he know? She could easily be a student contributor. He wasn't sure if she was bluffing or not, and, as the Colonel was pretty new to the whole coffee service industry, wasn't sure what to make of food reporters.

"Yes. Well. Someone will be with you. Shortly."


betterthanawiki March 13 2011, 05:42:31 UTC
Suddenly! Someone was with her. A very teachery someone.

"Taken on a new part-time job, have we? I certainly hope this won't have any impact on your grades." If there was one thing that Uxie simply couldn't resist, it was calling a bluff. Consider it a perk of being a mind-reader. A smug, smug, jerk of a mind-reader. One who would jump at any excuse to not be cleaning the bathroom.

"Well then, what can I get for you?"


vaporeonshowers March 13 2011, 06:17:52 UTC
A very teachery someone with a voice she could more easily place. Man. He hadn't been around for ten seconds and already she was feeling the inexplicable urge to punch him in his smug little face.

"Yeah, speaking of part time jobs, nice bowtie. Teaching wages are that bad, huh?" She squinted up at the menu, completely clueless as to what half the drinks were even supposed to be. Were those names even in English? "Uh... I guess a regular cappuccino. The biggest size you have."


betterthanawiki March 13 2011, 06:44:37 UTC
Luckily for Vaporeon, Uxie actually knew how to make a cappuccino.

"Oh, no. I'm not working here for the money. I'm just... helping out an old friend." The rather frigid smile on his face as he explained that kind of hinted otherwise. Nobody who stuck Uxie with toilet-scrubbing was a friend of his, you see. "He's new in town and he's had trouble finding staff, so a few of us are covering until he can hire some proper employees."

And lo, one bit of obnoxious machinery-whirring later, one (1) large cappuccino.


vaporeonshowers March 13 2011, 06:53:09 UTC
"That's pretty nice of you." Uxie had friends? No way, there had to be a catch. Like said friend being a complete lunatic or something. Or was he only a smug dickface during school hours? The mystery deepens...

She took a sip of her drink and swished it around in her mouth like any classy coffee connoisseur would do. After a moment she put it down on the counter and made a face. "Make it again."

There wasn't anything wrong with it. But being the one to boss a teacher around was just too tempting.


betterthanawiki March 13 2011, 21:11:37 UTC
Sigh. Oh, the things he did for his line of work. A legendary creature bowing to the whims of some teenaged Vaporeon would have been unheard of anywhere else. Though... he supposed he really didn't count as a legendary anymore, did he? "Fine. But only because I like you."

Thus: more obnoxious machine-whirring.


vaporeonshowers March 14 2011, 02:24:03 UTC
"Enough to give me an A-plus?"


betterthanawiki March 14 2011, 04:00:10 UTC
"Don't be absurd. Grades are earned, not given away." And another coffee. You enjoy that, Vaporeon.


vaporeonshowers March 14 2011, 04:04:19 UTC

She sulked a bit and began drinking. If one looked closely it may have seemed like she was spitting tiny shards of ice into the coffee to cool it down.

"It's not my fault! You're playing some kind of mind games or... something. I keep not studying because I'm positive I've done it all before but then when the tests come I can't remember a thing."


betterthanawiki March 14 2011, 04:14:28 UTC
Maybe if he were a coffee snob, he might have chastised Vaporeon for watering down his beautiful creation. Luckily, he hated this silly charade and couldn't have cared less if Vaporeon had dumped a pitcher of Kool-Aid into the stupid drink. Though he probably would have seriously questioned her tastes.

"Come now, is that really fair? Any student, no matter how clever she fancies herself to be, will inevitably do poorly if she fails to study. My mind games have nothing to do with your lack of preparation whatsoever."


vaporeonshowers March 14 2011, 04:18:43 UTC
"So you do admit to mind games!" She pointed at him dramatically, nearly spilling her drink in the process.


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