SumaBuraCafe Chat Log 6/22/08 Part Two of Four

Jun 23, 2008 22:21

Characters: Fox, Midna, Vulpix, Parakarry, Mario, Mr. Game & Watch, Goose, Espio, Combusken, Olimar, Louie, Chibi-Robo, Green, Manaphy, King Dedede, Dimentio, Katt, Adeleine, Kygore, Toon Link, Weavile
What: Various Cafe shenanigans, the likes of which are various and too much to put in a one sentence summary.
Where: Sumabura Cafe.
When: Sunday, 22 Jun 2008
Rating: PG-13 to be safe

Parakarry: *glares at DeDeDe*
Midna: *@ Adeleine* Oh, you're much nicer. *smile* Certainly.
Mario: Oh! I haven't seen him in forever!
Vulpix: *comes back to Fox's table with the soda and sets it down* Here you go, Fox-kun~ ^0^;;; *still blushing*
Adeleine: That'd be nice, thank you. [Smiles]
Green: I can heaaar you y'know, blue girl!
Fox: Thank you Pix! *grins and takes the soda, then takes out a quarter and flips it to her* Take a tip :^D
Manaphy: Not water bottles mana... *but lifts a full water bottle* *opens it and starts to make the liquid float and hover around him* the sea...the ocean. Phii...its a large body of water you know mana?
Manaphy: (at Louie) Okay mana~
Parakarry: [@ Mario] Yeah, he told me he and Kolorado are doing some sort of excavation at Keelhaul Key. Something about pirate treasure...
Midna: *to Green* Not like I was keeping it secret! *to Adeleine* Just a moment then~
Manaphy: *has fun a little with the water*
Midna: *goes to get her a glass of milk*
Green: *twitch* Hey!
DDD: (to Manaphy) Yeah, The Ocean... I Miss it... I used to fish until DAT KIRBEH THERE... oh wait, hes not here... Oh well... Yeah, I enjoy the sea too!
Parakarry: *watches Manaphy then glares at Green*
Mario: Hoho! Sounds-a interesting! Good to know he's doing well.
Goose: *struts up to Louie* Hey, you! Can you get your fellow alien pallie there some grub? Coffee and one of those vanilla scones.
CR: *recharges, having almost collapsed while cooking DDD's order, fanning itself with its small chef hat*
Weavile: *still waiting* It sure is taking a long time tonight...
Parakarry: [@ Mario]...I really miss him and the others.....
DDD: *looking around, recognizing some familiar faces*
Vulpix: You're welcome! ;w; *catches quarter* //Ooh, shiny! *A*;;// And thank you~! *bows and hopes her curls cover her face*
Manaphy: *smiles* the ocean is a good place mana~ *is not feeling too many dark vibes from DDD so feels pretty comfortable* ^^
Fox: No prob! *sips some soda*
DDD: Anyways, Manatee, Where are the scones?
Mario: Who knows, maybe he will-a end up sometime! Probably after I've graduated but... you know.
Vulpix: *doesn't really want to move from Fox's table XD*
Mario: I've been meeting a lot of my old friends!
Midna: *notices the kitchen getting a little overloaded due to DDD's order, so gets the milk herself* Hmhm.
Fox: *notices this* So what's up, Pix?
Parakarry: [@ Mario] Most likely...
Manaphy: *glances at the kitchen* They are making it mana...they never had a large order before...phii.... *is thinking about how in the world he;s going to bring all of it to DDD*
Green: *still eating cake* Lots of funny look people in here, they remind me of something.
DDD: Sounds Good, tell them to hurry... I hadnt had lunch since Lunchtime...
CR: *unplugs itself from the socket and starts setting up the dozen scones on the kitchen counter, trying to set them all on a large silver platter*
Manaphy: *decides to put the water back in the water bottle and pockets it*
Katt: ~finishes her scone and tea, still writing~
Midna: *brings the glass to Adeleine* There you go~
Manaphy: (to CR) are the scones ready at least mana?
Louie: *is in middle of cooking some things, is interrupted by Goose* Oh yes, the scones are already done...I think. And coffee, you can grab it yourself at that table. *points*
Parakarry: *folds the paper and puts it back in his bag*
Adeleine: Thank you. I hope they're not having any trouble in the kitchen...because of Dedede's order.
