Sep 07, 2009 21:24

Who: Lash, Hawke, Flak, Adder, Raiden.
What: Black Hole needs money. The obvious solution is Robin Hooding. Except it's "take from the rich and give to ourselves". Cue operation "break and enter some random eccentric rich old dude's mysterious island fortress, sneak around his living room, hack his mainframe computer and transfer several billion dollars to the Black Hole Swiss Bank account". Hot times.
When: Sunday, September 6th, late night.
Where: Some eccentric rich old dude's mysterious island fortress. I mean really what kind of dude lives in a batcave on an island.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.

This was so beneath them.

They were Black Hole, an elite group of military officers, and here they were, about to infiltrate some kind of island base that Lash had randomly found through satellite imaging, with the hopes that the owner would miraculously be rich. Commanding officers reduced to petty theft. He couldn't deny the fact that they desperately needed money, but this was just base.

To be fair, if Lash was accurate in assuming that "this guy was loaded", it would be quite a bit more than petty theft, but Hawke was already growing impatient that they were taking this chance in the first place. They had no idea about the kind of security on this place, if the owner was home, what kind of place it even was. "Only villains live in places like this", Lash had said. Random island, random victim, random possessions...this was a real shot in the dark. What if the owner didn't have any money at all, just a whole lot of security and booby traps and...

He pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers and sighed, peering out the windshield of the aircraft taking them to the coordinates Lash found a few days prior. At least with the construction of their transforming tank...craft...thing, they didn't have to worry about transportation. A flashing light signaled the proximity of their destination.

"Cloak and bring us in." Hawke said, with all the stoicism of a commander, despite the terrible illegality of what they were about to do. A mission was a mission, after all.

raiden (metal gear), !rp log, !completed log, flak (advance wars), lash (advance wars), hawke (advance wars)

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