Campfires, marshmallows, stories, oh my! PART ONE.

Apr 25, 2010 18:20

Who: A bajillion people.
What: Spontaneous campfire.
Where: Somewhere near the woods, idk.
When: October 1st
Warnings: Innuendo, ~scary stories~ and language ahoy!

For those who are scratching their head, this was an AIM log that took place last year that never got stashed in the logs community. At long last, it finally gets put up! *Fanfare*

OUR STORY BEGINS one October first after football practice, wherein one Pit decides he needs to see one Captain Falcon's amazing campfire lighting skills firsthand. WE FIND OUR HEROES beside the lake with a pile of wood gathered from the nearby forest (somewhat reluctantly on Falcon's part).

Pit: Hey, you know that thing you told me the other day?

Falcon: You want me to light a campfire. For the sake of lighting a campfire.

Pit: Yup. *smile smile*

Falcon: *Heavy sigh.* Fine. Sure. Let me see.

Pit: Here. *He goes over to a log, picks it up, and scrambles over to hand it to Flacon. AND WAITS WITH ANTICIPATION. Standing on tippy toes.* You’ve got to show me your moves!

Falcon: *I hope you enjoy a disgruntled face, Pit. Because that is what you're getting. But SOON ENOUGH he complies and lights his hand on fire, which, in turn, ignites the log. He tosses
it back onto the pile and there is the best campfire ever.* Ta-daah.

Pit: You weren't kidding! Look at that! *points*

Falcon: I told you.

Pit: It's amazing... *crouches in front of it*

Blacky: *Did someone need a creeper happening to catch sight of something shiny in the night? Because here she is. It's hard to be sneaking when you're glowing in the dark though, stupid moon.*

Ionia: *As someone with a natural built-in Papa Falcon is Doing Something Cool radar, she is drawn to this sight like a moth to a... well, flame. And she is dragging her not!mom Lucas with her. And... she's kind of looking around for a fire alarm. HELLO PAPA AND ANGEL BOY THERE IS SOMETHING ON FIRE DO YOU NOT SEE IT THIS IS DANGEROUS.* Um... Papa?

Falcon: *Is kind of sensing that campfires will attract lots of people and OH BOY here they are already so he goes about dragging logs and things into a circle for awesome seating implements.* Hey, Ionia.

Pit: *waves*

Blacky: Goodness. Did somebody try to have bonfire night without me?

Tails: *Hey good thing he was flying over this area because the moment he saw a campfire he made a beeline for it and landed.* Hey, Mr. Falcon, Pit.

Falcon: It was kind of spur of the moment, we only just started. Hey everyone.

Ionia: Those sticks are on fire, Papa. *making a oAo" face atm kthnx* Aren't you worried?

Jeff: *JUST SO HAPPENS to have come with Lucas and Ionia, thank you very much.* It's a campfire, Ionia.

Ionia: *blank stare*

Pit: Captain Falcon made it!

Tails: Wow, that's awesome, Mr. Falcon!

Falcon: *Not entirely sure how to explain fire for recreational purposes.* Oh uh... thanks.

Fuel: *He catches a glimpse of the campfire from his dorm window, and practically jumps from his seat with excitement. Oh boy, he is all over that. So, he starts running to the schoolgrounds with one small detour- to the kitchens for a bag of marshmallows and skewers. This boy is ready.*

Jeff: ...Wow, you've never had one, have you? It's... basically a big fire like this that people gather around and... roast marshmallows. Sometimes sing, and stuff like that. But you're not allowed to try making one, you'll burn everything down.

Shadow: *Slowly comes out from farther off in the wood, attracted by the noise of actual people, guitar in tow.*

Blacky: *Crosses her arms, grinning.* For spur-of-the-moment, it sure seems to have attracted people in a hurry...

Falcon: *Glance at Pit.* Yeah...I noticed that too.

Tails: *Catches a glimpse of his black-hedgey friend* Hey, Shadow! Come join us!

Shadow: *muttering* Man, why is it every time I try and get out for some privacy, everyone shows up at the same time... *Notices Tails* Hey, man. I'll just... yeah, why not.

Ionia: *Jeff you do not score points with Ionia by telling her "you're not allowed" and "you'll do it wrong." B| Have a stare and she's just gonna scoot next to Papa now.* Papa, show Io-- show me how to do campfire things!

Jeff: *Baww I'm just like my Dad ;_;* ...Hahaha. It was a fire pit like this that we kind of met, isn't it, Mr. Falcon?

Lucas: *he's just gonna lol a little and pat your shoulder, Jeff. And also hope no cowboys show up to this bonfire. Baww trauma.*

Jeff: Or... my earliest memory, anyway... Not that the circumstances were that great. *Leans into the shoulderpat and sulks*

Falcon: *Oh hey Ionia you can sit by me. And a-aww, Jeffums.* Yeah, I guess it was. *To Ionia whisperwhisper.* I can show you how to make one sometime. Just don't tell Jeff.