Green: Hey, blue, orange, weird elf thing, I need to ask you something!
Mario: *gulps coffee loudly* Now where's that waiter...
Vulpix: A-ah~! N-nothing really~! >o< Umm... it's been a little weird, being here without my trainer for the first time... :x
Kyogre: Hmm~ *looks around, seeing if she can spot any human!pokemon* :<
DDD: *producing another Waddle, this time a Dee* Hey, Minion, Do you recognize any of the clowns here in this shack?
CR: *finishes setting up the last scone and recharges again, looking visibly exhausted, but motioning to Manaphy* [ ! ]
Espio: *looks over at Green* [@Combusken] What's wrong with that guy? I don't see anything out of the ordinary...
Vulpix: But otherwise, I've been fine. ^///^;
Goose: *to Louie* Oh yeah, thanks. *meanders over to CR in the kitchen* Hey, mind if I take one o' these? *grabs a plane real fast and places a scone on there* Thanks!
Combusken: *jumps at the call of orange*
Parakarry: *sips his soda and polishes off his donut*
Fox: I'm sure you're do fine! It's always good to take those first steps to independence and all *sips soda*
Manaphy: Okay mana...*takes the dozen in the tray*
Midna: It's not any worse than what Porky's ordered, but yeah... *distracted by Green* .. Hold on! *to Adeleine* Let me know if you need anything else~
Vulpix: ;w; Thank you~! ♥
Adeleine: Thank you, I will.
W. Dee: ....*motions towards Adelaine*
Manaphy: *has some time trying to balance it >A<" * *walks to DDD* Here is the first batch mana...
Goose: *dashes off to the table to grab the coffee and hands over to Olimar* Here you go, No-Longer-So-Shorty! *hands over plate and cup*
Vulpix: Anyway, how have you been doing lately, Fox-kun?
Adeleine: [Notices Waddle Dee] Hm? What is it?
Olimar: Thank you.
Combusken: [@Espio] U-Um.... *looks down and fiddles with the hem of her skirt* He's... a Pokemon Trainer and... he doesn't seem to be a very nice one like Red...
Midna: *marches back over to Green* What.
DDD: Oh! Jolly Good! Thank you manatee! *Sucks them all up*
Fox: Oh I'm doing fine, nothing special *waves off casually with a hand and sips soda* I dare say I'm a little bored around here.
W. Dee: ... *just acts cute*
Green: *stares at DDD* Wonder if that fat penguin is- [@Midna] OH FINALLY, look who decided to show up!
Weavile: *puts down book to watch others*
Manaphy: *pouts* It;s ManaPHY...mana mana.... *shakes head in resignation* Or you can call me Mana...
Parakarry: *watches DeDeDe suck up his food, a bit creeped out*
CR: *fans itself with its chef hat for a moment before running back over to the stove, starting to prepare the many orders in the oven*
Adeleine: [Pats Waddle Dee on the head and smiles] I just can't get over how adorable you guys are~
DDD: That was SCRUMPTIOUS, Pie, ORDER DOUBLES PLEASE... and Less Frosting this time!
Manaphy: *glares a bit at Green* *looks away and takes a drink from his water bottle*
Vulpix: o.o Wow, really? I-I didn't think it was possible to get bored around this school...
Katt: ~writing~ You think you're tough, you think you're slick, truth be told you're just a d-- Oh hey, where's Vulpix, I need another scone...
Midna: It took me all of two seconds to walk over here. ....Whatever, what did you want?
Espio: [@Combusken] Pokemon Trainer... Haven't met this "Red"... Hm, should we switch sides so you'd be further away from that perosn?
Fox: Well I have to admit, you sorta tune that stuff out after a while *Sweatdrop*
Green: Well, these people look funny, like they aren't all human right? What about you, are you a Pokemon in disguise or something?
W. Dee: ... *goes off back to DDD*
Vulpix: A-ah, I guess... ^^;;
Fox: When it comes down to it, I don't have many other classes to do left. It's like you're stuck with an elective and you don't know what else to do, heh *sips soda*
Olimar: *Sips his coffee and continues working* I'm lucky either way I am the caffeine doesn't appear to effect me too much...
