SumaBuraCafe Chat Log 6/22/08 Part One of Four

Jun 23, 2008 21:40

Characters: Fox, Midna, Vulpix, Parakarry, Mario, Mr. Game & Watch, Goose, Espio, Combusken, Olimar, Louie, Chibi-Robo, Green, Manaphy, King Dedede, Dimentio, Katt, Adeleine, Kygore, Toon Link, Weavile,
What: Various Cafe shenanigans, the likes of which are various and too much to put in a one sentence summary.
Where: Sumabura Cafe
When: June 22nd.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe, I don't think anything that bad happened aside from a few curses

G&W: *rings bell* The cafe is now open!
Goose: *pops in* GRAAAH! Dammit, I better not be late... I have a job to do! *flails arms slightly and scans the room*
G&W: No need to be nervous on the first day, beep.
Manaphy: *is actually ready and did not wear his shirt backwards* Phii~~~
Midna: *fiddles with the uniform in her human form, making faces at it* ...This is awkward.
G&W: I'm glad you all have your uniforms on properly today, beep
Vulpix: This is my first time working here... :x I'll do my best!
Manaphy: *waves at Midna* Hi mana~
Goose: *to G&W* Oh... oh yeah, really? *calms down a bit* Yeeeeah, uhh, I guess. Yeah, I made sure I'd put it on right. Almost put it on backwards...
Midna: *smiles at Manaphy* Oh, hello there~
CR: *is donning a tiny chef's hat, but otherwise is just stainless steel standing on the stove*
G&W: Our uniforms are fairly straightforward to put on *Sweatdrops*
Olimar: Heheheh...I won't be needing an extra seat to help me reach the register now...*To G&W* Mr. Game and Watch, I SWEAR I will NOT be causing anymore problems. Nothing can really bring me down today anyways...^^;
G&W: That's fine, Olimar, beep. I say you look dapper today!
(Vulpix: Hi guys~ I guess I'll be working with you tonight? ^o^-
Manaphy: But I was used to the looser clothes at home so maybe she has the same problem mana...
Louie: *despite the disaster that happened last Sunday, he is still happy about his job* Hi, Mr. Game and Watch! :D
Goose: *to G&W* W-Well. . . uh, I guess I'm just uniform-ly challenged? *sweatdrops*
Olimar: *To G&W* Really? I've been told so much while I've been well, like this. Hah...
G&W: Mr. Robo, if you need any power I have situated an easier to access plug socket. Try not to cause any electric problems around the kitchen, beep.
Midna: *to Vulpix* Hello~ Vulpix, right?
Espio: *peeks into the doorway before coming in* ...So this is the cafe...? *looks around*
Combusken: *Pops her head through the door* U-Um...I'm not too early am I?
Vulpix: Yes, that's my name~ ^0^- You're Midna-san, ne?
Para: *lands by the door* This seems like a nice place.
Weavile: *enters cafe* I hope I'll be able to fully enjoy myself this time...
Manaphy: *pokes Goose with his antennae/hair* Hello?
CR: *salutes Mr. Game & Watch and nods, picking up a spoon and waiting for orders*
Manaphy: *smiles brightly* Name is manaphy...
Para: *enters the cafe*
DDD: *peeking from a window* Hmmph, what is this place... I've never seen such a dump like this...
Midna: *grin* Eee hee, yes. ... Oh, people are coming in. *notices Espio and grins hoho*
Combusken: *spots Espio and lightens up* Uh, hi Espio! *jogs over to him*
Vulpix: Shall we hit the floor, then~?
Kyogre: *enters the cafe and sits at an unoccupied table*
Goose: *to Manaphy* Oh yeah, yo--... *raises eyebrow* What'd you just... poke me with? Some kinda' hair thing? Uh, anyway, the name's Goose.
Midna: *to Vulpix* I suppose we should~
G&W: *goes to each table and places menus*
Para: *sits down at un unoccupied table*
Espio: *looks over at Combusken* Oh, hello there, Combusken. *smile*
Manaphy: It's just hair mana... let's go now! People are here! *drags him out*
Louie: *sees a certain brown haired man at the cashier* S-sensei...?
DDD: There's those creatures that go in those nice red and white balls... and theres some students... Hey! teachers too?
Goose: *dashes over to Kyogre's table* Oh, uh, hey there. *visibly a bit nervous* You ready to take yer' order or somethin' yet?
Weavile: *sits down at a table*
Combusken: [@G&W] Um... Is it alright that I not work today?
