Who doesn't like sports pubs?

Jul 15, 2009 19:03

Characters: Goose, Daroach
What: Goose takes the squeaker to a ~sports pub~ filled with meaty dishes and plenty of booze.
Where: Some sports pub in the city.
When: July 15th
Rating: PG-13 to R, most likely. Goose is a bit of a sailor mouth and Daroach is a bit of an... everything. |D

Yeehaw. )

!rp log, !completed log, goose (pilotwings), daroach (kirby)

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squeakerdude July 15 2009, 23:36:45 UTC
Daroach happened to be standing under a tree near the parking lot, smoking his 3rd cigarette. Everything's just getting too stressfull for him lately.

First it was the tarot reading results talking about loss, which succeeded in pissing him off and ultimately badmouthing Amy. Then it was the outing with Blacky, who rejected his advances and acting emo in her journal concerning some guy she's head over heals with, which pissed him off to no end. And then there's family trouble, the twins with their reoccurring nightmares and his wife's decline in health. He would have to take her to the hospital soon if this keeps up. Just... this is too much to handle.

Daroach continued smoking in hopes that it'll rid of the stress, if only temporarily. As of now, he's just a ticking time bomb ready to explode; there has to be a silver lining somewhere, just a small break for him to recuperate from all this mess. Perhaps he'll get that chance today.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed Goose standing in the parking lot. He doesn't know why the pilot is here or even care, but at least it's something to look at other than the grass.

And so his attention is now on Goose.


badasscopters July 15 2009, 23:54:12 UTC
Goose was just about to head for his 'copter when his glancing about allowed him to catch sight of someone. Some guy standing under a... tree? Boy, he did seem pretty tiny, too.

He took a few steps closer curiously, wondering who this person was, but he then realized it was Daraoch under the shade of that tree. Huh, what in the world was he-... oh, he was smoking a cigarette. No wonder.

He probably must have been sighted by now, so he decided it wouldn't hurt to walk up and utter a, "Hey."


squeakerdude July 16 2009, 00:01:12 UTC
Daroach watched Goose approach him, letting out a greeting as any other would. He simply blew some smoke from his mouth and greeted back, in his own way, of course.

"What do you want?"


badasscopters July 16 2009, 00:03:28 UTC
"Hey, hey, ain't a crime to say hi to someone," Goose casually shrugged but kept a chipper smile on his visage, as usual. Oh Daroach, even you couldn't ruin his pleasant mood. Then again, it wasn't THAT easy to get him riled up or angry.

"Was just about t' go for a flight, actually, but I ain't in a rush."


squeakerdude July 16 2009, 00:19:47 UTC
"Heh... true to your name, Bird Boy." He said with a small smirk before taking another drag of his cigarette. He might as well have some sort of conversation with the pilot, if only to pass the time and keep his mind off of things. Other than him pushing his buttons from time to time, especially when it comes to his twins, Goose isn't really a bad person to be around. He's one of very few he can tolerate for a few hours.

"Just don't go dropping shit on my head."


badasscopters July 16 2009, 00:24:30 UTC
Goose rolled his eyes and leaned on the tree himself, glancing around at the area surrounding the city, as well as the beautiful evening light than began to dim down into the sweet darkness of nightfall. He felt much more comfortable at night, really. He didn't have a big weakness to sunlight at all, but what with wearing shades 24/7 and his world quite frequently looking darker around him, he wasn't a big fan of brighter light. He seemed more at home later at noon, around evening, or at night.

"Just so long as ya don't throw cheese at me, mouse man," He smirked playfully and glanced over at his gyrocopter.

"So," He started out, still looking over at his 'copter. It was just about then that he had an idea, and well, needless to say, he didn't need to go home any time soon. "I've been thinkin' of poppin' by one of the pubs in town. Y'anno, the kind with fresh meat and lots of booze to spare."

There may have been a huge grin on his face while he hinted at something right there, Daroach. A very huge grin.


squeakerdude July 16 2009, 00:37:57 UTC
Daroach rolled his eyes back at Goose and grumbled to himself while tapping his cig. What's with people thinking that all mice love cheese? He, for one, can't stand the sight or smell of it, mainly cause he's allergic to it, but still... what a stupid stereotype.

Fortunately what Goose said later caught his attention. It saved the pilot from getting insulted.

"A pub, you say?" He replied, looking interested. Hell, if it has alcohol, then surely it's okay in his book. Sides, after what he's currently going through, a drink or two is welcoming right about now.

"How far is it?"


badasscopters July 16 2009, 00:44:27 UTC
"Ain't far. Pro'lly a two minute ride by 'copter!" Goose said matter-of-factly, motioning to his star-spangled baby... with a shark face plastered on the front. Wow, tackiest gyrocopter ever.