Combusken: [@Espio] *lightens up at the offer and nods her head a lil too anxiously* Yes! That'd be great. Thank you, Espio. *gets up fast and moves to the other side*
Midna: You don't look very normal yourself, buddy. But I'm Twili, thank you very much.
Espio: *gets up also and sits down on his new side* [@Combusken] No problem. *smiles before taking his cup of coffee and take a sip*
Katt: ~waves~ Oh Vulpiiiiiix~
Parakarry: *finishes his soda*
DDD: So, any news? No? *clenches hammer* Ok, You are dismissed *Activates the mechanical parts and swings the hammer away to W. Dee... W. Dee flies off to a random table*
Adeleine: Ah gee, I feel bad for the cooks....[Sips milk]
Fox: *ear flicks* Oh! Katt! *waves*
Vulpix: I see... :x Maybe you can take more time to refine your techniques? T-though, you seem to already be pretty good! ^0^;;
Green: Normal? How am I not normal! And is Twili a type of Pokemon?
Manaphy: *to RC* is there more of DDD's order mana?
Weavile: *looks around for Goose* Surely the scones would be done by now...
CR: *starts setting up the many cakes and donuts on the kitchen counter, completely covered and sticky with flour and sugar glaze now* [ ! ]
Parakarry: *dodges as the waddledee flies by* Ack!
Katt: ~waves to Fox~ Hahaha...Ineedvulpixnowplz
DDD: sigh, peasants, flying so carelessly when swung...
Fox: Oh um...*motions to Vulpix who is enamored with me*
Vulpix: *ear twitches at her name* Ah, Katt-chan~! I'll be there in a second! *apologetic look at Fox* Call me if you need me, okay? :x
Manaphy: *to Louie* how is DDD like Porky person mana? Is he evil?
Goose: *glances at Weavile* Uhh, whoops! Hold on, shorty! *heads off to the kitchen again and grabs a couple of scones for Weavile*
Fox: No problem! *sips soda*
Combusken: [@Espio] *looks around* There seems to be a lot of people here that I don't know. Do you know some of the people here, Espio?
Midna: *@ Green* Look in a mirror, geez. *hands on her hips* What if I am? Are you one of those trainer types? Are you going to try and catch me?
Vulpix: *dashes over to Katt's table, blushing* S-sorry about that! ><;
Goose: *heads off to Weavile's table and drops the scones off* GAH! Sorry about that, dude! This stuff's so hard to catch up on!
Green: Pfft, you should look in the mirror yourself! And so what if I am? Every Pokemon in this school has my name writen on it!
Olimar: *Shrugs* Hmmph...*Breaks off a piece of his scone*
Weavile: (@Goose) It's alright... They're working you pretty hard, hm?
Manaphy: *collapses in a nearby chair*
Parakarry: *really irritated by Green's blabbing*
Combusken: *pales a little at Green's claim*
Katt: S'alright. ~grins~ Could I get another scone, pleeease?
Manaphy: mana... x_x"
Espio: [@Combusken] Well let's see... *looks around and sees Midna* Erk...There is one that I know of... *looks down with a little gloom*
Mario: You wanna sit farther from that guy, PK?
Vulpix: ^0^- Sure, no problem~! *skips off to the back to grab one*
CR: *fans itself with its chef hat, the order FINALLY all on the kitchen counter... but there's no way any of the waiters would be able to take it all*
Midna: Oh I do, they tend to like me~ *smirk* Do they now? I haven't seen any G-r-e-e-n scrawled on any of them~
Toon Link: ....*looks over at Green but then decides its best not to bother*
CR: [ ! ]
Parakarry: Yes!
DDD: I wonder whats taking them so long...
Katt: ~starts to write something cliche about the flames of love~
Manaphy: *takes a few out* *totters to DDD* Here is a few more...the cook is working hard mana...
Vulpix: Umm, are there any vanilla scones left still~? Katt-chan would like one.