Nyx: *She was going to be going out into the city tonight, but... a fire catches her eye, and she starts to head over. She's gonna hang back for now, though... wait and see what was going on.*

Daisy: *Daisy emerges from the woods wearing a big heavy yellow sweater and rubbing her arms.* I saw smoke so I thought I'd check... You guys having a campfire?

Amy: *Amy caught a glimpse of the fire, but became interested as soon as she saw more people following it. Not too far behind, the bubbly girl emerged from the background, just as perky at night as she is in the day* Hi hiii~!

Tails: Hey Amy!

Shadow: *groans* My god, they just keep coming.

Amy: SHADOW! Hiiii! You came back!

Pit: Hi everyone! Wow... all the people!

Tails: Ah come on, Shadow, it's not that bad. The more the better!

Lucas: *nodding and waving with his not-shoulderpatting hand.* Yeah. You guys wanna join us?

Amy: Yep yep, the more the merrier.

Daisy: I'd love to! *she goes to take a seat near the fire, holding her hands up to warm them* Brr, it's chilly tonight...

Shadow: Yeah, I'm back. *Sits down on a log, starts tuning guitar* Don't expect me to say much, though. Didn't come out here to wax poetic about old acquaintances.

Tails: *He sweatdrops.*

Ionia: *eeeheee Ionia gets to start big kid fires 8)* Okay! Can I learn the other fire things now too? Daddy said something about songs and marshmallows.

Orange Kid: *Suddenly, Orange Kid comes running in out of nowhere, a strange device in his hands. Seeing the campfire, he smirks." Ah, excellent, my fire starting machine works perfectly! Though, I'll have to work on where it's aiming a bit... It was supposed to be a ways away from here.

Amy: ....Right. *She makes a seat next to Daisy, just because*

Daisy: Hey, Amy! *eyes Orange Kid like he's a total idiot*

Lucas: O-oh, that was you...? Um... good job, Orange Kid. It's... it's a good fire.

Orange Kid: Of course it is! After all, I'm the one that made it.

Falcon: ...No you didn't.

Tails: Actually, Mr. Falcon made this fire.

Falcon: I didn't either. *Grumble grumble I'm just going to sit with Ionia on my lap now.*

Orange Kid: Haha, sure. Right at the exact same time I was testing my device? No, it was all me.

Amy: Hey Daisy, whatcha doing out here?

Daisy: I saw the smoke and came to check it out. Didn't know you were all having an impromptu party!


Amy: Me neither, until I saw people following the fire.

Daisy: Well if I knew I'd be sitting out in the woods I'd have brought my big blanket!

Amy: Hi Zelda! *wave wave wave*

Daisy: Zelda! Oh boy, you brought s'mores fixings?

Zelda: I saw the fire and I figured I had to.

Blacky: Hmm... A dark, cold night by the lake... Teenagers surrounding a campfire... Sounds like the sort of thing that might take place in a horror movie. But who among us is the vicious killer?

Lucas: *f-ffff Blacky you sure know how to kill the mood. Have a D: look.*

Blacky: *Smiles innocently at Lucas*

Jeff: *Blacky what are you doing :|*

Ashley: *Makes her way towards the fire* Oh...That's where all the light was coming from... What's going on?

Lucas: *Thank god you are here Jeffums.* Um... a-anyway. Whether you made it or not... y-you're welcome to join us, right?

Jeff: *Just kind of stares at Orange Kid. And ICONS. And scoots closer to Lucas.*

Tony: *Tony's Jeff senses were tingling and so was his campfire intuition. He arrives and pops out of a bush behind Jeff, marshmallows and a blanket in tow.* Look what we have here!

Daisy: *to Ashley* We're having a party! Come join us!

Amy: *To Daisy* A blanket sounds nice! It's so chilly out...

Ashley: Cool. Campfire party. *Finds a seat on the ground and sits before waving back to Ionia*

Jeff: DAHHHH--- oh. Tony! Don't pop out of nowhere like that.

Tony: Gee, I guess I did, didn't I? Ha!

Orange Kid: Hm. I suppose it couldn't hurt.

Smithy: *Hello everyone, have a HARRUMPH. Because giant effing metal robot king is coming your way.* A campfire, hmm?

Blacky: I think we have our killer.

Ionia: *Yaaay, Papa lap. :D She also waves to Ashley, then glances over to Blacky.* Killer...?

Daisy: Hang on, I'll go get it! *Daisy gets up and leaves for a few minutes while she goes back to her room to get her blanket*

Blacky: Haven't you seen any scary movies, dear?

Tony: Are you cold, Jeff?

Ionia: *Shaking her head. As if her squillion parent figures would let her watch slasher flicks.*

Tails: But Ms. Blacky, this isn't like those...