G&W: That's perfectly fine, beep.
Olimar: Louie! Good evening! To let you know I'm feelign much be-Oh ho! How silly of me! You didn't see that I tried out one of Mr. Powalski's techniques to turn human. I must say it's been getting odd reactions.
Vulpix: *skips out into the cafe area*
Para: *reads the menu then looks around* Hmm,..
G&W: We have a lot of able workers lately //I may have to look into some particular ones//
Espio: *looks around looking for a place to sit* [@Combusken] Shall we go sit down somewhere?
Combusken: [@G&W] Oh, okay, but I promise that I'll work next week then!
Kyogre: *looks at the menu* Umm, I'll have a donut please~
G&W: I look forward to your service then
Goose: *to Kyogre* Comin' riiight up! *dashes off*
Midna: *heads out on the floor, hoping not to cause too much trouble this time*
DDD: ... *reaches close to the entrance* ... I dont think they are ready for me yet... What kind of entrance should I make...
Goose: *into the kitchen* Hey, we need a donut here for Kyogre!
Combusken: *smiles at G&W then turns to Espio* Okay! Let's find a table!
Manaphy: *to para* can I help you mana?
Toon Link: *walks into the room and after looking around a bit, finds a seat at some table*
CR: [ ! ] *runs over to a bowl and starts gathering the ingredients to prepare a fresh batch of donuts*
DDD: ...
Espio: [@Combusken] There is one table available there *points at a random empty table*
Para: Oh...yes...Could I have a bottle of soda and a glazed donut?
G&W: *puts on Princess Peach's Castle stage music from Melee and walks to the back*
Louie: *still awestruck by sensei's new appearance* H-hi, sensei...! *blushes a little* You look very good.
Katt: ~wanders in the cafe with a small notebook and her guitarcase strapped to her back~
Midna: *Spies Chibi and wanders over to his table* Hey there, Chibi~
Combusken: [@Espio] *smiles* Alright! Want to sit there then?
Weavile: *takes out a book while waiting* Good thing I came prepared this time...
Vulpix: :x Does anyone need their order taken?
Green: *SLAMS door open* PFFT, what a tiny cafe! I expected more seeing it advertised so much! *waits impatiently to be seated*
Espio: [@Combusken] Sure. *walks over to the table ant sits down*
Toon Link: *sputters* h-hi Midna! I didn't know you were uh, waitressing here today~
Manaphy: *smiles* No problem mana~ *runs off*
Goose: *meanders over to Weavile* Yo! You ready to take your order yet?
Para: *smiles back as Manaphy runs off*
DDD: ... *scuttles off to a window, almost seen when Green entered*
Weavile: (@ Goose): Ah yes, I'll have an iced tea and a vanilla scone, thank you
Katt: [@green] Calm the hell down, you're not the only one waiting D:<
Olimar: *To Louie* Huh?...Oh you think so? Hahahaha! I didn't really think it made much of a difference looks wise. Well, just know that I won't be running off anytime soon. I'm still sorry about not being here last time. ^^
Combusken: [@Espio] *follows behind him and takes a seat* So...
DDD: ... that kid... what a brat
Adeleine: [Enters and sits down at an empty table, looks around.]
CR: *runs around the stove, using the spoon to turn the dials on the dials to start heating some of the food for the donut batter*
Goose: *to Weavile* Tea's for sissi--... *holds back to make sure he doesn't screw up on the job* ... Y-Yeah, gettin' that. *heads back to the kitchen*
Green: [@Katt] Hey, I can't wait forever to get a table! I got a sceduale to keep, y'know?
Midna: *grins* That I am. You need a minute to figure out what you want?
Weavile: *raises an eyebrow and watches Goose walk off* Interesting...
G&W: *has a schedule to keep too* *juggles in the back*
Combusken: [@Espio] You were away for a few days, right?
Katt: [@green] Yeah, you and everyone else! Take a number!
Adeleine: [Picks up menu and looks at it] Didn't really notice they had menus last time...
Toon Link: ah no! I didn't get to eat my cake last time I was here... so... uh... yeah
Goose: *to the kitchen* We need some iced tea and a vanilla scone here for this guy!
Louie: *shakes head* *thinks* What the...? Why I was blushing?
Espio: *is looking through the menu before looking up at Combusken* [@Combusken] Indeed, I was. I had to leave for my part-time occupation.. *laughs a little*
CR: [ ! ] *runs around to get the ingredients for the vanilla scone, picking up a glass*
Midna: Eee hee hee, a slice of cake then?