Manaphy: *drops it gracefully as possible on DDD's table and dashes off*
Adeleine: [Chuckles] Poor guy...
DDD: Sounds like you guys need help on the kitchen.... Maybe I should check it out in a bit... *Sucks up all the food with no problem whatsoever*
Green: Hey, you be quiet! I'm wondering if anyone of these guys is a Pokemon!
Parakarry: *gets up and moves farther away from Green*
Combusken: [@Espio] *glances up at him* U-Um... Are you okay? Is that person nice? *frowns a little*
Mario: *Stands up with his coffee and him and PK sit somewhere on the other side*
Weavile: *bites into scone* Wonderful as always... *notices Olimar* Ah, he's another teacher, if I remember correctly...
Parakarry: What a jerk..
DDD: (to Green) Whats a Pokemon?
Combusken: *jumps in her seat at Green's statement of looking for pokemon and begins to sweat a little*
Espio: [@Combusken] E-er, well the person can be nice, I believe...though it seems like she prefers to make fun of me... *smiles weakly*
CR: *stumbles around the kitchen, preparing the new batch of scones that was ordered, but is starting to slow down* [(/)]
Midna: Oh dear... No, they're all people sir.
Olimar: *Still eating his scone* *sigh* So uneventful tonight...yet I find this blissful in a way...*Looks to see Weavile staring at him* (...Did that guy know Ms. Mask? ...That guy...)
Weavile: *walks over to Olimar* You're Mr. Olimar, correct? We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Weavile...
Green: *staaares* People huh, I don't know many people with funny little ears and goofy hair that look like Pokemon
Goose: Uhh... SHIT, I forgot. I had to do some modifications to my gyrocopter tonight... *grumbles and heads off to G&W* Hey, you don't mind if I leave early right?
Manaphy: *walks to Midna* is there something wrong mana? *narrows gaze at Green*
Combusken: [@Espio] *sighs a lil in relief at what Green said but then frowns at what Espio said* She... makes fun of you...? That's doesn't sound too nice to me.
Midna: I don't know very many pompous idiots either, but surprise surprise. *to Manaphy* Nothing really~
Olimar: Hello there...Erm I'm quite surprised you recognized me Mr. Weavile.
Kyogre: *yawns and glances around, trying to find a waiter or waitress to catch the attention of*
Green: *TWITCH* You wanna fight or something huh?! My Pokemon could take you down!
Parakarry: [@ Mario] Remind me to fill his mailbox with shaving cream tomorrow....*glares at Green*
G&W: Sure thing Goose, beep. You may leave.
Mario: Hahaha! Well you don't want to get in trouble again, do you?
Weavile (@ Olimar): It was quite easy despite your change in appearance... I could tell by your body language and--ah, forgive me, I digress...
Manaphy: *smiles at Midna* Okay mana... *glares at Green* what Pokemon? They actually listen to you?
CR: *collapses while preparing a scone, having forgotten to recharge when its batteries ran low* . . .
Adeleine: [Notices Midna and Green fighting] Oh no...Hope it's not another fight like last time...
G&W: *walks over to Combusken* Might I request your services for tonight, beep?
Katt: ~writes~ Oh the hunger, OH FOR SOME FOOD....whydoIfeellikethesewouldbeplagiarized...
G&W: We are short a waiter
Espio: [@Combusken] Yes, like my hair-color? *points at his hair and laughs*
youressayisdue: Goose: *phew @ G&W* Thanks, stick man. I need to hurry out to have time for my tinkerin'... *heads out*
Parakarry: *smirks* It's a chance I'm willing to take.
Midna: *@ Green with a smile* Certainly not.
Mario: *waves arm* Hey-a waiteeiir! Immareallyhungry...
Green: [@Manaphy] Ah, so you know about Pokemon huh? I knew something was fishy about you! How do you know about them? |:
Combusken: [@G&W] Hm? O-Okay. Sure! *feels slightly disappointed at having to leave Espio alone*
Parakarry: *also waving* Also, could I have a cup of tea?
G&W: Thank you beep *walks to the back*
Espio: [@Combusken] Don't worry about me, Combusken. *smiles as he starts on his cake*
Combusken: [@Espio] *bows head a little* S-Sorry, Espio. I need to help them now and work. I... really haven't been working lately.