Jeff: NO, SHE'S NOT GOING TO. And... Uhm... I guess I am, a little bit.

Blacky: Oho, yes it is. I've already pointed that out.

Tony: Here! *wraps the blanket around him SNUGLY*

Lucas: ... *Tony what are you doing you are lucky this kid is a doormat :(*

Jeff: Thanks. Um. *Opens the blanket up to share it with Lucas, insensitive bastard he is.* ...How about you, Tony? Are you cold too?

Shadow: *Trying to ignore how crowded it's getting already, he starts playing some music to clear his mind...*

Ashley: *Smiles and listens to the music*

Tails: *Just sorta sits there and listens intently to the conversations around him.*

Tony: Nope! Not at all. *What stepped on again awwww it feels like the day you took my birthday cookies*

Smithy: *Comes in but does not sit down anywhere, he is just going to lurk around being a douche like that.*

Nyx: *Oh, what's this? Talking about mystery killers and terror plots? Maybe she's interested. She walks up to join them, and grins at Blacky.* C'mon, don't be so quick with the accusations... it's always the one y'least expect, right?

Larry: *The bidoof.... slowly crept his way to the campfire. He had a comic book or two in his arms. His posture was sulked.* Hu-hi guys... Don't mind me, nnnderp.

Pit: *Kind of wedges somewhere next to Falcon*

Falcon: *Oh hi Pit you sure are next to me.*

Pit: *But I like you Falcon*

Blacky: That depends. Sometimes it's rather obvious.

Larry: H-hello? Anyone? *slowly creeps closer*

Lucas: *yaaay :)* Um... I-I don't think anyone here is a killer. That's... that kind of thing's sort of creepy, isn't it...?

Zelda: I would think there'd need to be a murder first to imply a killer...

Blacky: Who says there hasn't been one?

Larry: *Just waits till someone says hi. For now he says nothing, but naturally his breathing is heavy....*

Nyx: *shakes her head.* Yeah, but I'm still willin' to bet it ain't that kid. *she jabs her thumb in Larry's direction.* Betcha it's nerd.

Lucas: *AKA can we not talk about killers and murder when it's dark and cold and spooky out and I already have bonfire trauma 8( scooting closer to Jeff now.*

Larry: O-oh, hello there, Nyx. How are you this particular evening?

Jeff: You guys, let's stop talking about... you know, stuff like that.

Orange Kid: W-wait, is there really some kind of crazy killer on the loose..?

Smithy: *Grunts and grins somewhat evilly at Orange Kid, though it's a fake grin* Perhaps.

Blacky: He does look like he could kill anyone with just his teeth alone... Always, Orange Kid.

Larry: WHAT?! Noo man, I don't fight.

Daisy: *finally returns, toting her big soft blanket under her arm* Here we go! *sits back where she was, throwing the blanket over her legs* Much better!

Falcon: *FACEPALM* No, there's not. Blacky's just trying to creep everyone out.

Orange Kid: *A-aaaaa backing away from Smithy* Oh. Of course there isn't. I knew that. I wasn't worried in the slightest!

Smithy: *Still grinning.* Of course you weren't, Orange Kid.

Blacky: *Pouts a bit* Oh, Falcon, where's your campfire spirit?

Ionia: *Oh hi Pit ^A^ and also some waving at the funny tooth boy.* Are you sure, Papa...?

Falcon: Positive. This is what people do at campfires. They tell scary stories and everyone tries to outdo each other. *To Blacky.* I dunno. Lost it somewhere. Pass the marshmallows.

Larry: *Sits somewhere, without even asking. Derp.* What is everyone doing?

Shadow: *While playing* I dunno guys, I've been hearing some strange noises out in the woods tonight. I think I may have even heard some shots fired... *Doesn't mention it was him doing the shooting at trees*

Blacky: You seem to forget: nearly all of us have murder in our pasts, just as recently as this February. Some people simply don't stop after their first kill.

Daisy: *offers to let Amy share her blanket*

Amy: Thanks, Daisy! You're the best! *OMG YAY*

Lucas: *To Shadow* Sh-shots...? Y-you... you mean... like a gun?

Shadow: *shrugging* Could have just been hearing things.

Pit: Ooooh I love marshmallows! *nom*

Larry: OH OH! I got some good stories that will knock your beard off!

Zelda: Are you sure this is the kind of thing we should be talking about?

Ashley: Gotta tell some good ghost stories around the fire. *Leans back on her arms, watching the fire*

Nyx: *wiiide grin in Larry's direction. Well, this is her victim for the night.* Juuuust peachy, kid. *and she plops down next to him, snickering*

Tails: Do you know some ghost stories, Ashley?

Ashley: *Shakes her head* Not any scary ones...True ones, yeah....

Ionia: If stories are a campfire thing, then Ionia wants stories!