Manaphy: *goes to the kitchen and calls Louie* is there a glazed donut and soda here?
Toon Link: *nod nod* :>
Green: [@Katt] Fine, fine! *takes one angerly* I better not have to wait long! *waits to be seated |:*
DDD: *smelling the air* Whats this? ... They have... DONUTS?! I havent had one since this morning... and do I say, Tea time is past due...
Combusken: [@Espio] *smiles* How was it? Did you have a good time?
Para: *waits paitiently a bit uncomfortable of so many people here*
Adeleine: [Hears Dedede and turns slightly to check.] Is that...Dedede? I was wondering when I'd see him around...
Vulpix: Mou, fighting in here already? I know it's a fighting school, but still...! :x
Goose: *scans the place, already a bit frazzled by the activity* Who here needs their order taken?!
Espio: [@Combusken] The job itself was rather nice, but my teammates were a *closes the menu* Have you gotten to choose what you would like?
Vulpix: Katt-chan~ *walks up to her* Here, let me sit you over here, okay?
Midna: I'll get that for you then~ ... *glances at Green* Might be a moment though, someone's being kind of obnoxious.
Kyogre: *waits for donut (im)patiently and rolls eyes at Green and Katt* Hmph.
Manaphy: *idles a little and amuses himself by making sweatdrops float*
Katt: [@Vulpix] He's just being impatient, no worries. Sounds good~
Toon Link: *quietly* that's fine
Manaphy: *notices Kyogre* Mana! Mana! *runs to give her a hug*
DDD: *not noticing Adelaine* I think... yeah... Maybe just for a bit... maybe... I dont want that kirbeh there to come over and ruin my afternoon...
Vulpix: ^^;; Eheh...
Louie: *to Manaphy* Uhh...I think so? *sees a donut and soda over there* Oh, there you go! *points at a table*
Midna: *smiles at him and goes over to Green* I can seat you, if that's what you need?
Green: *grumbles* common, I was here first!
CR: *pours the donut batter into a pan, and uses the spoon to open the oven underneath, hopping down and setting it inside*
Combusken: [@Espio] Oh! Um... *grabs menu and looks through it intently* I think... I'll have a cheesecake and Tea. What about you?
DDD: ...Maybe... Yeah, lets go in... *Noticing Adelaine* ... Oh... OH... OH HELLO THERE.
Para: *pulls a piece of paper out and shifts his eyes before writing something down*
Vulpix: *ignores Green* So, Katt-chan, what would you like to order? :O
Katt: Vanilla scone and some tea sounds good!
Olimar: *Looking aroundthe cafe* Ahh, seems like no one else I know well will be here besides Louie...If i can ever get time I should communicate more with other teachers. I have yet to meet some...
Adeleine: [Turns around fully to look at Dedede] Hey there, King Dedede, how have you been?
Green: ... Hey, I'm talking here, don't ignore me! HEE-LLOO~
Espio: [@Combusken] I will be having a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. *looks around for a waiter*
Manaphy: (@ Louie): Thank you Mr. Louie! ^^
Midna: *at Green with a sour look* I'm right next to you, do you want a seat?
Kyogre: [@ Manaphy] *blinks at Manaphy* Uhh, hullo there. 8D
Manaphy: *dashes to Para* here is your order mana~ Er...what is your name? ^^
Combusken: *feels uncomfortable from Katt and Green's arguing and starts to fidget a little* *she notes Green's pokeballs and positions herself further away from him while remaining at the same table*
Green: And I- *looks at Minda* Yes, FINALLY, what took you so long?
Goose: *struts over to Espio and Combusken* Uh, anyone taken your order yet?
CR: *recharges for a moment, the scones already on the kitchen counter... the little robot is already a little white with flour*
Para: *suprised* AHH! *hides the paper*
Vulpix: *writes it down & is still ignoring Green* Okay~ ;w; You have good taste! ♥ I'll be right back, okay?
Manaphy: How are you doing Kyogre? Phiii~
DDD: ... Ah... Ah... I've been good, out of the kingdom... uh, teaching you see... Uh... *a bit ashamed of being discovered admist his plans to enter in a big surprise*
Toon Link: *watching Midna and Green curiously* ....
Midna: I was doing the other half of my job, I'm so sorry. *wicked grin* This way, if you please. *leads him to an empty seat*
Combusken: [@Goose] Ah, not yet. *smiles shyly* Can I have a slice of cheesecake and a cup of tea, please?