DDD: ...What’s all this going on about pokemons?
Manaphy: I LIVED with water pokemon and none of them would listen to a person like you >:<
Vulpix: *finally gets one on a cute little saucer and goes off to Katt's table*
Combusken: [@Espio] *still frowns* O-Okay, but if you need anything, just call me okay!
DDD: *gets off his chair and wobbles to Green's Table* Hey, You... Are you bullying the students?
Vulpix: D8 S-sorry about the wait, Katt-chan~
Espio: [@Combusken] Alright, I'll be sure to. *waves with a smile*
Katt: ~writes, mumbling~ Shut the hell up, you're really annoying, shut the hell up, or your head will be buoying out in a lake some place...I'll kick you in the f---AH! You startled me!
Weavile (@ Olimar): So, what have you been up to? *not used to being social*
Green: *staare* What. A human being raised by Pokemon? That's stupid!
Vulpix: DDDDD8 W-what?
Manaphy: *is a bit indignant* not a human. Technically.
Midna: *calmly interrupting Manaphy and Green* We all go to school with pokemon, I'm sure we all know a little about them now. *to Green* We need to get back to work, if you'd like to finish your cake.
Combusken: *runs fast enough past Green to cause a small gust of wind and goes into the back to change*
Katt: N-nothing! Just...something I was writing! ~shuts notebook again and takes scone~ Haha, thanks.
DDD: *gets his hammer on* Hey, Kid with the funky hair do and Crayola name, quit bullying the students
Olimar: *To Weavile* Er....W-well...I've been alright I guess.
Green: Wait, hold on. What do you mean kid?
Vulpix: Oh, for your assignment thing? :O
Vulpix: ^^; You're welcome~
Manaphy: I...I'm Manaphy, mana....
CR: . . .
Manaphy: *pout*
Green: @DDD What's it to you tubby?
Katt: EXACTLY. Ah, Vulpix, wait a second before you go, I've got a question :B
DDD: You are just like what, ten years old? When you got your License to pester?
Vulpix: Yes~?
Weavile (@ Olimar): I hope you do not mind my asking but... You had a session a while back with Mr. Mask, did you not? Do you... mind if I ask about it? Nothing too personal, of course
Espio: *eats his cake as he listens to Green*
Parakarry: *watches the two argue*
Katt: ~whispers~ You like Fox don't you >:3
Green: I'm 17 a- wait
Green: You're a Manaphy?
Combusken: *comes out changed and with a tray* *avoids looking at Green* U-Um.. does anyone need help?
Adeleine: [Watches Dedede and Green] Huh...This is somewhat unlike him...
Midna: *facepalms*
Vulpix: °A° A-ah... W-wha...?!
Manaphy: *does not want to transform back to normal form due to uniform issues* ...yes. Mana...
Adeleine: [Chuckles] Haha...So that's it.
Katt: It's...pretty obvious. ~grin~
Olimar: *To Weavile* W-what!? How did you know THAT? *Uncomfortable* W-What do you want to know? oo;
Vulpix: I-iyaaa~ >///<;;
Parakarry: [@ Mario] Listen, I need to use the bathroom, could you order me some tea while I'm gone? (OCC Dinnertime. BbL)
Green: *takes out handy pokedex* *opens it up* ... You're lying, it doesn't read you at all! *glares at DDD* It's none of your business!
Weavile (@ Olimar): Ah, Mask mentioned it... Nothing specific, of course. I'm more interested in him than of what you talked about...
DDD: oh yeah?
Olimar: ....What?...*Confused*
Manaphy: because your pokedex looks different from my mothers' mana...
DDD: *Full hammer swing at Green, probably at least a 45%*
Manaphy: Yours seem older. :<
Katt: Your lack of using English words doesn't help you hide it anymore, sweetie =P
9:10 PM
Vulpix: °/////°
DDD: and stop it with your gizmos, They look like toys
Weavile: (@ Olimar) I mean to say... I don't know much about his guidance style. What I'm trying to ask is did you find his session helpful?