Blacky: I agree. Suppose there is no real danger out there. We can all relax and tell the stories without worry.

Larry: Hello there, Nyx. Again. Derp.

Nyx: Say, uh, kid, what's yer name again? I kinda forgot. It was, uh... Dumbass, or.. hell I dunno.

Pit: Don't worry, guys! If there's danger, we can fight it off together! Believe me.

Falcon: *Is just going to show Ionia how to roast marshmallows because it's adorable ok.*

Smithy: Bah, ghost stories... for little kids, seriously.

Amy: I think we're all safe. If not, we could clobber anything that tries to attack us.

Tails: That's for sure!

Daisy: Hey, I don't mind! Bring on the scary stories!

Fuel: *is already roasting a marshmallow* Stories? Yeah! That sounds awesome!

Pit: I love stories!

Orange Kid: Ghost stories? As if I'd let something like that scare me!

Tails: Same here!

Smithy: *He will just. Stand near Orange Kid with that sinister smirk. Because he enjoys creeping the poor guy out.*

Orange Kid: *Mission accomplished, Smithy. He is very nervous with you just standing there behind him.*

Smithy: *Just as planned.*

Ionia: *Oh boy adorable times 8D* Then we are telling stories! *And lighting our marshmallows on fire whoops* Who wants to go first?

Amy: Those aren't scary. *Amy turns to Ionia, noticing the leaf* Hey um, Ionia?

Ionia: What is it?

Amy: You're Avi and Hoji's sister, right?

Shadow: *Noticing the change in conversation heading towards ghost stories, starts to change the tune...*

Pit: *Is roasting a marshmallow doop doop* :>

Ionia: *nodnod* Yes! Someday I will have a flower too! Just like Hoji and aniki.

Lucas: *Also gonna pass on the marshmallows. You like those, right, Orange Kid?*

Orange Kid: *Sure, he's great at roasting marshmallows! …woops, they’re all on fire. Nevermind.*


Amy: But it's so cute! *Aaaa Pikmin sisters are so cute*

Ionia: Thank you, pink girl! *:D*

Amy: Oh, right, my name is Amy!

Fuel: Oh, Pit! Hi! *wavewavewave* I didn't see you!

Pit: *wavewavewave* Hi!! It's kinda dark so I don't blame you.

Fuel: Haha, yeah, it is- WHOAH. *That is a bag of marshmallows on fire.* Don't worry! I brought another bag!

Ionia: Ion--... I am Ionia. It is good to meet you! *And ooh the story is starting, gonna lean forward all gung-ho and listen 8D*

Shadow: *Pretends not to pay attention as the story starts*

Falcon: So who's got a story?

Blacky: I've got one. But does it count as a story if it's true?

Lucas: ...T-true...?

Ashley: I think it counts if it's true.

Nyx: Ohh, yeah. Especially if it's true.

Tony: *Is kind of just sitting there behind Lucas and Jeff. But he's with Jeff so he's happy.*

Tails: You have a true story, Ms. Blacky?

Blacky: Ah, good. In that case, I think a certain resident of our school's own haunted dorm deserves to have their story told.

Pit: Tell it!

Blacky: Nyx, you're from Kanto, hm? Do you know the story of the Missing Number Zero?

Nyx: Missingno? Huh, Didn't think that's true. Yeah, used t'hear crap about that back home. Didn't think it was true, though.

Zelda: A Pokemon?

Blacky: Oh, trust me. It is.

Ashley: *Sits up, ready to listen with a slight smile on her face*

Blacky: Nobody knows if it can truly be called a Pokemon. Perhaps it was, once. But rumor has it that it spent years locked away in a lab on Cinnabar Island, enduring unspeakable tests at the hands of remorseless scientists.

Tails: *Listening intently.*

Larry: Cinnabar's in... Hoenn right? I forgot....

Lucas: *Oh god it's a chimera noooo D:*

Blacky: They wanted to create something with limitless power, something that could bend time and shift space. Something that could take something rare and valuable and multiply it to infinite amounts. To make them rich and powerful, more or less. Actually, Cinnabar is in Kanto. Not that the location truly matters.

Pit: *breathless* Ohhh...

Larry: Could I get an unlimited amount of video games and sandwiches? You know what's awesome? Rare candies!

Nyx: *whap* Shut it, y'dumb shit.

Blacky: Now then. The fatal flaw in making something so powerful is that the scientists themselves could not control such a thing, and-- hush, Larry-- the creature escaped, killing nearly everyone in the lab.

Falcon: Let me guess, they never found it. So it's out there somewhere, perhaps in these very woods, right?

Blacky: Not quite. There was but one survivor, an old man who tried to capture it. Of course, he failed, and after bearing witness to the murder of his colleagues, he fled to Viridian, a broken man who insists on teaching everyone he meets how to catch Pokemon, as though hoping one day someone can capture the Missingno and put his conscience to rest.