"Ya'll'd like flyin', anyway, I'll assure ya'."


squeakerdude July 16 2009, 00:51:35 UTC
Tacky indeed.

"Must've been high as a kite to come up with a shitty design like that. Hell, my kids can do better with crayons... and they haven't grown their limbs yet." He said, throwing his used cig on the ground and squishing it with his foot.

"Regardless, there's no way in hell I gonna ride on that thing with your gay ass."


badasscopters July 16 2009, 01:23:10 UTC
"Bah, ya' just have bad taste in paint jobs," Goose rolled his eyes and climbed into the 'copter. "Suit yer' self. I'll just meet ya' there or somethin'. It's at ((insert some address here))."

He saluted Daroach and took flight. The sky was already growing darker now, and it made the area above the city all too stunning. The lights were beginning to glimmer down in the town's streets and the cars' lights were flipping on. It was quite the sight.

He landed outside of the pub and got out of his vehicle. Now he just had to wait for Daroach to show up.


squeakerdude July 16 2009, 01:40:46 UTC
A few moments later after Goose arrived, Daroach appeared in front of him via teleportatian.

"Ahhh... fuck!" he hissed, rubbing his now aching head. It's a rarity for him to teleport farther than a few feet, so going a distance 2 mins long is pushing it. Then again, when it comes to his reputation, a headache is more accepting than riding on the backseat of Goose's fashionably-impaired gyrocopter.

Ignoring the throbbing pain in his head, Daroach walked inside the pub in search of a seat, not at all waiting for Goose to follow.


badasscopters July 16 2009, 01:56:17 UTC
Goose didn't pay any mind to Daroach's pain at first. He simply followed him instead and took a seat on a table across from him. He called over the waiter nearby and asked for a drink for himself (a beer, to be specific) while they both decided on food. It was when he looked towards his friend to see what he wanted to drink that he noticed that the mouse didn't seem very... comfortable.

"Yer' head hurt?" He asked. Did he injure himself on the way here? But wait, how would he be able to do that via teleportation? He hadn't the slightest clue at all.


squeakerdude July 16 2009, 02:32:49 UTC
"I'm fine." He said bluntly while looking at the menu in hopes that Goose won't push the matter further. "Just tell the chick I want a bottle of beer, ribs, and some greens."

Daroach placed the menu on the table and took off his hat, revealing a great amount of shaggy fur on the top of his head. He later sighed, resting his head on his hands whilst rubbing his temples. Already he wants another cigarette.


badasscopters July 16 2009, 15:44:18 UTC
"Suuuure thing," Goose uttered, still not sure whether or not Daroach was really fine. Bah, whatever, if he didn't want to admit anything, so be it. He simply waved the waitress over and told her what Daroach wanted. Along with that, he added his own order of wings (he specified for them not to be spicy, he wasn't a fan of spicy food), homestyle mashed potatoes with gravy, and green beans to go with his beer.

He handed both menus to the waitress and grinned. "Hey, a beer'll probably make ya' feel just right again." It always worked for him!


squeakerdude July 16 2009, 15:59:49 UTC
"I hope so, Goose. God knows I do..." He said before turning to face the window. The sky, though dark, is very clear. You can see the stars shining brightly above the horizon as well as the moon, which is currently a full one, giving off its light to the land below.

Such a peacrful scenery...

"...Kids tend to make a wish on the stars, thinking it'll come true. Maybe I should do the same." he said to no one in particular. Least the headache's a lot more tolerable now.


badasscopters July 16 2009, 16:06:50 UTC
Goose leaned his elbow onto the table and stared out of the window himself. God, the sky was amazing! And to think right now, he could be flying in it, but instead, he had to be in this sports pub. Well... not that he minded, for he knew he would fly back home under the stars. Plus, there was booze, delicious booze on its way, so it really wasn't bad! He was just... a bit impatient is all.

And that was when he heard Daroach speak up. Wait, huh? He'd... never heard him say something along the lines of that before, nor did he expect it. Huh.

"Heh, I did that a lot as a kid. Thought the sky had magical powers," He snickered. Maybe that was one reason why he wanted to be a pilot (when he was younger, that is), even though he didn't believe in the stars granting wishes anymore. That was just a childish assumption. Not that he looked down on that, though, for he was simply a kid when he thought that. It was pretty typical for kids to think that way.

"One o' my first wishes from back then did come true, though! Funny, huh?" That was his wish to be a pilot soaring amongst the skies. And what do you know, it did come true!

... Goose still wasn't a believer in wishes though. Bah, he was never open-minded to that stuff. But then again, in a world as crazy as this, anything could be possible.


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