Midna: *lost in pokemon talk arguments* ... *to Manaphy* Come get me if he gets in your face, I'll kick him for you.
Vulpix: O-okay, I do... :x
Green: H-hey, watch it! Don't make me send out my Pokemon, you'll be sorry!
Espio: *finishes his cup of coffee* Hmm, I would like some more... *looks around for any waiters actually doing work?*
DDD: Oh yeah? wanna take it outside, KID?
Adeleine: [Under her breath] Oh boy, please don't make this worse. [Shakes head at Dedede]
Olimar: *To Weavile* I-I...well...the whole session was really uncomfortable...he kept asking me really unnerving questions and such...
Combusken: [@Espio] *wanders idly back to Espio* I-I don't know what to do... *feels a lil dejected*
Katt: You should consider asking him out. ~total relationship EXPERT over here folks!~
Green: Not now, I need to capture this manaphy if he's telling the truth! *gets a pokeball ready slfgk*
DDD: Not Until I've gotten my order, PUNK.
Fox: //What is Green doing?// *watches him closely*
Espio: *looks at Combusken* [@Combusken] It seems like everyone is distracted by the two people making a confusion... *remembers he wanted another drink* May I ask for another cup of coffee?
Weavile (@ Olimar): Hm, I see... Afterwards, did you feel like your problem was solved, or at least that you knew what to do next?
Midna: *re-distracted by Green* NOT in the cafe, you won't. I don't want it destroyed this week too!
Vulpix: :x M-may... be...?
Combusken: [@Espio] *smiles sweetly* Sure! I'll be right back with it.
Mario: *watching green from the distance also*
Espio: [@Combusken] *smiles back* Thank you.
Toon Link: o_o;; //what... is going on?//
Manaphy: D:< *puts in defensive stance*
Green: But he's a POKEMON, I NEED to catch him!
CR: . . . *completely out of Watts*
Combusken: Does anyone else need anything? *smiles gently*
Manaphy: Don’t you dare put that pokeball in front of me mana!
Midna: That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard. Sit down please.
DDD: NO IT IS NOT *steps in front of manatee*
Katt: Just don't let him get away if you really like him that much, okay? ~winks and takes a bite out of her scone~
Green: Tch! Get out of the way big guy!
Vulpix: °A° O-okay~!
Kyogre: *glares at Green and starts to stomps over to the group* D<
DDD: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN *activates the hammer a second time*
Fox: //I guess it's handled// *sips soda*
Manaphy: *forms aqua rings around himself*
Combusken: *spots Mana in trouble and jogs over* Ahhh, Manaphyy. Are you okay?
Olimar: *To Weavile* Er...not really. (If anything Douglas really helped me pull through ironically...) I STILL need to get things settled or at leats repressed better.
Green: *really not liking the situation LOL* H-hey, 3 against 1 isn't fair!
Adeleine: C-Capture...? [Kind of shocked at what she heard.]
Olimar: Though things have gone better and I think time will heal this best.
Vulpix: *still at Katt's table, looking at the large group vs. Green* W-what are they doing over there...?
DDD: Then Sit down and don’t argue about Pokomen...
Weavile (@ Olimar): Thank you, that's all I wanted to ask. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable...
Espio: *looks over at how Green is ganged up and sighs* (mumbling) You brought it to yourself... *shakes head*
Katt: ~glances over~ Just looks like that kid's being annoying again...
Green: *backs away a bit* Alright, alright! You can back off now!
Mario: *decides to ignore teh situation* haa... *drinks coffee*
Midna: Oh honestly. *points at Green* Sit down and shut up. *pats Manaphy and points at DDD* None of that this week.
Vulpix: *sighs* Why couldn't he be a nice trainer like Red-kun or mine...? :x
DDD: ... Ok *turns hammer off*...
Louie: *cooking some cheesecakes*
Combusken: *Kneels down in front of Manaphy* Are you okay, Manaphy? *looks worried*
Olimar: *To Weavile* N-no problem. *Returns to working with register, slightly hunched over not feeling as chipper*
Manaphy: (@ Combusken) That trainer wants to capture me because he doesn’t believe me mana...