Lucas: *nnnnnh 8( Pulling his half of blanket tighter around himself now.*

Blacky: Rumour had it that it fled to the coasts of Cinnabar, haunting the beaches. There have been reports of a flickering, shapeless form beeing seen there from time to time, and those who have seen it suddenly having full pockets. But that's not where it is now.

Larry: D-derp........ *also rubbing his head where Nyx hit him*

Blacky: It's right here in this school. Right in the girl's dormitory.

Pit: No way!

Tails: Seriously!?

Blacky: It's true. I hadn't believed the story myself until I saw it.

Amy: ....No it's not.

Orange Kid: Yeah, sure it is.

Smithy: I doubt that.

Zelda: BW-1, right?

Lucas: I-it's... it's HERE? *fjdhk okay hugging his knees to his chest*

Blacky: That's right. You can see for yourself if you don't believe me, but be warned...

Amy: She's lying, that room is probably just trashed.

Nyx: Nah, the lady's right. Snuck in the once, round'about a year ago.

Ashley: *Chuckles* I believe it.

Lucas: I-I'm... I'm not going anywhere near there!

Blacky: That thing's power is so great, being around it for prolonged periods of time will affect your mind. It will warp it and cause... hallucinations. Loss of control.

Amy: What? R-really?

Blacky: Mhm. It's a shame Leon left. He could verify my story.

Tony: Like the sprouts?

Larry: Mr. Powalalalalalalaskito's classes always made me sick.

Amy: That's not how you say it.

Blacky: ...Something like those, yes.

Jake: *seems to have appeared out of nowhere, standing RIGHT BEHIND BLACKY, speaking as soon as she's done her story* Hey bras, what's shakin'?

Lucas: *girly shriek*


Fuel: !!! Wh- behind you!

Jeff: *OW MY EARS*

Larry: Huh? What is everyone talking about? *Yes, he’s that oblivious.*

Jake: Was it something I said? *looks totally confused by what's going on*

Jeff: C-could people stop popping out of nowhere like that?! Only Maxwell’s allowed to do that.

Lucas: *Hey Jeff your shoulder looks like a good hiding place- he's just gonna bury his face against it now*

Tony: *small laugh* Good old Maxwell...

Shadow: *pfffflol* So Miss Blacky... How come this thing hasn't warped the whole school by now?

Larry: .....OH HEY! Someone else showed up! Howdy!

Nyx: *laughing her ass off* Nice timing, kid!

Jake: Thanks, I guess. Hey, bras!

Ionia: Hello headphones boy! We are telling stories!

Jake: Stories, huh? What kinda stories?

Blacky: *Shrugs, trying to keep her cool after JAKE GRR* The room itself has some sort of strange containment power, I suppose. It would be a right shame if something happened, though.

Larry: Hahahehehehah. Was it something I said, Nyx?

Shadow: *Tucks away this bit of information, and starts playing a new song...*

Zelda: *Is just going to scootch over to Daisy and Amy because they have a blanket.*

Amy: Hi Zelda, come join us!

Zelda: *Discreet snuggle.*

Daisy: Luckily I brought a big blanket!

Amy: *<3*

Nyx: No, Larry. nothin' you did. That kid with the headphones poppin' up there. Was good timin', scared some of these dumbasses outta their skin- y'know what nevermind.

Samus: *HI I HEARD A GIRLY SCREAM. Also: the smell of marshmallows attracted the wild bounty hunter from her lair, the faraway land of TD-01. Oh but what is this, this is a... fire gathering of some sort with marshmallow and blanket children and soft guitar music* What's this now...

Tails: Hey, Ms. Aran, come join us!

Jake: So you're all tellin' ghost stories, huh?



Larry: Uh okay then, Nyx. *To Samus* Hi there, Ms. Er-ehn!

Nyx: Ain't you nerds s'posed to be smart or somethin'?


Pit: Samus! *wave*

Falcon: *Is just kind of discreetly going to make room for Samus next to him.*

Tony: 8D

Samus: Hey. *to everyone vaguely. Oh fffff children times GUESS SHE MUST OBLIGE so she does*

Peach: *sneaksneak what is going on here*

Blacky: Ah, Samus. You just missed a story about the Haunted Dorm... but you're not into that sort of thing, are you?

Daisy: *waves at Peach* Peach! C'mon over and join us! We got a big blanket and everything!

Ionia: *and one more wave for the princess 8D*

Amy: Hi, Ms. Aran! *OMG OMG PEACH* Peeeach, over here!

Pit: Hi Peach! <3

Peach: *wave wave* What's going on? *tip-toeing around everyone in the direction of blankets*

Zelda: *Wavewaves for Peachy*

Ionia: We need a story for Grandma, too! Tell another one!

Blacky: Hahaha... I'll let someone else have a turn.

Daisy: We're telling ghost stories! *holds up the blanket next to her to come in*

Samus: I see. In blankets.

