Who: Nephenee and YOU
What: Meeting people, being shown around, everything and anything
Where: Campus
When: December 3rd
Warnings: Depends on who shows up. Also grammar mangling.
The snow crunched under Nephenee's feet as she came to stand in front of the school. It had been a long journey, but finally she'd made it here, to this place that taught one how to fight and become stronger. It was so much bigger than she'd imagined, bigger than some of the buildings in Begnion even; how was she going to find her way around here? The sentinel shifted uncomfortably in her armor. Though glad she had worn her longer leg covers today,
this armor wasn't suited to the cold, and her lance and shield felt like it might freeze to her hands. Clearly she hadn't figured on it being so cold when she arrived here.
She slung the shield over her back, walking now. Maybe if she looked around, she could find someone to help her?
[No, she has no clue what she's doing, other than having a few papers telling her a room number and some other things. She looks pretty lost. Come help?]