Campfires, marshmallows, stories, oh my! PART TWO.

Apr 25, 2010 18:24

Who: A bajillion people yo.
What: A continuation of part 1! Campfires that start for no good reason.
Where: Somewhere near the woods ~o~
When: October 1st
Warnings: Not for people scared of boars how about that.

Nyx: Hey, man, I already said, I got a good one, but... I wanna make sure we got somethin' real good to finish it up. Anyone else got somethin'?

Lash: *Hey Flak you're a comfortable seat, I hope you don't mind* What are we talking about, anyway?

Tony: I have bandaids if you need them Jeff! *holds them up*

Ionia: Who would ever cancel F-Zero?

Wolf: *patpats Falcon*

Falcon: *Oh Wolf yes comfort me all night long* I'll...tell you about it later, Ionia.

Jeff: Really? Oh, th- I.. I don't know if a bandage counts for a punch. Why are you even carrying those around?

Tony: Oh never you mind. It doesn't hurt to be prepared!

Pit: *hnnnn his flacon space is being hogged so bad :< He had him first.*

Samus: *I am loading up a stick full of marshmallows for fake fambly bonus edition Lucas, Wolf, and Pit and Tony gosh extended fambly or something.*

Wolf: *i'll be ur rock falcon bby~*

Blacky: *Hands Samus a marshmallow for her too. :>*

Falcon: *Pit, there might be room on Falcon's lap if you can sneak there without him noticing.*

Pit: *Pit takes that opportunity because he is kind of getting cold in just a tank top and shorts and ooh that October breeze*

Daisy: *is finding it hard to stay awake, and slowly she rests her head against Peach's shoulder. She's just gonna close her eyes for a few moments...*


Daisy: *And now she's asleep.*

Zelda: *FURITIVE GLANCES. ...snuggle*

Amy: *Doesn't care, snuggle and yawn*


Samus: *NOM 8)*


Flak: *Of course he doesn't mind, Lash. He's far too busy shoveling down marshmallows.*

Larry: *Still wants marshmallows*

Lash: *Oh boy :| * Are Marshmallows made with milk products?

Peach: No

Zelda: *Throws them at Larry, they might bounce off his head.*

*They do*

Jeff: I think they're just all sugar. Probably chemicals, too.

Ashley: *Pops her marshmallow in her mouth with a slight grin*

Ionia: *There is always room in the lapspace Pit :D And here, maybe have just a liiitle bit of a lolicuddle because gosh you are cold.*

Falcon: *How did I end up with more than Ionia in my lap.*

Wolf: *How did Falcon end up with not me in his lap.*

Pit: *cuddles back shyly because he don't know you well but you are so nice to offer cuddles*

Goroh: *ends up on Falcon's Lap oh god*


Samus: *loads up a stick for Larry and Lash and Blacky and sdflsjl everyone* So who's going next...?

Blacky: *Jealous of cuddlefest*

*Olimar then barges in and screams "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU MOTORFOKERS DOIN!?" except no, that never happened*

Peach: *look blacky, you're just jealous.*

Blacky: *Is going to kick down Raiden's door and demand five hours of tummyrubs to make up for this. CAN YOU TUMMYRUB, LASH. I am jealous, I totally said that.

Peach: *...y-yeah. >:*

Lash: *I dunno, it depends what I get in exchange*

Amy: *You so are, Blacky. Let us Princess Panties and Damsal in Distress Panties cuddle*

Peach: *it is the best cuddle*

Lash: *What aww okay fine.*


Ashley: *Is so tempted to pull out the DTS and take pictures*

Amy: *Yes it is, but Zelda ISN'T CUDDLY ENOUGH YET*

Zelda: *I'M CUDDLING AS HARD AS I CAN.* So...who wants to go next?

Knuckles: *Don't worry Wolf it is the tough guys curse to get few cuddles. It is our way*

Larry: OH OH OH! PICK ME! *Frantic arm waving*

Lash: No.

Shadow: *Stops playing guitar for a minute, and clears his throat* You know... I've got a story, if nobody else cares to share one. Though not everyone might enjoy it...

Ionia: *Yaaay cuddles from strangers 8D* Tell it!

Wolf: *Silent Metaphoric High Five of Understanding, Knuckles.*

Knuckles: *High five aww yeah*

Ashley: Yeah... Let's hear it.

Birdo: *SORRY WOLF I'M OFF IN MY OFFICE BEING BORING AND DOING BORING THINGS let me know how it goes with falcon*

Shadow: *nodding at Larry* Well... what's yours? Just out of curiosity

Scyther: Yeah, I haven't heard any stories since I got here. C'mon, tell one.

Tails: Yeah!

Larry: I got a horror experience!

Falcon: Go for it.

Shadow: Yeah, let's hear it. Mine can wait.

Larry: Okay, so uh.... it all starts when I'm playing World of Warcraft.

Lash: *epic facepalm*

Jeff: What.

Shadow: *lolfaec*

Knuckles: Oh! My buddy Fawful used to play that it.. really didn't look scary, though.

Tony: Oh, come off it everyone, give him a chance!

Nyx: *snickers*

Lucas: *stops the cowering. He doesn't even know what this World of Whatcraft is.*

Larry: Our guild was devising the perfect strategy.

Scyther: *SIDELONG GLANCE AT NYX maybe they should totally bully this dude*


Larry: So then, I got really impatient and got a sandwich. Not hearing what went on, I decided to just DO THIS THING and charged head first into battle.

Lash: *Amateurs, Char and I already stuck him up a flagpole*

Orange Kid: *>:| Jerks.*

Nyx: *But there were no swirlies involved, so, you did it wrong*

Scyther: *But in our bullying, there will be swirlies. Oh yes, there will be swirlies.*

Larry: It was horrifying. We got OWNED, man. Just as I thought I was gonna get out of it alive, BAM! My PC lagged.

Wolf: *raises a brow because seriously is this a story about a computer game*

Falcon: *Here Wolf, have a s'more, I spent a whole five minutes making it.*

Wolf: *nom nom nom thank you falcon <3 :3*

Shadow: Wow. Cool story bro.

Peach: *tries to look interested but isn't quite understanding!!!*

Flak: *throws a marshmallow at Larry.* LAME.

Blacky: Ah, computer lag is one horror we can't deny the reality of...

Larry: It was... pretty bad if you were there.... yeah.

Zelda: I can see might be. If you were there.