Katt: There are different kinds of people in every field, I guess. ~takes another bite`
Kyogre: *changes mind and goes back to her table and puts her chin on her hand* >: Hmmph..
DDD: *wobbles back to his table, throwing a Waddle Doo towards Green*
Weavile *goes back to original table*: I hope I didn't bother him too much...
Combusken: *pales at the mention of being captured*
Manaphy: *a bit shaken* I-I think I'm fine...mana...
Espio: *is slowly eating his cake, wondering when his coffee will be refilled*
Green: Alright I get it! *totters cause of waddle doo*
Green: ... *pause*
Combusken: *slightly strained smile* Well, okay. I've got to get to my order now, so be careful okay?
Green: Keheh. *totally chucks pokeball at manaphy anyway, ffff* There's still a chance it'll work!
Manaphy: *notices it*
Manaphy: *uses ice from his hands to break it*
DDD: ....*throwing another Waddle towards Green*
Katt: ...~mumbles LOUDLY~ WHAT A JERK.
Combusken: *Retrieves another cup of coffee and returns back to Espio* [@Espio] I'm sorry that it took so long for me to get back. *slightly frowns*
Louie: *fills coffee*
CR: *rusts*
Vulpix: ;A; What in the... :x
Olimar: *Looking at his coffee, he has a small frown on his face* .......
Manaphy: *makes a hand motion and ice melts to water again&
Green: Hahaha! Wow! So strong! *falls over due to DDD*
DDD: *snickers*
Manaphy: *absorbs it back to his hand*
Espio: [@Combusken] *smiles* No worries. With all the confusion going on, I'm sure the job is very busy. *takes the cup* Thank you.
Weavile: *sips iced tea and smirks at Green* Trainers... *shakes head*
Toon Link: *watching*....does this always happen, I wonder...?
Vulpix: ;x; What a cheap trainer...!
Adeleine: [Punches hand in air a little bit] Go Dedede~ Heh.
9:20 PM
Dimentio: *decides to warp in next to Olimar, hoping to surprise someone*
Midna: YOU. *marches to Green* STOP THAT.
Green: *gets back up to grab it* Don't think it's over! When i get my Pokemon I'll capture you fair and square!
Mario: !! *sees dimentio*
Green: Hey, it's my right to capture, I'm a trainer!
Katt: Vulpix, you probably oughtta stay close to Fox if this nutjob starts trying to catch all the pokemon in here. ...damsel in distress bit always works on heroes anyway. ~grins again~
Espio: *sips on his new hot cup of coffee as he watches Green*
Olimar: *Doesn't notice*
DDD: *back in his chair, glances around* ... !!!!! ... *Freaked out at the cat eyed kid in the other side*
Midna: *punches him* Not here you don't! Stop being an idiot!
Combusken: [@Espio] *unconsciously grabs onto Espio's shirt and looks down at the ground*
Dimentio: *observing quietly*
Toon Link: uh... *head quirk* ....???
Espio: *spits some coffee out at the surprise of both Midna punching and Combusken grabbing onto his shirt*
Green: *and there goes green on the floor* H-hey! *rubbing his cheek* What was that for?!
Mario: *an odd serious expression... scootches chair more towards Dimentio*
DDD: !!! *Shocked turns his eyesight somewhere else*
Weavile: *puts glass down* Students shouldn't be fighting... at least, not outside the arena.
Olimar: ? *Still unaware, too lost in thought* *Takes another sip of his coffee*
Midna: You're being a dick, that's what that was for!
Combusken: [@Espio] Kya! Espio, are you okay?? *looks aghast*
Louie: *calls out for a waiter* Did someone order coffee?
Green: Look who's talking! You're ruining my big chance to get a rare Pokemon!
Vulpix: But I wanted to stay at SumaBura to learn how to become stronger, not to play damsel in distress... *sigh*
Toon Link: .... what....?? *dejected*
Dimentio: *spots Mario, grimaces briefly, but regains grin and floats towards him*
Espio: *coughs a bit* [@Combusken] N-no worries, I was just...caught off-guard, that's all.. *wipes his face*
Midna: *scowl* He obviously doesn't like you. Leave him alone.