Peach: Oh! Ghost stories! *snugglin on in between Amy and Daisy~*

Jake: Hey, I can totally tell a scary story.

Falcon: Go for it.

Ionia: *oh boy oh boy 8D* You can? Please tell us, headphones boy!

Tails: Yeah, another story would be great!

Jeff: You can come sit in my blanket, Samus.

Falcon: *GLARE.*

Larry: D-derp, when these tales are done being told, can I share my own story?

Jeff: *sticks his tongue out at Falcon*

Falcon: *This is his 'Don't try me' face*

Jeff: Pleeeeeeease Moooooooooom.

Samus: *she shakes her head and TRIES TO HIDE A SMILE OK. So she sits BETWEEN THEM BOTH so there*

Fuel: Yeah! I wanna hear another story! *Fuel your marshmallow has been burnt to a crisp. Way to go.*

Blacky: Hmm. A blanket may have been a good idea.

Jake: A'ight. *sits down next to Blacky, reaches into his pocket, and pulls out the flashlight he brought with him, shining it up under his face* This story happened about a year ago, back during the war in Omega Land. I know about it 'cause I was there, leading armies of Orange Star.

Lucas: *Peeking up a little from Jeff's shoulder now. Maybe this story won't be so bad.*

Jeff: *Just hopes it isn't about Chet. :|*

Amy: It's so nice and warm, Ms. Umbreon~ *snuuuuggle in blanket*

Smithy: *Still having a blast staring at Orange Kid with the sinister smirk.*

Orange Kid: *Still being extremely nervous and trying his best to ignore him*

Blacky: I can imagine... Just how big is that one, anyway?

Ashley- *Just sits there listening, mostly watching the flames*

Daisy: King-sized!


Amy: *<8D;*

Larry: I'm used to the brisk winds of October... Sinnoh's really cold, you know.

Jake: It first happened on a night a little like this one, a few days before the end of a long battle. This town we were fighting in had some big woods off to the west. Locals had stories about some creature that lived in the woods, and that it was cursed. Naturally, we don't really put a lot of stock in stories of curses and hauntings.

Zelda: *Is kind of eating copious amounts of marshmallows but is trying not to let anyone see that she is eating copious amounts of marshmallows.*

Peach: It's getting cozy under here. *NOT THAT SHE MINDS*

Daisy: At least it's a big blanket, huh?

Peach: Mmhm.

Blacky: Mm.

Amy: I'll say. *Roasting marshmallow*

Zelda: Mrmf.

Knuckles: *Roasting watermelon*

Jake: They told us that anyone who went in didn't come out alive...

Blacky: Zelda, you seem to be eating copious amounts of marshmallows, there.

Amy: ....Knuckles, is that you?

Zelda: ...Would you like some?

Knuckles: Hi!

Blacky: I would love some.

Tails: .... Why are you roasting a watermelon, Knuckles?

Knuckles: Just to see if it's good. Grapes don't fire roast well.

Pit: Hey there, Knuckles!

Amy: We're having a campfire!

Fuel: !!! *finally notices his marshmallow's burnt to a crisp. D: *

Jeff: I think roasting watermelon is creepier than any ghost story.

Ashley- *Grabs a Marshmallow and a stick and starts roasting one*

Peach: Oh, may I have some? *grabby hands at Zelda*

Zelda: Oh, of course. *Hands them over*

Amy: *Happily humming to herself as she waits for her marshmallow to finish. Yum yum s'mores*

Jake: Well, during a lull in the fighting, some units on the rear lines were taking a break. One unit in particular was stationed near the edge of the woods. And among the soldiers in that unit were a man and a woman. I don't pry into the personal lives of the troops, but they were apparently somethin' of an item.

Blacky: *Just kind of nibbles on one without roasting it, watching Jake expectantly*

Peach: *grabs a small handful B)*

Pit: An item? *Doesn't understand*

Tails: .... *does not ask what this is.*

Jake: So they're off to do what a young couple usually does alone, and to escape the prying eyes of their teammates, they head off into the woods.

Blacky: Alas. The lovers always die in horror films.

Amy: Yeah I know, it's so sad.

Ionia: *whispering to Papa and Granny dearest* What do young couples usually do alone?

Falcon: I'll tell you when you're older.

Samus: He will tell you when you're older.

Nyx: *rolls her eyes* How dumb ya gotta be? One of the rules of this kinda shit.

Blacky: Unless they fall in love during the story, in which case they may have a chance...

Jake: Come daybreak, they never came back. But at dawn, the rest of the unit swore they could hear some kind of unearthly howl...

Blacky: Although dying in the throes of passion can't be that bad. *Griiiin*

Peach: *gives Blacky a look 8T*

Tails: *staring at Blacky with a confused look on his face*

Blacky: Better than dying in tremendous pain, I would think.