Lucas: *Okay he has no idea about this lagging and this guild stuff.* I-I don't know... I kind of liked this story. *derp it was too confusing to be scary*

Jeff: I... guess.

Gage: *walks up silently to the campfire*

Fuel: *so confused you have no idea* ... What did any of that mean?

Falcon: *Samus you can have another one because you're a fatty.*

Samus: *;_; ....nomnom what a reluctant fatty. She's going to feed Falcon a marshmallow*

Jeff: *Grose man I don't need to see my not-parents flirting it up. :|*

Lash: *throws a firecracker at Larry, woops*

Knuckles: OK, let's hear Shadows story.

Larry: *aaaaaa* AAAAAAH HEY MAN!


Gage: *quietly goes to sit in the very back.*

Tails: Yeah, tell your story, Shadow!

Pit: *makes another marshmallow*

Knuckles: L..Lash! Maybe you shouldn't try and injure people? just a thought, buddy!

Nyx: *yeah okay Lash, she knows you don't like her much, but you just got a massive grin and thumbs up*

Flak: Hah! Nice one, Lash!

Samus: *scowls at Lash* Lash, knock it off.

Scyther: *giggles at Laaaash~*

Lash: It was going to be a marshmallow. *no it wasn't*

Ionia: *Why am I getting no s’mores Papa B| She's just gonna reach back to tap him, open her mouth, and go "aaah". Hint hint*

Shadow: *Glad he practiced this song earlier, as he starts to play it again* All right, let me see where to start...

Peach: *has run out of marshmallows... sob...*

Pit: *feeds falcon the marshmallow*

Falcon: *Ommm marshmallow, OH SORRY IONIA here you can have one too.*

Ionia: *Thank you Papa :d* Sssh, the prickly kitty is starting his story!

Jeff: *Sneakily takes Lucas' hand under the blankets see I can flirt it up too*

Lucas: *Awww, Jeffums. Giving his hand a little squeeze.*

Tony: *suddenly an unexplainable feeling washes over :[*

Peach: *eyes falcon jealously*

Zelda: *Discreetly nudges a new bag of marshmallows in Peach's direction.*

Peach: *yesss B)*

Wolf: *eyes falcon jealously*

Shadow: I've spent a lot time out in places most people don't even know exist. Mostly by accident, sure, but the experiences have always been worth it.

Amy: *cuddle and dozing off, a little...*

Peach: *nuzzles into Amy's hair and noms marshmallows*

Amy: *Aww Peach, this is the most awesome gal-pal cuddle fest ever. Another sleepy yawn.*

Peach: *I agree. `w`*

Knuckles: *Totally listening to Shadows story because ffff this should be pretty epic*

Lash: *is bored already*

Nyx: *way to get a boring start. but this should be pretty cool.*

Shadow: *grins slightly in Ionia's direction, cause dem dang kids is adorable* Well... that is to say, they're ALMOST always worth it. I don't mind saying, one time I came close to never coming back at all...

Pit: *listening intently because this sounds really cool already*

Wolf: *crosses his arms and "hrmph"s, but smiles anyway. He just looks unimpressed so far.*

Fuel: *OH BOY ADVENTURE STORIES. He is so excited to be listening to this you have no idea*

Gage: *eyes bag of marshmallows hungrily, but is afraid eating them will somehow turn him into a small child or a girl or something*

Samus: *is going to gently shake the bag in Gage's general direction YOU KNOW YOU WANT THEM*

Shadow: *wow uh everyone paying attention no pressure huh* If you've never been inside a warp zone, it's hard to explain... but try to imagine a place where the laws of the universe seem to look away whenever you expect them to be there. You could walk all day, and only end up a few miles towards the next town... but the next morning, when you wake up, you find yourself a hundred miles away.

Lash: *Hey Pit, don't mind this sneaking red shooting laser light sneaking up to your forehead*

Pit: *doop?*

Samus: *finger point at Lash + scowl*

Jeff: *swats Lash's hand*

Shadow: It's not just that though. The people there aren't... normal, not like you or I would know. Sure, they seem friendly enough if you happen to strike up a conversation, but when they think you're not looking... they just don't act quite right.

Gage: *stares at marshmallow bag for like 5 minutes* …No thanks.

Wolf: *MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE!!!!!!!!!!!*

Falcon: *Oh God child on my lap is yelling.* What?

Knuckles: Huh... I never met anyone in any of the warp zones I've been to. Just random objects and stuff.

Lucas: *Ohhh man it's gettin' kinda creepy now. Jeff you might notice both of Duckbutt's hands are around yours now.*

Jeff: Sounds... a lot like Moonside.

Tails: *is a little creeped out*

Fuel: *this is kinda boring, but.. Something about it's really starting to creep him out, and he's started to cling to whoever is unfortunate enough to be sitting next to him.*

Lash: *too late Pit, you've been hit by an arrow that looks like this.*

Shadow: *Shakes his head* There are more warp zones out there that I could ever count. It's not hard to believe some people started living in some of the more hospitable ones.


Lash: *deadbeat* It's not THAT scary.

Falcon: *Oh God child on my lap is yelling.* What?

Shadow: Anyway... What I could really never wrap my head around was the way Time seems to work there. Let me try and paint a picture.

Pit: WHAT HAPPENED!? I'VE BEEN HIT! *hands rush to head*

Lash: *Okay this is getting more interesting and is listening to Shadow now*

Ionia: *Oh god angel boy next to her was SHOT AND MAKING A LOUD NOISE she's just gonna yelp and topple right outta papa's lap*

Falcon: *Aaah Ionia no! He picks her back up and sets her back in his lap.*

Samus: *grabs the arrow and pulls it off of Pit's forehead with a resounding POP. And then she snaps it in her hand. 8C *

Pit: *has never heard of SUCTION CUP arrows*

Lash: *totally looking innocent, batting eyelids*

Pit: *scowl*

Shadow: *ignoring the shooting and screaming while rolling his eyes* I was travelling through a canyon once, all full of strange, dark pillars of rock, trying to get to a town on the other side... But as I was walking through the deepest part, all of a sudden, I got a strange feeling down the back of my spines, and I suddenly became aware of somebody watching me.

Ionia: Thank you Papa. *Giving Pit the ol' oAo eyes now*

Pit: *quietly* I'm sorry...