Katt: Kay! ~takes out notebook and starts writing some scone-related lyricss~
Green: *glares at Vulpix* No respect for the great Green! Hmph!
Green: Finally, let
Espio: *looks at Goose* [@Goose]Hello. I would like a cup of coffee and a slice of cake, please.
Green: Lets go~! [typo XD]
Para: [@Mana] Oh...forgive me. *takes the plate* The name's Parakarry. You're....Manaphy, correct?
Louie: I think I'll start to cook...
Goose: *at Combusken and Espio* Cake, coffee, tea, cheesecake, yeah... got it! *dashes off again*
Olimar: *Sees Goose* (Isn't that the new History teacher? He's still wearing sunglasses at this hour?? familiar...)
Manaphy: Yes Mr. Para sir! *smiles*
Espio: [@Goose] Thank you. *turns to Combusken* [@Combusken] So how have you been doing?
Goose: *calls out* I need some coffee, cake, cheesecake, and tea for those wacky two over there!
Vulpix: *goes to the back* Are vanilla bean scones ready yet? I also need some tea~
Midna: *points at the menu on the table* Feel free to look at that and decide what you want. And don't yell too much. *smiles*
Para: Very please to meet you *smiles back and extends his hand to Manaphy*
CR: *unplugs itself from the electric socket and wanders over to the oven, using the spoon to open it and turn it off, the donut mix prepared* [ ! ]
Manaphy: *shakes it* :)
Katt: ~mumbling~ Sometimes I feel your heart is I'll just sit here and eat my scone...ugh that's lame...
Katt: ~eraseeraseerase~
Midna: *excuses herself to hurry to the back with Chibi's order* Ah, could I get a slice of cake please?
Goose: *catches a glance at Olimar* Wha--... who's that? He kinda reminds me of that one short guy I met before...
DDD: ANYWAYS, I... am about to go in... Uh,Ill see you inside Adelaine, ok?
CR: *despite the robot's inability to talk, it was squinting its eyes and keeping its eye out for Louie... doing all this work on its own was a bit overwhelming*
Para: [@ Mana] *shakes back* I better let you back to work. It was nice meeting you.
Combusken: [@Espio] Hm? Me? *face grows slightly warm* Um... I've been doing okay. I trained for a little bit while you were away... a-and I kind of broke a tree while I was at it. *laughs nervously*
Weavile: *picks up book again*: Wonder what's taking so long...
Green: Ahh, fine, fine. Jeez, your menu kinda sucks! *stares at it* Hey, don't walk away from me, I didn't order yet!
Olimar: *Notices he's been spotted by Goose* Good Evening, erm...what was your name again? I mean I reconize you but...
Manaphy: *smiles* Same here mana~
Espio: [@combusken] *blinks* You broke a tree? That is a rather harsh training, I believe. *laughs*
DDD: *scuttles off to the entrance again, this time a bit more hurried* Ok... Readyyyyy.... Steady... Remember Dedede, You have a Reputation to take care of...
Manaphy: *wanders around*
Mario: *Peers around before walking in* Ah... It's-a been a while since I've been here!
Goose: *snorts and lets out a quick laugh @ Olimar* I have no clue who you are, but yeeeeeah. The name's Goose, guy.
Para: *sees Mario* Mario? *waves to him*
Goose: *glimpses Mario* ... That's... haven't I seen him somewhere before?
Midna: *hhmph* *at Green* I'll be back in a minute!
Adeleine: [Watches Dedede with amusement] Ha ha...apparently he's doing well...what is he doing anyway?
Combusken: [@Espio] Ah! I-it was an accident though... I... kind of kicked it too much. *sweatdrops*
DDD: Ok... Here I come...
Green: You better! Or i'm going to complain!
Olimar: Goose?...Erm...Alright. You may have forgotten me, I'm Professor Olimar. I teach Biology.
Vulpix: *comes back to Katt's table, balancing a small tray with one hand* Here you go, Katt-chan~! ♥ Vanilla scones and tea, just for you~ ^0^-
Louie: *hears Goose* Yes, I have all of those things in here!
Mario: Oh hello Parakarry! *rushes over*
Espio: *blinks again* You kicked the tree down? Amazing! Do you think we can do some sparring together some time in the future? *smiling*
Katt: ~quickly closes notebook~ Ah, thanks Vulpix. It looks great.
CR: *runs around the stove preparing the ingredients for the cakes and heating them, hoping that one of the waitresses will notice the scones before they melt*
Manaphy: *accidentally slips and slams into Green* Phwa!!!!!! D:
Para: It's great to see you Mario.