Jake: Well, their commander just thought they were skippin' out on their duties, so he sent three more men out to find them. But about an hour later, they heard another howl, and... that was it. None of them ever came back.

Larry: *INTERUPTING COW* A-ah excuse meee, I got a little lost on the story. Could you backtrack, nnderp?

Ashley: *Kind of snickers a bit as she checks her marshmallow*

Jake: Huh? Oh sure, what part did you miss?

Larry: I missed out a little on the beginning, middle and end.

Samus: *this is Samus roasting a couple of marshmallows on a stick for Ionia and Jeff and listening to the story/story be interrupted*

Falcon: *This is Falcon stealing Samus' marshmallows.*

Zelda: So what happened to them?

Jake: Uh, how about I tell you again later after I'm done? Now where was I... Oh yeah. They never came back.

Zelda: Oh.

Jeff: *This is Jeff kind of maneuvering so he's peeking over Samus' shoulder and watching the roasting*

Samus: *this is Samus pinching Falcon and mouthing the word fatty*

Falcon: *This is Falcon nudging Samus and mouthing 'no you'.*

Ionia: *This is Ionia swiping a marshmallow while both are distracted.*

Pit: *Pit thinks your antics are silly*

Nyx: Pffft! Whatever you die doin', ain't ever clean in this kinda thing. Gotta be painful and slow, y'know?

Blacky: What about when they vanish without a trace, no screams, no anything?

Jake: Well, their commander was starting to get a bit worried, so this time he took his entire unit in to the woods to find them. He was sure it was just a Black Hole unit that was pickin' them off.

Larry: *This is Larry waiting to eat his weight in marshmallows*

*What perfect timing as it is the full moon tonight and a werehog lets out a howl from atop of the nearby rooftop*

*...Before jumping off and running off into the forest. You only see him for a few seconds. There...seems to be someone riding on top?*

Jeff: *weguhebjnerg* WHAT.

Larry: ....dfshjdfsgjhsdfgfdjshd

Lucas: *DFSHHF DID YOU HEAR THAT HOWL hdgfjfk cowering harder than ever*

Larry: D-DERRP, what was that?!

Ashley: *Looks up surpised* What the.....?

Tails: Hey, Sonic's here too!

Peach: *DGJFHDH snuggles into Amy D:*

Amy: *Snuggles back but first* SONIC!

Nyx: *cackles* Oh, this is rich!

Orange Kid: *asdfasdlfjk* What was that?!


Smithy: ... What the?

Samus: *aaaaa holding children and generally otherwise looking not scared*

Tony: *Looks around*

Shadow: *grumblemumble* Showoff.

Falcon: *HEY I'm big and strong too you all are BIASED.*

Fuel: hdfgfhjdsd. D: *drops his marshmallow and stick and clings to whoever's closest*

Amy: ....Sonic?....

Peach: Sonic?

Tails: Sonic...?

Pit: Don't worry you guys, it's just a wolf.

Blacky: That's no wolf.

Pit: It's not?

Blacky: No. It hardly sounds canine...

Wolf: ...Huh.

Amy: I... he looked like...*silent bummed Amy*

Jake: *totally unfazed by the howl, he keeps telling his story* When the unit didn't check in later that day, we came looking. We found the unit commander. He was the only one that made it. His legs were gone. He had gashes in his skin, a foot long each. And he swore that he saw some THING, covered in hair, with big, shining yellow eyes... The man died before we could get him medical aid.

Falcon: *...Omg Wolf is it you is it really you Wolf I missed you where have you been all my life*


Falcon: *Omg I knew it was you bby sparkle sparkle~*

Blacky: That is a wolf. *Stares at Wolf.* Goodness, when did you get here?

Samus: *dryly* That's a wolf.

Blacky: *Directs stare to Samus*

Lucas: *OH GOD THIS STORY IS EVEN SCARIER THAN THE OTHER ONE and also fhdhfs Wolf hello he's just gonna. Jump a little now. DB*

Jake: And to this day, we can't verify how they all really died... Only that you can still hear the howling in the woods at night, a warning to everyone that the hunter has found his prey...

Larry: ....................... *Might need new pants, maybe not*

*Hey more howling at the distance but this one seems more enjoyable if you know what I mean*

Wolf: *smirks at Samus's comment* I'll say. I just wandered in a moment ago. *makes his way towards Falcon~~~*

Flak: *Suddenly, a giant of a man comes stomping through the trees, practically knocking them down, up to the campfire.*

Amy: E-eep!

Peach: *tiny shriek!*

Jeff: *Totally manly squeal*

Tony: Aaah!

Tails: W-what the!?