Shadow: Don't ask me how I knew-- it wasn't just a feeling... it was like I knew, deep down, that there was someone out there. So I slowly, discreetly, started pulling out my pistol... *Pulls out pistol and holds it above his head*

Lash: *Oh god HEDGEHOG WITH PISTOL this is awesome*

Lucas: *HDFSJHSD THAT IS A GUN DB recoiling a little now*


Shadow: And BANG! *Practically shouts it* Shots start coming at me from behind!

Tails: *Freaked out, going to hide behind someone ow*

Ashley: *Stares at Shadow, listening intently*

Shadow: *Glancing at Orange Kid* Relax, it's not loaded. *LIAR*

Knuckles: *Is like this o.o*

*All of Angela's characters jump a little :B*

Orange Kid: ...Oh. Okay. I knew that. I wasn't worried.

Lash: I have a loaded one if you need it! *smile smile*

Jeff: *Stares at Lash

Samus: *eyeballing gun and holding children and generally looking unamused* What did you do?

Shadow: All I can do is run forward into the canyon, trying to get away from whoever's behind me.

Scyther: *is more interested than she'd probably care to admit* So...what didja do?

Amy: *Sorry, she isn't really paying attention at all.... Did she just fall asleep?! Why, yes, she did! Right next to Peach*

Fuel: *oh man oh man this is so cool*

Lucas: *Okay Jeff's hand? Now cradled against Lucas' chest like a pale, freckly security blanket*

Jeff: *Pulls Lucas closer. Come on Samus' lap is big enough for cuddletimes why not. Also, nice and SAFE.*

Lucas: *Hey Samus I hope you like having two teenagers clinging on your lap*

Falcon: *Samus stop having children.*

Samus: *I can take it.*

Zelda: What was it?

Shadow: I know that if I try to turn and nail the sucker, I'm as good as dead. So I run as fast as I can, ducking in between pillars, and thankfully, no more shots come...

Ashley: *Looks behind her at Tails* ... *Giggles and turns around, listening again*

Nyx: *Yeah, also a little more interested than she's care to admit. But, c'mon, adventure stories are awesome.*

Tony: *discreetly leaves*

Shadow: When I finally stop to catch my breath, I decide that trying to keep running could eventually lead to a very messy end... So what else could I do but double back on myself, and try to catch whoever... or whatever... was after me?

Knuckles: Yeah! Nail that sucker.

Lash: *secretly hopes it is a huge monster or something epic*

Jeff: *What is this vague guilty feeling nooo*

Gage: *starts to wonder why falcon and samus are covered in children. Are they babysitters or something? None of the kids look related to them...*


Falcon: What is THAT?

Lash: ...What is that noise?

Larry: ..........................

Blacky: ...I remember that dance.

Larry: OH! I got a text message, hold on!

Shadow: *Pauses for Larry* Hmm?

Pit: *turns around curiously*

Flak: *throws another marshmallow at Larry.*

Nyx: Shit, dude, that was just starting to get goo- *aaand she shoves Larry. Hard.*

Ionia: Stop interrupting the kitty!

Scyther: *jabs a finger at Larry for interrupting* Geez, let him keep goin'!

Larry: *Aaaaah don't push him; he totally fell over... but still got to read his message* Okay, uh, guys, the guys wanna do a raid in ten minutes or so.

Zelda: Good luck?

Lash: A raid?

Blacky: Be sure to stick around for planning this time.

Shadow: All right, well enjoy yourself there. Now where was I...

Larry: *pushes glasses back up* Thanks, you guys. I'm off. Peace out, brothers. *....This is where he...awkwardly collects his stuff and gets going.*

Nyx: Nobody gives a fuck, get out.

Scyther: Yeah. *grins at Nyx for being such a goddamn badass*

Samus: *that is the most obnoxious ring tone ever Larry Samus is going to eat a marshmallow and wave goodbye. :'|*

Knuckles: *Whispers* Good luck Larry, don't stay up too late - don't forget we have practice tomorrow.

Lash: *Larry you are so boring, she is rolling her eyes, but what the hell does he mean by raiding.*

Shadow: Ah, yeah. So, for a good fifteen nerve-wracking minutes, I crept back towards where I had first been shot at, without getting a single hit of what it was that was trying to kill me. I don't mind telling you, it's enough to give you a stroke knowing that there's someone trying to kill you at a given moment... and you don't know where they are.

Gage: *starts paying attention to Shadow's story instead of to marshmallows*

Lash: *Pffft amateur*

Lucas: *He'd believe it. Interruptions or no, he's slipping right back into "aaaaa scary D:" mode*

Falcon: *Leans on Samus hi this sounds kind of familiar doesn't it.*

Shadow: But eventually, I finally got just past the spot where I thought I had been attacked... and all of a sudden, out from behind a pillar, I saw someone start to raise a gun!

Knuckles: Get him! *>=O Is making that face*

Wolf: *ohoho this is something he knows about this kid is a p. good story teller* A gun, huh? Kid, is this a true story? *isn't really doubting Shadow but he has to be all inquisitive and shit*

Jeff: *Nestled snugly between Samus and Lucas and finding it increasingly hard to stay awake, though he does want to hear the rest of this*

Shadow: I didn't lose a moment: started shooting the second I raised my gun, and didn't stop until I had to reload. I could hear them running back down the way I had run myself, and I thought, AHA, now we're gonna get a little payback.

Knuckles: I'd believe it - You should hear about the time we all took on a giant mutant space lizard.


Lash: *Space Lizard wait what*

Nyx: *okay, she's giving up pretending not to be interested. this is just damn cool.*

Samus: *totally not petting fake childrens and Falcon and listening to the story*

Ionia: *Heeey wait a sec. Pressing a hand over her mouth now.*

Pit: *looks really invigorated by all of this*

Shadow: So, slamming another clip into my pistol, I round the boulder to get a clear shot at whoever is now on the run from me... And I stopped.

Falcon: *Samus I hope you like lots of people kind of falling asleep on you because here's another one.*

Samus: *WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM A GIANT PILLOW w-wha awww sleepies 8C*

Shadow: I dropped my gun... sat down for a few minutes... let myself calm down.

Knuckles:....where was the dude?

Lucas: Who was he?

Lash: *she's starting to guess where this is going*

Gage: *he's going to say it was a space lizard, isn't he.*

Nyx: *raises an eyebrow* The hell?

