a valentine's surprise! will it end in awry?

Feb 07, 2011 18:32

Who: Lt. Surge, Goose
What: They're gonna make a cake. God willing.
Where: Their apartment, of course.
When: Wayyy futuredated to Valentine's Day. (Don't worry, there's reasons for it. %);; )
Warnings: EXPLOSIONS MAYBE or not. Maybe cakesplosions.

probably. )

!rp log, goose (pilotwings), lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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badasstrenches February 7 2011, 23:59:04 UTC
Well too bad for Goose, but Surge finished all of his work early. That meant he could go home early and relax. To be honest, he just wanted to spend a quiet evening in the apartment with the pilot. Sure it was Valentine's Day, so it was obvious they'd have a nice dinner together, but he just didn't feel like going out.

Not to mention, probably half the city was going nuts trying to find last minute restaurants that were still open. Most people booked at least a week in advance for the holiday. Going out really wasn't an option. And he wasn't about to make himself crazy trying.

Unlocking the apartment door, he hummed towards Hettie and Tillie. At least they were well behaved while he was gone. Since Goose was already there, he called out, "I'm back."


badasscopters February 8 2011, 00:04:57 UTC
Many plans are destined to be ruined, and tonight, this would include Goose's. It didn't mean that he'd stop making the cake- in fact, the lieutenant's help would probably be appreciated. Maybe it'd even make the night more fun.

What wasn't fun was when Surge entered and completely surprised him. The result?


Goose accidentally squeezing an open tube of icing (he was getting that ready in a little icing squirting bag for when he finished the cake, see). Right at Surge's face.

Hope you like light green, Surge.


badasstrenches February 9 2011, 21:33:01 UTC
All. Over. His. Face.

Surge blinked as his eyesight was momentarily covered in green. As he wiped it from his eyes, he grimaced at the sticky substance. What on earth was this? Sticky, sweet smelling... After taking a quick lick of his now-icing covered fingers, he realized what the green ooze was.

Then he looked up. And noticed the cake.

"... You're baking," the lieutenant remarked in a surprised tone.


badasscopters February 9 2011, 21:53:01 UTC
Well, at least it wasn't an intruder, but he still wasn't fully happy to see his fiance back home.

The cake flour was out in a box still with the milk, egg, and other ingredients still out. ((F-Fff sorry I should have mentioned that the cake wasn't even mixed or anything yet--)) The mixing bowl, cake pan, and other such things were already out and prepped. Goose was just preparing the icing at this point when a certain someone decided to come home.

So much for it being a total surprise. Goose laughed awkwardly.

"... Baking. For you?" He shrugged, and again, accidentally squeezed some icing right onto the floor. Uhhh. "... Or tryin' to."


badasstrenches February 9 2011, 22:05:14 UTC
((Ffffffff I didn't even notice that. Hur dur i r read gud.))

To say the kitchen was a mess would be an understatement. The ingredients were lying about and now icing was dripping onto the floor. Surge didn't know whether to cringe or laugh at the sight.

"For me?" Oh right. Valentine's Day. Romantic gestures. That sort of thing. "Do you, uh, need any help?"

"I mean," he quickly added, "I'm sure if you did it yourself, it'd still be good. But with two people in the kitchen, we'd be able to finish and eat it sooner."


badasscopters February 9 2011, 22:10:11 UTC
Goose frowned for a moment. He seemed upset for just a brief minute... but then a wide grin spread across his face. That shit-eating grin never meant anything good.

"Sure, right. You can help me out. By the way..."

SQUIRT AGAIN. Surge gets icing squirted onto his pants now.

"... That's for ruining the surprise." And now Goose felt he had satisfied his sweet revenge.


badasstrenches February 10 2011, 17:47:07 UTC
Wow Goose, how old were you, 8? Surge glared down at his icing-coated pants. Grumbling, he marched off towards their bedroom, "I gotta change."

A few moments later, he returned in one of his workout outfits. At least he didn't have to worry about getting those dirty. "Alright, so..." he stared at all the ingredients.

And then remembered that he didn't know the first thing about baking. "... Uh, what... do we do?"


badasscopters February 10 2011, 18:07:15 UTC
"Add stuff and mix it. Y'know, that's kinda how you make a cake and all." Goose gave a sassy smirk. He gestured to a recipe for his favorite cake, red velvet, on the counter.

"I already greased the pans. Just need to cream some stuff together. Heh... cream."