Mario: *stands, eyes locked on him*
DDD: ... *looking around again at the Cat Eyed Kid* ...Isn’t he one of my Waddles?
Katt: You wanna win him over or not?
Kyogre: *snickers* That stupid trainer deserved that~
Combusken: [@Espio] U-Um...okay. *pats his back* I've got to go back to work now... [@Louie] Did you need a waitress?
Toon Link: *startled* w-what?!
Vulpix: D8 Y-yes!
Katt: D-did I just hear my name? o.o...
Green: Che! That doesn't matter! You catch Pokemon to complete the pokedex, obviously!
DDD: Are you one of my Waddles?
Dimentio: [@ mario] Well, if it isn't you.
Weavile: *frowns slightly at what Green said*
Midna: *stares* What are you even... Never mind, it'll sound horrible if you're the one that tells me.
Toon Link: *blinks, getting a little embarrassed/nervous* w-what's a Waddle...?
Espio: *waves after Combusken before going back to his snack*
Katt: Oh, nevermind. [@vulpix] Then go stay near him. I think I'm good for now.
Louie: *to Combusken* Um, I heard someone ordered coffee.
Olimar: *Finishes last of his scone* (...Hmm I wonder if Louie will be free anytime soon. I miss talking to him.)
Adeleine: Dedede, wouldn't you're Waddle Dees be shorter? [Has no idea who he's talking to]
Combusken: [@Louie] Okay! Who should I deliver it to? *smiles*
Mario: I was just about to say the same. *squints a bit* Don't tell me you're my under classmen now?
Green: I'm doing this to beat Red you know! I have to catch more then him, that's what Pokemon are for!
megakid122185: [*your]
Mario: Or worse... a teacheir.
DDD: Doesn’t Matters, Ok... Here’s the Plan... *walks over to his table* 8pm, Big Gay Dance, Got it?
DDD: Adelaine, I’m sure he’s a waddle, LOOK AT HIS EYES.
Vulpix: Oh, okay... :x Still, call me if you need anything else, okay?
Katt: Sure, sure. ~waves at Vulpix~
Dimentio: Ahaha, it seems I am. *grins wider*
Combusken: [@Green] *hears Green's claim* N-No you won't! Red is a much better trainer than you! He's much nicer than you are. *pouts*
Midna: Hey, G-r-e-e-n, listen. You sound like a five-year-old if that's your reason. *glare* Eat your cake and stop being annoying to everyone in the cafe.
Adeleine: Ah, yeah, but...[Walks over to Toon Link, and picks up a Random Waddle Dee for comparison] I don't think they look too much alike.
Toon Link: I-uh--what...? *blinks at the two* I'm
Manaphy: *is a bit dazed now*
Louie: *to Combusken* That's what I'd like to know!
Green: *embarrassed slightly* S-shut up! I am not!
DDD: You are right... But... Maybe hes a DIFFERENT waddle... Maybe Nightmare, Inc. Sent me a new one!
Dimentio: Oh, if I were a teacher...No, I don't like others enough to give them knowledge. I'm a freshmen.
Midna: You're doing a horrible job of seeming otherwise!
Combusken: [@Green] *pales after realizing she yelled at a trainer* U-Um... I mean...
Green: @Combusken, What do you know?
Mario: Hm! Well I hope-a this freshy is going to behave.
Katt: [from across the room] Jerk trainer is a jerk!
Espio: *quietly sips on his coffee, trying to keep to himself* (Think of this as your mental training...)
Manaphy: *takes note to self to watch out for Green*
Toon Link: @_@ Nightmare inc... I have no idea what that iiiiis
Adeleine: Nightmare, Inc.? I don't have a clue to what that is...

louie (pikmin), vulpix (pokemon), goose (pilotwings), * event - sumabura cafe, kyogre (pokemon), toon link (zelda), weavile (pokemon), dimentio (mario), adeleine (kirby), combusken (pokemon), parakarry (mario), katt monrow (starfox), midna (zelda), manaphy (pokemon), olimar (pikmin), mario (mario), !chat log, fox mccloud (star fox), espio (sonic the hedgehog), chibi-robo (chibi-robo!), green (pokemon), dedede (kirby)

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