Falcon: *Oh also, Gage, enjoy the bag of marshmallows I have tossed at your feet.*


Ionia: *trying really hard not to giggle now, wiggling in Falcon's lap*

Smithy: *Listening to this with the sinister grin just widening. He likes this story.*

Ionia: *trying really hard not to giggle now, wiggling in Falcon's lap*

Marshmallows: *EAT ME GAGE* *I AM DELICIOUS*

Shadow: *Shaking his head* When I felt I was ready, I got up... and just kept going on my way down the canyon. I didn't feel worried about anything until half an hour later, when I finally got out of the canyon, and what had happened really started to sink in.

Marshmallows: *STARE.*

Gage: *But the mission!*

Marshmallows: *STAAAAAAARE*

Gage: *picks up marshmallow and looks at it ever so intently*

Marshmallows: *HELLO GAGE.*

Shadow: You wanna know what it was I saw down in that canyon that day?

Knuckles:.... *waiting for who it is and wondering if he missed something*

Lash: I know I know!

Flak: Wait, what was it?

Ionia: *Falcon, Pit, she is at maximum squirm velocity*

Pit: *It's okay, Pit is kinda squirmy too*

Shadow: It was... a hedgehog. Like me. Black. Red spines. I even got a good look at his gun... *Hefts his own for emphasis* It was mine.

Gage: *begins to rip the marshmallow into tiny little shreds, checking for "magical contaminants"*

Marshmallows: *OW MY MOST OF ME*

Fuel: Whoah!

Knuckles: Wooooah... it was a clone? Or maybe your warp-zone brother? Or a shapeshifter?

Lash: *grins, clapping* I knew it!

Ionia: *Missing the point entirely yaaaay. She just blurts out and starts giggling* Ionia knew it!

Tails: *SQUIRM*

Lucas: *not missing it, quietly:* You... you almost shot yourself...?

Shadow: *Puts gun away, reaches for guitar again* Like I said before... I've never understood how time works in those warp zones.

Smithy: Harrumph-hahahaha... interesting!

Falcon: *Is kind of not quite asleep because of Ionia's squirming and Shadow's story kind of resonates with him in a BAD WAY here Samus have some more snuggles.*

Blacky: Hmm. Have you ever tried analyzing that experience?

Flak: Wait, so... you got ambushed, then ended up ambushing yourself?

Lash: don't think about it too much Flak, your tiny brain might explode

Gage: *finally takes a sliver... and eats 1 gram of marshmallow*

Marshmallows: *Are delicious.*

Samus: Interesting... Maybe you're not the real Shadow. *point smirk*

Ionia: Ionia--... I liked that story best, prickly kitty!

Wolf: *snickers* Cute way to think about that, Samus.

Scyther: *eyebrows raised* Woooooaaahhhh. 80

Nyx: ...Huh. *she's trying to wrap her mind around that pime taradox, and all she's winding up with is a headache.*

Knuckles:...or you from the future that was stuck in the warp zone at some later date but because the time is weird was there at the same time as you and knows some kind of terrible secret he was trying to save you from.

Shadow: *shrugs off the questions and the comments* Whatever it is happened down there... I'm pretty sure only one hedgehog walked out.

Scyther: *HIDES A GASP*

Samus: *squirming little children and squirming big child sleepies oh fine you can sleep there.*

Falcon: *Samus. Samus cuddle me this story makes me all insecure ok*

Ashley: Whoa...


Pit: That was cool!


Lash: *discreetly preparing another arrow again*

Gage: *eats the marshmallow... and saves a piece in his pocket to have examined when he turns into an alien*

Marshmallows: *Is a normal marshmallow. And there is still a whole bag staring at you, Gage.*

Pit: *snuggles into Ionia and Falcon happily with marshmallow on his face*

Nyx: *Rolls her eyes, smirking at Shadow.* Well, I guess that's a pretty cool story. But, y'know, it ain't really that scary in the end, is it? Just kinda confusin'.

Shadow: *As he starts to play again* Yeah, well. It keeps me up at night.

Knuckles: I dunno Nyx. I'd be pretty freaked out if I beat the crap out of a guy and found out he was just exactly like me.

Falcon: *DOES NOT LIKE THIS ANYMORE.* I want to hear Nyx's story.

Scyther: Well...Nyx has got a point 'n all... *no shadow's story was totally scary okay* ...Nyx, you tell one. C'mon, I wanna hear your story.

Samus: *not entirely fond of clone stories either but she can deal* Let's hear it.

Lash: *Oh boy Nyx story*

Ashley: *Prods Tails* Hey... Story is over... you can come out now...?

Tails: *He comes out from behind Ashley by the time the story is over anyway.* Yeah, I'm okay...

Nyx: This kinda thing, you don't wanna hear that just kinda creepy bullshit. *She gets up from her seat, and starts pacing around* You want somethin' that really shocks ya, right?

Pit: *Is this the student that hurt Tubba...?*

Falcon: *WELP my mun has to go to sleep and therefore so shall I.* *Falls asleep all pouty on Samus.*

Samus: *she is going to be the bestest pillow ever*

Falcon: *Yaaaaaaaay*

Ionia: Tell us, purple lady!

*And then the marshmallows chased Gage into the woods.*

Knuckles: Sounds good to me, Nyx. If you can scare me, I'll buy you a six pack.

Gage: *stands silently to make his exit*

Lash: *Before anyone notices, she shoots another arrow in Pit's person, this one lodges in his hair, goes back to being all innocent like, you did not see this shooting la la la*

Nyx: So, okay, yeah, this ain't somethin' that happened to me or anythin', but my old roomie, freshman year told me 'bout this, and, man, I hardly wanted to leave the buldin' for a month.

Pit: *gasp* 8I

Gage: *leaves the campsite as he left it, except minus one bag of marshmallows*

Pit: Whoever's doing that, stooooop!

Wolf: *glares in the direction of Lash because he sees her doing that stuff and he really doesn't care except that it's distracting him >8[*

Nyx: *looks around and sighs* Though... man, I dunno, this scared me that much, I dunno if y'all could handle it. *smirk smirk smirk*

Samus: *waves goodbye to Gage and casually removes the arrow from Pit’s hair and snaps it in two. :| Lash she does not approve.*

Pit: Thanks, Samus.

Ashley: Come on... Let's hear it!

Ionia: Nooo! Tell us! Tell us!

Tails: *Staying silent for now, but he does want to hear the story.*

Shadow: Just spill it already.