Sorry, Surge, I think he's more like an immature gay teenager than an 8-year-old.

"Think you could make the chocolate paste for me?" He gestured to the red food coloring and chocolate. Goose already had the oven preheating, as well. What Surge may not know, however, was that Goose had it on a higher temperature than 350. By that, I mean 450.

What? The faster it cooks, the better, right?


badasstrenches February 10 2011, 19:00:08 UTC
"Chocolate paste... right..." Surge pointedly ignored the pilot's childish humor. Honestly, sometimes Surge had to question his taste in significant others.

Focusing on his task at hand, Surge was oblivious to the temperature of the oven. That was part of Goose's job, right? So he let the younger man handle that part of the baking.

"Let's see..." he stared at the recipe before nodding. Mixing together the chocolate and food coloring was easier than he had expected. Then again, he wasn't sure whether he was doing it right or wrong. Considering it didn't look like crap, the lieutenant figured it was fine. "Okay, done with that," he looked over at Goose for the next instructions.


badasscopters February 10 2011, 21:47:02 UTC
"How about you start incorporatin' that and the buttermilk and flour with the rest of this while I see what's after that?" That was just as far as Goose could remember. He shoved the bowl of shortening mixture softly towards Surge's direction. He then walked over and peered over at the piece of paper.

"Lessee... 'Mix 1 teaspoon of salt, baking soda, and vinegar in a small bowl, and while fizzing, fold into the batter; mixing just...' Wait." Goose paused with a bewildered look on his face.

"Fizzing cake? Cake can fizz?"

He was clearly no baking expert.


badasstrenches February 11 2011, 00:54:57 UTC
"Sure," Surge nodded. He took the two bowls before pausing. He had to incorporate them. That just meant... mixing them with a spoon, right? Shrugging, Surge poured the chocolate paste into the bigger bowl and combined the ingredients with a wooden spoon.

He briefly heard something about fizzing. "Wait, what? I... don't know." Crossing over to the pilot, he read the recipe over Goose's shoulder. "Oh. Baking soda and vinegar. You know, like science fair volcanoes."


badasscopters February 11 2011, 00:58:56 UTC
"Still don't get how that helps cake, but whatever ya say." Goose stared at the mixture, and albeit hesitantly, he mixed in the rest of the ingredients. It was definitely pretty fizzy, but it worked a little better than he thought. Huh. At least it didn't blow up on him! OMINOUS FORESHADOWING.

"Now we just stick this stuff in!" Goose poured the mixture into the cake pan and made sure to even it out. "Recipe says about 20 minutes, but..." The pilot slid the cake pan inside. "I made the oven hotter, so it oughta be a lot faster, eh?"


badasstrenches February 11 2011, 01:11:46 UTC
As Goose spoke, Surge simply nodded. Goose knew more about cooking than he did, so the pilot probably knew more about baking too. He trusted the other man's judgment. Which was probably a bad idea, but oh well.

"I guess so? Do you know how long it'll take now? Or will you just be able to tell when it's done?" Surge assumed it was something similar to cookies of muffins. Those usually turned golden brown when they were done, right? Then again, this was a chocolate cake, so he wasn't sure whether the color would change or not.


badasscopters February 11 2011, 01:46:35 UTC
"I'll just keep checkin'. I think I'll be able to tell," Goose assured him, patting him on the shoulder. "Heh, c'mon, have a little more trust in me."

He peeked into the oven after a minute and shoved the door back in. "Lookin' good so far. Kinda wish I could've surprised you with it, though." He gave a bit of an awkward laugh and a shrug. "So... happy Valentine's day? Heh." Hey, he tried.


badasstrenches February 11 2011, 02:05:26 UTC
"Nah, it's fine," Surge shook his head, smirking. "I'm surprised you did this at all. It's nice."

He wrapped his arm around Goose's waist. "Then again, anytime I return home and see your home-cooked meals is nice."

Pausing, he wrinkled his nose. "That was kind of sappy, huh? Sorry."


1/2 badasscopters February 11 2011, 02:23:24 UTC
Goose couldn't help a loud, impolite snort. Surge? Being sappy? That was new to him.

"Can't say no to anything that makes me feel like a freaking god." He smirked proudly, arms snaking around Surge's shoulders. "But... hey, thanks. I do it for a reason, heh."

And so the sappy moment was just a little extended with a nice, deep kiss on the lips...


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