a valentine's surprise! will it end in awry?

Feb 07, 2011 18:32

Who: Lt. Surge, Goose
What: They're gonna make a cake. God willing.
Where: Their apartment, of course.
When: Wayyy futuredated to Valentine's Day. (Don't worry, there's reasons for it. %);; )
Warnings: EXPLOSIONS MAYBE or not. Maybe cakesplosions.

probably. )

!rp log, goose (pilotwings), lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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badasstrenches February 13 2011, 17:49:53 UTC
"Yeah, yeah, I know. She's your first Pokemon. You're just startin' out. It's okay, I'll help ya," the lieutenant started to rub the burn lotion on the skin. He made sure to be careful and not to aggravate the skin further.

"Pokeblocks? Nah, don't really know too much about 'em. You may want to ask some of the trainers at the school. They'd probably know." Surge shrugged, "I mostly just use vitamins on my Pokemon. In my opinion, Pokeblocks and poffins are more for Pokemon geared towards breedin' or contests."


badasscopters February 13 2011, 17:55:57 UTC
That was a strange mixture of soothing action and stinging. It made the skin feel less hot, but it did leave an odd, tingling-type pain regardless. Strange. No pain, no gain, he supposed when it came to treatment of this kind.

Once vitamins got mentioned, though, he paused.

He then... grinned.

"So... Pokesteroids? You're gonna give Tillie muscles?" Goose laughed. He braced himself in case he got smacked for that one.


badasstrenches February 13 2011, 18:03:40 UTC
Surge paused, considering smacking some sense into the pilot. But he figured Goose had experienced enough pain for one day. The kind that would last for at least a week. That seemed like punishment enough.

"Ha ha, very funny," he dryly replied. "Vitamins are legit. They aren't as extreme as steroids or anything. 'Side, it wouldn't hurt if Tillie increased her stats."


badasscopters February 13 2011, 18:06:59 UTC
"Her... stats?"

Goose paused. He was about to show a shining example of Pokeknowledge right here. The most shining example.

"What... kinda stats?"

That, or the exact opposite of shining.


badasstrenches February 13 2011, 19:44:53 UTC
Wrapping the hands in bandages, Surge shot Goose a blank stare. "... Really?"

Of course the pilot wouldn't know about stats. Why did the lieutenant think that just because Goose jumped into the world of Pokemon training, the younger man would actually learn things about Pokemon beforehand? That was just hopeful thinking on Surge's part.

He sighed. "Stats are things like speed, attack, defense, special attack and special defense." Those were the basic examples, but better start off slow for Goose.


badasscopters February 13 2011, 19:49:06 UTC
That was a very good idea. Chances are that Surge would completely lose Goose if he went on about, say, IVs and EVs. That would just be completely lost to him.

"Makes sense. What kinda difference does special attack and special defense make, though?" Goose flexed his hand open and closed after the bandages were wrapped on. Ah, much better. "This stuff ain't straight-forward, ain't it?"


badasstrenches February 15 2011, 00:07:00 UTC
"Well, y'know how there are physical attacks and then more magical attacks? The physical ones are considered 'attack' and the more energy, magic ones are 'special attack.'"

Surge wasn't too sure how well he was explaining, but he was trying to make it as simple as possible. Living most of his adult life surrounded by Pokemon, training simply became a second nature to him. It was a little weird to actually sit down and think about the technical aspects of it all.


badasscopters February 15 2011, 00:20:01 UTC
"... Riiiiiight. Guess that makes some sense. So punchin' would be attack, and electricity would be 'special attack', I guess." It made enough sense to Goose, at least.

Tillie, who just so happened to be happily perched on a chair, nodded. Maybe it was time to give Goose a demonstration.

Thus, she Pecked at the cake. She then Gusted it. CAKE BITS EVERYWHERE.


badasstrenches February 21 2011, 21:03:22 UTC
At least Goose had some understanding of it. "Right. Just like that," Surge nodded.

And then Tillie started using some attacks. Raising his arms, he tried to shield himself from the barrage of cake. "Stop! Tillie!"

Growling, he snapped, "Goose, tell her to quit it! She's your Pokemon!"


badasscopters February 21 2011, 21:43:34 UTC
Ahhhhh CAKE. Cake. Everywhere. Goose... didn't honestly mind, but of course, his fiance didn't. OOPS.

"O-Okay, okay... hey! Tillie! Use... stop or somethin'!" Hey, he didn't really know how to command a Pokemon yet. It did work, though, and Tillie stopped messing up the room.

It was then that the Swablu realized what she'd done. Oh no. A mess. OH NO.

Tillie proceeded to fly onto Surge's arm and attempt to wipe off some of the cake with her wings.

"... At least she cleans up after herself." He folded his arms. "'Kay, so now that THAT'S fixed... What are we gonna do now? My gift for you's ruined."


badasstrenches February 23 2011, 17:59:08 UTC
It seemed that Surge would have to teach Goose way more about Pokemon than he first thought. But that was a conversation for another time. He let out a defeated sigh and allowed Tillie to clean up.

"We should probably help her," the lieutenant glanced around at the mess. "As for the gift..."

What was he supposed to say? Goose had tried his hardest and things literally blew up in their faces. Surge was sure that the pilot was disappointed. "Don't worry 'bout it. You know I ain't got much of a sweet tooth anyway."


badasscopters February 23 2011, 18:21:31 UTC
"But damn, I wanna do... something... and- wait!"

Goose paused for a moment, a thought reaching his head. "I've got it. Hold on."

The pilot then headed off to the bedroom, off to find a secret stash of things that even Surge may not have known about.

He then returned with none other than one of these. At least, one of Goose's old ones that he no longer needed to show proof of his being a pilot.

"... Here. You can have it."

He then reached for Surge's jacket and clipped it onto the right breast area.


badasstrenches February 25 2011, 13:48:19 UTC
Surge knew what the medal was, not that he had ever received a pilot's one before. It was no doubt Goose's pride and joy. He felt a bit guilty accepting it, but if Goose wanted to give it, far be it for the lieutenant to reject a gift.

"Thanks," he smiled. Pulling the younger man into a one armed hug, he replied, "So, uh... Happy Valentine's Day."


badasscopters February 25 2011, 13:56:44 UTC
Surge, you can be such a sap sometimes. "... Heh. Glad you like it. And same for you or somethin'."

Goose, however, was not very good at sap. Oh well. He still wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close, enjoying a nice, warm embrace. At least the day wasn't ruined.

... But there was still that mess. Oh. Oh. "Eh. We... we're gonna have to clean that up."

((OOC // Also, wedding log's up whenever you're ready~ Should their honeymoon be the day after, on the 26th to the 27th? Do you want to log that, too? Just little last minute details.))


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