Lash: *Cheshire Cat smile from her post.*

Pit: *notices that Falcon is asleep and slooooowly gets off*

Ionia: *derp derp oblivious, not budging* Where are you going?

Pit: Your papa is asleep. *points*

Scyther: *squirms but doesn't say anything because saying something would be UNCOOL*

Lash: *discreetly gets off Flak and goes near Scyther.*

Ionia: *looks uuup.... giggles.* He is! Grandma, look! *whisperwhisper* I think he is drooling a little bit.

Samus: *finger to lips with a tiny smile* Shhh. He'll drool on you.

Ionia: *eeewwww groosss ehehehehee. Leaning forward a little, wants to hear the story yay*

Nyx: Well... Okay, if you're sure! So, I dunno how many of you might know this, but y'know those woods out back? yeah, kids used to go out camping there, all the time! Anyways, there's some kinda farmland or somethin' way back there, I don't really know the details. *shrug* Well, eventually... One of the farms had some kinda problem, a broken fence or somethin' or other, and a couple'a boars got loose, went back wild out there. You guys ever seen an angry, wild boar? Shit's terrifyin', could rip you t'shreds in a second. *points at Ionia. Way to terrorize the loli*

Ionia: *She's just got a "8D WHOA COOL" face on. Concept of danger? What's that?*

Tails: *Almost jumps at the last bit that Nyx says.*

Lucas: *Duckbutt, on the other hand, already looks positively horrified.*

Samus: *Lucus you get fake!mom holds too as she listens to the tale of boars*

Lucas: *Samus he is very grateful for fake!mom holds and he's just gonna huddle against you like the pansy he is :C*

Lash: *Remembers a military story about Black Hole soldiers being stuck in a jeep for 3 hours because of angry boars, so she just inches closer to Scyther*

Knuckles: Wild boars actually CAN be pretty strong. You'd be surprised.

Lash: *nodding from her side*

Nyx: *smirks* well, those farmers tried to go out, get 'em back in the pen? *shakes her head* Nah, one o' those things don't want to get caught, it ain't gonna get caught. But they were pretty damn stubborn, kept on tryin' for months. It took one of those boars nearly killin' a guy to persuade 'em to back off. And, y'know, they kinda decided, hey, it'll be fine! So long as we don't bother any of them, they don't got a reason to hurt us, right?

Tails: *Nods slightly*

Ashley: Never can be that easy....*Mumbles softly*

Knuckles: Well... makes sense. I mean, most wild animals just wanna be left alone.

Nyx: So, y'know, eventually, after a couple months go by no problem, the headmasters decide it should be fine to let the kids back in there, right? So long as they're careful.

Lash: *not liking this very much*

Wolf: *hello are those some raised hackles yes they are*

Lash: *Scyther I hope you don't mind that Lash's left hand has grabbed yours and she is holding on tightly, oh god she is having Ozium flashbacks.*

Samus: *Wolf would you like a marshmallow Samus made you a special one it's on a stick*

Wolf: *why yes smaus he would nom nom thxu :3*

Knuckles: Woah... That's kinda spooky. I mean, I could handle myself n’ all but the younger kids wouldn't be nothin' against a big boar.

Lucas: *f-fffff Knuckles did you really have to say that? Oh god he's got the shakes already*

Nyx: So they go ahead, let some people arrange t'go campin'. Maybe.. 10 or so people, a pretty good-sized group. They set up, do all those dumb campfire things, y'know, songs, ghost stories, marshmallows the whole thing. Everythin'g going all fine and dandy, and the couple'a teachers gone with, they figure, yeah, might as well just spend the night out here, it's safe enough, right? Everythin's been goin' well.

Scyther: *doesn't even mind because this is like the calm before the storm damn she should've expected a ghost to tell good GHOST stories*

Knuckles: *Starts to wonder if he's gonna like where this is going erk*

Tails: *Eeeeerk he knows where this is going...*

Ashley: *Sees where this is going... Sitting up straighter*

Flak: Pff. I could handle some stupid pig.

Pit: Pigs have been known to eat human babies. *pointing out facts*

Tails: *Almost falls back out of the log when he hears that. Pit. Pit. Pit why. Why.*

Lucas: Wh-wh-what...?! *Oh god Pit WTG he's terrified now*

Lash: *glaring at Pit from her spot*

Wolf: Hungry pigs have been known to eat...anything. Including flesh. *PIIIIIGMAAAA >8(*

Lash: *And now glaring at Wolf for good measure*

Ashley: ....................That's new...

Knuckles: I heard that some of the big ones have killed and eaten grown humans who tried hunting them but got caught or hurt in the wilderness.


Lash: *...Knuckles too oh god*

Knuckles: *Don't worry Tails you aren't a human lol*


Knuckles: *Yeah. You are pretty small. Hey, at least ittle be quick! Two mouthfulls, tops!

Tails: *Knuckles. You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!*

Pit: *oh boy he made the story even scarier*

Nyx: So, yeah, the kids all huddle up in their sleeping bags, all warm an' cozy.. *motions at the couple of people already asleep.* An' everything's going fine, so the teachers start driftin' off too.

Wolf: *quietly* I've seen a pig tear into people...

Samus: *looks unphased but listening intently to story/comforting lap children*

Ashley: *Glances about... Not liking where this is going...*

Lucas: *Hey Samus I hope you like having duckbutts glued to you/clinging to poor sleeping Jeffums oh god here it comes*

Lash: *oh god maybe I should have stayed on Flak after all this is not a happy story. Save us Deathbot*

Scyther: *oh boy here comes the good parts omg. WHISPERY VOICE TIME* Wh...what happens then, Nyx?

Nyx: Then, y'know, couple'a hours later, everyone's dead asleep... And all of a sudden, there's this awful shriek! They're all up like that! *snaps* And it's a good thing, too, or they never would'a known where that one kid went. They all look up, and see this huge freakin' boar, bigger'n they're s'posed to even get, just draggin' along this poor kid, sleepin' bag and all, off into the bushes.

Pit: *crawls clumsily over to Samus because she is Samus and makes a dorky face as in hello look who's here*

Samus: *Pit you're so awkward sometimes HERE I HAVE ROOM there is an arm around Pit. Lash there is room for you too if you promise to stop shooting my fake children with arrows 8C*

Lash: *Thanks but I am currently holding a band of the Hawke's arm... maybe I can reach yours from across this campfire like some sort of odd hand-holding chain*

Smithy: *Oh, Smithy isn't around anymore. Where could he be?*

Scyther: *JUMPS AT THE SNAP ohgod* Wooooaaahhhh.