Amy: *Huddles next to Peach*

Peach: *huddles into Amy ;A;*

Daisy: *clinging to Peach and Amy*

Lucas: *You thought the last scream was girly? This one is like if Peach and Amy had a baby and it was also a fairy unicorn*

Ashley: *Slightly freaked out*

Blacky: *Totally pretending not to be scared at all, 'cause she's TOTALLY NOT at all*

Samus: *she is going to cling fake children closer to her until this man identifies himself*

*There's also a bit of a scream in the distance. But it doesn't sound like it's afraid or in pain, if you know what I mean.*

Jake: *looks up at Flak* Oh, hey, what're you doin' here?

Flak: I was taking a walk, and saw the fire and wondered what it was. ...The heck's goin' on here?

Larry: ............W-we're telling scary st-stories.

Lucas: D-d-don't just sneak up on us like that...! *fhgjdg oh god shaking*

Daisy: ...Oh. It's YOU.

Lash: *appears behind Flak* So there aren't any wars going on? *disappointed*

Jake: Nah, not tonight, bra. *gets up* Just ghost stories.

Ionia: Lash! *wavewavewave*

Lash: Ionia! *wave wave back*

Jeff: H-haha... J-jeez. Wow. See, Lucas? It's nothing.

Pit: 8]

Falcon: *Samus please accept my offering of a s'more I worked really hard on it.* *Poke poke.*

Peach: *dainty wave at lash hi hi*

Lash: *Uhhh dainty wave at Peach except it looks horrible and not very womanly*

Samus: ... *slow release of protective mother cling.... and subtle lean over/nibble on Falcon’s s'more.*

Nyx: *rolls her eyes.* man, the hell're you talking about, none'a this shit's scary.

Zelda: Do you have one, then?

Jeff: *Stares at Falcon with soul-sucking eyes*

Flak: Ghost stories? Hah! Maybe I'll stick around for a while.

Amy: Hey, Lash.

Scyther: *pokes her head out of the shadows* Oh. Guess there is somethin' goin' on out here.

Lucas: R-right... *And he's gonna ease off the cowerclinging a bit. So Jeff has more Paz!eyes space.*


Nyx: Yeah, you betcha. but it's a real good one, so I think I'm gonna be savin' the best for last.

Jake: So who's up next?

Ionia: Scary stories! *waving at the nice green lady kthnx*

Lash: Scyther! *hi hi Band of the Hawke manly wave*

Scyther: *waves back at the waving people HELLO* Guess I'm not too late or anything?

Blacky: Too late to see everyone cower, I'm afraid. It was rather adorable.

Ashley: *Waves, relaxing once more*

Ionia: We are just going to tell another one! Right? *Looking at Nyx now. Right Nyx? RIGHT? 8D*

Samus: *whisper poke to Falcon* I think we're going to need a bigger fire and more marshmallows at this rate.

Wolf: *scootches closer to Falcon slooooooowly 8)*

removablesleeves (10:10:34 PM):JEEEEEEEEEERATE! *throws jar at campfire*

Nyx: Nah, Scy, you're good. We'll get 'em going again soon enough.

Falcon: *Is pretty sure he has at least four people sitting next to him at this point.* Hm?

Scyther: Pah, that's a shame. *OH LOOK THERE GOES SNOIPAH*

Shadow: *waiting for the next story to start, plays a little tune and hums alongside of it...*

Jake: Well, I've gotta mosey. I told Rachel I'd go meet up with her. Later, bras. *And with that, Jake disappears into the woods from whence he came, without leaving a trace, like he was never there.*

Lash: ..... *Jake what the hell*

Scyther: You gonna tell one, Nyx? You gotta know some good ones. *finds a way to sit near Nyx or something hell yes*

Knuckles: Hey Scyther!

Scyther: *waves to Knuckles |Db*

Ionia: *Lap privileges don't count flacon* Io... I do not think the other stories were very scary so please make this one extra good, okay?

Blacky: ...I think Jake's the killer, now that I think about it.

Lucas: C-can we please not talk about killers...?

Jeff: I have a scary story for you, Ionia. About the day F-Zero was canceled. FOREVER.
Falcon: Oh God.


Jeff: *eh? Eeeeeeeeeh? 8D*

Samus: Oh no. *DEADPAN*

Ionia: *little girl punch*



Jeff: just kidding-- OW!

Amy: *Not really paying attention now, too comfy*

Jeff: You didn't have to punch me! Jeez...! *Rubs arm*

Ionia: That is not funny!

Falcon: It WAS canceled once, that was the worst time of my life! Don’t even joke.


tony (mother), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), lucas (mother), captain falcon (f-zero), lash (advance wars), tails (sonic the hedgehog), fuel (mother), ionia/blue pikmin (pikmin), jake (advance wars), shadow (sonic the hedgehog), zelda (zelda), nyx/gengar (pokemon), !chat log, flak (advance wars), daisy (mario), pit (kid icarus), orange kid (mother), ashley robbins (another code), samus aran (metroid), jeff andonuts (mother), scyther (pokemon)

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