Dec 15, 2010 20:58

Who: Eggman, students
What: Eggman tries to get out of the dog house talks about discrimination and caste systems.
Where: Eggman's classroom
When: Wednesday, Dec. 15
Warnings: DEPENDS on who shows up

Well, after the last couple of days, this was the LAST thing he cared about doing.  The school was in an uproar, not that he'd usually care about such things, but now Flurrie was mad at him.  That, he DID care about.  So she was upset about his comments regarding the animals at the school, huh?  About how they didn't count as people?  Well, he'd show her.  A hastily rewritten lecture plan later, and here he was, talking to his students when they arrived.

"Good afternoon," he began tersely.  "Today we're going to talk about CASTE SYSTEMS.  Since olden times, humans have always discriminated against one another for a variety of different reasons.  Skin color, wealth, heritage, sex, pretty much everything you can think of, people discriminate against each other using it.  As a species, we are hard-wired to seek out groups, and perceive anyone who doesn't belong to those groups as being frightening."

At this point, he reached into his coat pocket and began to read from some cue cards he had written earlier.  "This does not mean that it is right or good.  Discrimination for any reason is wrong and anyone who does it should be ashamed--"  Flip to next card, "--of themselves."

The cards went back into his pocket.  "Now, CASTE SYSTEMS are a form of ORGANIZED DISCRIMINATION.  Traditional caste systems of old were based on the concept that people should stick to what they do best, though often those living under such systems were often TOLD simply what they did best.  Simply put, a caste is a social strata that determined what you could do for a job, where you could live, who you could marry, and who you could interact with.  Movement between castes was forbidden.  Nowadays, caste systems are far less frequent, given to the rise of participatory democracy and free market capitalism in much of the world, rendering such legitimized discrimination obsolete."

Out came the cue cards again.  "Isn't it wonderful that now we are all equal, every one of us, to do whatever we want and be friends with whoever we--"  Flip cards.  "--want?  You should all appreciate the world you live in and remember that it takes many different--" Flip. "--types of people to make a world."

He tossed the cards aside.  "I can't believe I wrote that...  Anyway, today's discussion topic is simple:  Which is better, a democracy or a caste-based system, and why?"

# political science, eggman/robotnik (sonic the hedgehog), !class log

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