Lucas: *and he yelps at the noise 8(*

Lash: W-What? Just one boar?

Knuckles: Well... which teachers were there? I bet some of ours could take on a boar! ...Right? I mean... even a big one...?

Pit: For sure, for sure!

Lash: …W-we could take on a boar, too! *trying to look brave oh god why is this reminding her of Ozium so much baaw*

Knuckles: Oh, I mean, I could... but... Y'know... not everyone can. I mean... Max could I think, too. And probably Captain Falcon.

Wolf: *brandishes claws because maybe if he says something the kids will calm down* I'm sure if there were a real emergency, a few of us teachers would be able to keep you kids safe.

Nyx: Yeah, so everyone's flippin' shit, the kids are all pissin' 'emselves or cryin' for mommy or whatever it is they do, and the teachers, they're just tryin' to get 'em to calm down. Can't leave a campsite full'a wailin' kids just t'save one. Who knows what could happen to the rest of 'em.

Flak: Giant pig, what's the big deal?

Scyther: *snickers nervously at the picture Nyx is painting HELLO COPING MECHANISM*

Lash: *nod* That makes sense; leave the weak behind.

Scyther: *nods with Lash because derp what is morals in fighting*

Pit: You protect the weak...

Nyx: So, by the time one of the teachers start's herdin' the kids back towards the school, it's been a good while, right? The teacher they left there goes into the bushes to see what happened. *Shrug* Kinda stupid if you ask me.

Smithy: *Hello everyone have some leaves rustling in the distance*

Lash: And then have someone else die trying to save the kid from the boar? Sometimes you have to make....AHHH! *Scyther you get a scared hug*

Orange Kid: *girly shriek*

Tails: Aaaack! *Falls over*

Ashley: *Looks around nervously*

Nyx: When he gets there, ain't nothin' left but some bloody bits o' that sleeping bag an' - wait, hold up, you hear that?

Wolf: *ears twitch, head snaps towards the sound... He sniffs the air... alright now shit was getting spooky spooky* ... *looks to Samus like "OKAY DID YOU HEAR THAT"*

Samus: *she EXCHANGES THE GLANCE; she totes heard that and is idly fingering her gun* Calm down, it's probably nothing.

Lash: *Has a deathray out oh god*

Scyther: *freezes* H...hear what? *oh god Nyx was too good at this*

Pit: *is totally ready to fend off monsters… only… without weapons. :C*

Flak: *stands up, fists raised, ready to beat the crap out of something.*

Lucas: *He's trying make himself as small as possible, glancing around wildly HE KNOWS THEY ALL HEARD THAT*

Nyx: *starting to act freaked out, too* O-oh, man, I ain't even kiddin', I swear I just heard somethin'.

*Then there is a low growl from the bushes and what sounds like a few boars screeching*

Tails: *hears the screeching* D-D-Did you hear that!?

Ashley: *Reaches for a stick and/or a rock*

Knuckles: *starts cracking his knuckles* Those noises.... *Stands up and takes a few steps in their direction*

Shadow: *Anticipates a setup* Mmhm.

Knuckles: I heard it. Stay behind me.

Lash: *Here Pit, have a paralyzing ray*

Ionia: Um... what do boars sound like, Grandma...? *Because that sounded like squealing right there*

Wolf: *half jumps to his feet, right hand on his blaster and left hand flexed with sharp claws* Could be nothin', but I don't like taking chances.

Ashley: *Stands up, stick in hand, looking around warily*

Samus: *I'd leap up but I have like five billion kids in my lap ;_; so I will hold them protectively*

Nyx: That's closer'n it should be... *She looks at the bush it seems to be coming from, and gives it a wink, hidden from the others and mouths 'now'*

Shadow: *grabs drink from behind log and starts sipping*

*And suddenly, there is a 20 feet boar screeching and running into the campsite. THE BOAR IS ENVELOPED IN BLUE FIRE*



Tails: Aaaaaah! *hides behind Knuckles QUICKLY*

Knuckles:....Oh HOLY SHIT *stands his ground but totally wasn't expecting that* b..Bring it on...?

Lucas: *OH GOD HE SCREAMS and throws himself against Samus like the BRAVE MANLY MAN HE IS*


Scyther: *shoots into the air and blades come on out HOLY SHIT*

Lash: *Oh god oh god, tentatively fires a shot*

Ashley: *Jumps back* What in the....?!?!




Wolf: *awoo~ Wolf's mission is to win over everyone attached to Falcon*

Flak: *Rushes straight at it and tries to land a punch.*

Boar: *Sorry Flak you are pretty tall but not Boar tall enough*

Flak: *He can still try >B[*

Shadow: *Pulls pistol, tracks on the thing's head*

Ashley: *Scoops up a rock and flings it at the Boar*

Samus: Hold the trigger down to charge it. *teetering backwards TRYING NOT TO WAKE THE SLEEPIES*

Knuckles: *launches forward, fists aiming towards giant stomach and no holds barred ECHIDNA PAUUUNCHING IMMINENT*

Tails: *Thinking about running. Thinking about running NOW. Running would be good. Tails did not bring anything with him to fight with.*

Nyx: *oh god she can't hold this any more* pfffffft.... *And she just starts cackling.*

Tails: .... *looks over at Nyx*

Samus: *oh god damn it Nyx is laughing*

*And the boar disappears in a cloud of smoke and all that is left is a floating Ganondorf laughing his ass off*

Scyther: *was totally just going to put herself between the boar and Nyx and hears giggling and then puts two and two together...* Wh... AW, FUCK YOU GUYS.

Lash: ... *not too happy about this*

Flak: *Is not amused. Still continues trying to punch him.*

Shadow: *lowers gun* I shoulda known. Really.

Knuckles: *catches self just in time to prevent punching his bra... but totally falls over into the dirt what awww*

Tails: ..... *UNAMUSE.*

Nyx: *oh god she is never going to stop laughing this is amazing. And she goes over to fistbump Ganondorf*

Ashley: ....Somehow... This was... I... *Unsure how to say what she wants to say, Glaring at Nyx a bit*

Ganondorf: *Manly fistbump, dodging Flak at the same time hahaha*

Wolf: *snarls once he realizes what was going on, then all but slams his gun back in its holster.* The fuck do these kids think they're doing?! *hackles, snarl, bared teeth, angry wolfy man*

Shadow: *Holsters gun, picks up guitar, starts walking away* Yeah, I think I've had just enough to do with people for this week.

Samus: *re-adjusts sleepies pile in her arms* Hilarious.

Ganondorf: You all had beautiful faces. *points to a floating camera* Good thing I got all of that, it was beautiful.

Lucas: Th-that's... that wasn't funny! *w-wibble 8(*

Knuckles: Oh geeze.... You had me going there for a minute you guys. *FFFF like it's hard to trick you or something Knuckles*

Scyther: *manages to see the humor in this after a few seconds and lets herself down to the ground only to go over and punch Ganny in the arm* Dude!

Ganondorf: *Oww Scyther* Oh come on, you would have done the same.


Scyther: *now snickering* Yeah, you're totally right. I'm just jealous I wasn't in on this!

Flak: Dammit! I am going to smash you into bits for this!

Ashley: .....We shoulda seen this coming a mile away I'm guessing.....?

Ganondorf: Hey at least you didn't scream like Orange Crush over there.

Orange Kid: D-do you mean me? I wasn't screaming. You must be confused. I knew it was you the whole time. Haha..ha....

Shadow: *Just leaves. FUCK YOU GUYS: I'm going home.*

Tails: *What aww Shadow wait come on dude*

Smithy: *Comes out of the bushes* Oh don't try to hide it, Orangey.

Nyx: *quiets down into giggles* Oh man, you guys, that was, pffffft...

Orange Kid: *Glare at Smithy.* I'm not hiding anything.

Ganondorf: *to Nyx* I would have come sooner, but there were some wolf sounds in the bushes a little further away and, heh heh heh... I guess some students won't be coming home tonight for a while.

Nyx: Oh, really? Huh, guess that's what that howl an' scream was earlier. Sounds like they were havin' fun.

Knuckles: *Shoulder punch for Nyx* You got me good.

Wolf: *grumble grumble glower I hate you grumble*

Smithy: *Sinister grin* You were scared out of your wits, boy.

Orange Kid: I was NOT!!

Lash: *Just glad all she did was hold on to Scyther's arm really tightly.*

Nyx: *rubs her shoulder. Be careful where you aim that thing, Knux.* Yeah, I know. Ain't ever gonna let you live it down! And yeah, Scy, next time? You're totally in.

Lash: *What Scyther you TRAITOR*

Smithy: Harrumph-hahahahaha, whatever Kid.

Lucas: *And he's just gonna sit down again and cover his face in his hands because sssh boys don't cry especially not over spooky stories about pigmasks*

Samus: *gently sets Lucas, Ionia and Pit down* If you're quite done. *She has two passed out fambly members in her arms to set to bed how did they not wake up it's amazing*

Ionia: *She, on the other hand, finds this shit hilarious.*

Pit: *Pit is just mad because he was scared*

Ashley: *Shakes her head and drops the stick* Just... Wow....

Ionia: Campfires are a lot of fun! Can we do it again very soon?

Wolf: *kinda actually feels bad for the nearly crying Lucas over yonder and stretches an arm out to him* Hey kid, you alright?

Knuckles: *Lucas, you get a one-armed ~*~man hug~*~*

Lash: That story was boring; I'm going to go for a joyride in my tank.


Flak: Mind if I come with, Lash?

Lash: Who wants to come? ...Apart from Flak.

Lucas: *Awww, Wolf and Knuckles, manly comfort is the best comfort. He just looks up, rubs the back of his hand over his arm, and nods* I-I'm fine.

Ionia: *vigorous hand-waving* Ionia does! Can I, Grandma?

Knuckles: Oh! Hey, I'm up for tank surfing!!

Samus: Maybe later. *that means no*

Lash: *makes secret signs* Meet us outside

Ashley: *Starts laughing quietly* Wow... *She looks around and smiles softly* This was quite fun.

Tails: *scratching the back of his head* Well this night was... interesting...

Wolf: You wanna come sit over here, kid? *feeling bad for someone is keeping his RAGE AT KIDS down*

Lucas: *Wolf you are a sweetie. He's gonna take you up on that offer and settle down by you. Totally not sniffling dangit 8|*

Nyx: Oh, yeah, metal dude. thanks for helpin' out. Just made it all the better.

Smithy: *Grins wider* It was my pleasure. Hahahaha...

Ganondorf: *mocking Lash* That story was boring, I'm going to go ride my harem. Who wants to come?

Scyther: *suddenly misses being a dude*

Nyx: *don't worry, Scy. So does she.*

Knuckles: *Pffft lol Ganondorf* XD

Lash: *Oh Ganondorf you didn't, she is going to make bacon out of you one day, just you watch >B[*

Ionia: *Meanwhile, mile-wide smile here. Totally not going to be sneaking out past her bedtime, nope*

Samus: *Ioniaaaaa BC*

Ionia: *Some people hit their rebellious years sooner than others okay 8(*

Samus: *That's no excuse young lady*


Pit: *wishes Craptain Falcon was awake*

Lash: Hey Pit, you into the tank riding or not?

Wolf: *NOT REALLY USED TO CRYING KIDS but he tentatively ruffles Lucas's hair anyway even if he doesn't even know his name lol* If, uh. You need anything... Just tell me. I'm Wolf--don't think I've met you.

Knuckles: Pit, you should come! It's a lot of fun!

Ganondorf: *notices Lucas...and damn wasn't that the kid who was nice to him when he was a kid oh much fun but..conflicting feelings*

Samus: *ablabla needs to go ferry sleeping dudes to their beds but wants to ensure Ionia, Pit and Lucas are taken care of wait where did Tony go aaaaa being a mom is hard*

Lucas: *Man up, Lucas, man up. >B[ He takes a deep breath and rubs his eyes one more time, then looks up. SEE HOW HE IS TRYING TO BE STRONG, GANNY. YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD. REALLY BAD.* I... y-yeah, thanks. I'm... I'm Lucas.

Pit: Okay. I guess a little bit won't hurt. *looks at Samus almost as if bye mommy 8) <3 but it could be your imagination smaus.*

Ashley: *Watches the conversations with a small smile*

Fuel: *has long since scurried back off to his dorm because he is boring*


Pit: *Then he skips off to join his friends~*

Tails: *Raises hand* I've ridden tanks...

Ganondorf: *finally puts his hand on Lucas' shoulder* Uhh....sorry about that. *Oh god he is so conflicted oh god*

Lucas: *quietly.* That was mean, Ganondorf. *IT IS LIKE AN ARROW OF GUILT TO THE HEART ISN'T IT*

Lash: *At Tails* Uhh...I guess.

Wolf: *GLARE OF DEATH UP AT GANONDORF* He's right. A member of StarWolf would've had more class than that.

Knuckles: *Gets up to go tank riding and gives Lucas a clap on the shoulder for good measure on the way. Yeah Ganondorf you should feel pretty bad. Shame on you. Even though it was pretty funny for those who are less shakeable*

Nyx: *raises her eyebrow.* Damn, Gan, it's just some kid. *LALALA NYX WHERE ARE YOUR MORALS OH RIGHT*

Pit: Samus, you wanna go tank riding with us? *calling over with an arm stuck up waving*


Tails: *What, Tails does not get invited to go tank riding? Not at all?*

Lash: *Tails you can come but only if you ride the back and don't talk very much. And only because Knuckles knows you*

Tails: *Depends if you have earplugs.*

Scyther: *watches the scene with Ganondorf being all touching from afar and crosses her arms and feigns impatience but really it's pretty touching*

Samus: Stop calling me Deathbot. *B[ gently hefts a sleepy Falcon and Jeff in her arms like I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THEM* *To Pit* No, thanks.

Pit: Okay.

Ashley: *Watches for a moment longer and starts heading off*

Tails: *Now runs to get into the tank anyway. Whee!*

Orange Kid: *is leaving to go to sleep and try not to have horrible, horrible nightmares.*

Ganondorf: *Almost rolls his eyes oh geeze way to make this worse you guys, looks farther away from Wolf and Lucas* Uh... I guess.

Samus: *is the responsible one to kick dirt on the fire because lol arms are occupied. Then she makes tracks towards Wolf and Lucas* Hey, Lucas. I'm going to take Jeff back to his dorm. Will you be alright? *motherly glance and exchange of look with Wolf 8C*

Knuckles: Don't worry. I'm sure Ganondorf will make it up to everyone with a dance party in the halls again someday.

Ganondorf: * trhathaergferg Knuckles that's just going to make the situation worse.*

Nyx: *grin. oh no, that makes everything better*

Wolf: *narrows his eyes at Ganondorf but has a much friendlier voice for Lucas* It's nice to meet you, Lucas. *LOOK EXCHANGE WITH SMAUS/waiting for Lucas's answer to her*

Lucas: *nodding* I'll be okay. *And pfffgh Knuckles that gets a weak little laugh outta him.*

Knuckles: *Wait what you mean people don't have fun watching us dance around in our underwear? Speaking of which... baww Rawk and Cane we have no members left anymore hardly*

Xatu: *Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, he feels a vague calling. A calling... to get funky. :|*


Xatu: *T O O B A D :|*

Knuckles: *Xatu. It is your destiny. Reach out and claim it. :|*


Wolf: *om nom nom SMILES OF ACCEPTANCE FOR SAMUS :3 :3*

Tails: *Hey guys have fun with Tails in the tank riding because he will probably be a little quiet. A LITTLE.*

Ganondorf: *scratching his neck, being good is so difficult hurrgh but he kinda owes him* about I make it up to you. Had any real magic lessons, kid?

Scyther: *o-oh god 8(*

Lucas: *shaking his head, but at least he's smiling now. Awww he's sorry it's kind of cute*


Ionia: *Gettin' kind of sleepy now. Clinging to the hem of Samus' shirt and following yaaay*


Lash: *Don't forget Ionia!*

Samus: *totally did not Falcon would have a conniption fit*

Nyx: *snaps, suddenly remembering something* Oh, yeah, Knux! I think you owe me that six pack?

Knuckles: Haha!! Yeah - I totally do. And I'm 19 today so I can even use I.D. to buy it.

Ganondorf: *Not it's not cute damn you Lucas, but he is thinking.* Well I've never had a student, but what the hell. How about I teach you a few things so you'll be less scared of twenty feet tall boards on fire?

Ashley: *Stops and looks back and gives a quick wave before heading back to...Somewhere*

Lash: It's your birthday?!

Wolf: *now considerably more satisfied with the way Ganondorf is talking so he relaxes his OMG PROTECTIVENESS! over his new acquaintance*

Lucas: *nodding -- sounds like a plan, Ganny, though he's not sure how magical he actually is. And then:* O-oh... happy birthday, Knuckles!

Nyx: Wait, really? How did I seriously not know this? Well, hell, I guess I oughta be sharin'! *snickers*

Tails: Happy birthday, Knuckles!

Knuckles: Yeah. It's the day I picked at least - I have no idea when my REAL Birthday is, but I had to write one down to even enroll and get an ID and stuff.

Smithy: Well, heh. Happy birthday, Knuckles.

Ganondorf: ...Excuse me a minute. *finger snap teleport* *appears behind Knuckles* I AM. THROWING. A PARTY. IN SPEEDOS.

Scyther: Hey, happy birthday, man! Why didn't you say anythin'? We coulda had a real party instead of this! --Oh, looks like Gan's got us covered, huh? *GRIN*

Lash: *In speedoes no*

Knuckles: Thanks guys, haha! And Speedo Parties are the best parties.

Lash: *Nooooo*

Nyx: Yeah you better be, Gan. Count me in. *wait, speedoes? Oh well, should be fun*

Lucas: *Things are patched up with Ganny, he's made a new Wolf-buddy, and Knuckles is gonna get himself a birthday party. ALL IS WELL, BROS.*

Lash: I'll make you a present later today. *AND THEN SHE LEAVES WITH THE ENTIRE GROUP IN TOW*

tony (mother), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), lucas (mother), captain falcon (f-zero), gage (advance wars), lash (advance wars), tails (sonic the hedgehog), fuel (mother), ionia/blue pikmin (pikmin), shadow (sonic the hedgehog), zelda (zelda), nyx/gengar (pokemon), ganondorf dragmire (zelda), !chat log, flak (advance wars), daisy (mario), pit (kid icarus), orange kid (mother), ashley robbins (another code), samus aran (metroid), scyther (pokemon), jeff andonuts (mother)

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