Goose: *gaps @ Olimar* The he--... YOU'RE Shorty McShort Shorts?! *raises an eyebrow* Heh, who would've thought...
DDD: *gets a waddle doo out his coat to enter first and introduce him* Ok, Doo... You know the script... Go ahead you silly lackey.
Vulpix: :O Are you writing something~? :x If you don't mind me asking.
Green: FFlskmdg, *falls over on floor* Hey! Watch where your going you little punk!
Combusken: [@Espio] *blinks as well and turns red* S-S-Sure! *smiles*
Vulpix: ^0^- And you're welcome~!
Para: *looks over to where Green is*
Mario: *sits down with a sigh* Things-a look lively all-a-ready!
Midna: *gets a piece of cake and hurries back to Toon Link* Ahh, here you go, Chibi. Sorry 'bout the wait~
Manaphy: S-sorry D: But what is a punk mana??? *picks himself up*
Para: Yeah.
Katt: [@vulpix] I-it's nothing! ~blushes~ Just something I'm working on for class...?
Toon Link: *spacing out/startled* n-no, it's fine really. Thank you~
Goose: *at Olimar* Uhh, hold that thought. *dashes over to Mario* Yo! You need to take your order, man?
Manaphy: *wills whatever drinks he spilled in the process to float off the floor and into the nearby trashcan*
Espio: [@Combusken] *smiles* Great! In return I will help you with your studies whenever you need help. I shouldn't be leaving for another job any time soon.
Green: *pokes at forhead* A punk is you! You did that on purpose, I bet huh?
Manaphy: Name is Manaphy... *tiny voice* Mana...
Vulpix: *tilts head* Is that so? :O Good luck with it, then~
Para: *takes a bit of his donut a bit worried about Green's yelling*
Olimar: ........*Mumbles in a low tone* I really wish people would stop calling me short....
Katt: ~takes a bite of her scone and nods~ Thanks!
CR: *opens the oven again with the spoon, and hops down, carefully setting the cake mixes within and hopping back out, now completely white with flour*
Mario: *@goose* Oh! a-si... *looks over menu* Just-a get me a coffee for now.
Goose: *calls out to Louie* I'll get there in a sec! I need to take this guy's order!
Toon Link: *nibbles a bit nervously, still watching Green and now Manaphy*
Combusken: [@Espio] *smiles brightly* O-Okay! That's great! I-I mean, that sounds great. *scratches back of head* I'm still not doing too well with my studies.
Vulpix: You're welcome~ *waves to Katt before trotting of to see if anyone else needs to have their order taken*
Manaphy: *hangs head sadly*
Midna: *gives Chibi a kind of worried look* .... *notices Manaphy and Green and sighs* Oi.
Goose: *at Mario* Yeah, I'll get right on it. ... By the way, uh... *raises eyebrow* Have we met somewhere before?
Para: *turns back to Mario still concerned about Manaphy, unaware the paper he was writing on is sticking out of his bag*
Green: hmph. *stares at him a bit* Hey, don't get all sad on me! I call em like I see em!
Mario: *stares at Goose's face* Hmmm.... probably not. I'm-a pretty popular though!
Espio: [@Combusken] We can do another study session whenever you'd like. Just let me know when you are free. *smile*
Waddle Doo: *entering the cafe* ATTENTION EVERYONE.
Midna: *goes and interrupts them rather forcibly* ... Did you find something you wanted?
Para: *begining to get irritated by Green's scolding*
CR: *plugs back into the electric socket and sits down while he recharges, beady little eyes closed*
Combusken: [@Espio] *is still blushing and smiling* Okay. Thanks, Espio.
Waddle Doo: Your Royal Highness, Majesty and King of Dreamland; King DeDeDe Beauchamp von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg Cortes O'Dede XXI PRESENT.
Toon Link: *nom nom cake* ....
Goose: *at Mario* ... y-yeah, I guess. Anyway, I'll get to ya' in a minute. *heads over to the kitchen, @ Louie* You got that food for me to take over, huh?
Manaphy: *frowns a little at him* You're not evil but you're not very nice mana :<
G&W: *a ball falls from the loud noise* *CRUSH!*
DDD: *enters the cafe in a royal pace* good work Doo...
Vulpix: *stares at the introduction* ...
G&W: Beep *Sweatdrops*
Green: [@Midna] Hey, I'm busy talking to this kid here! Do you mind?
Adeleine: [Notices Waddle Doo announcing] Nothing's changed... [chuckles]
Weavile: *raises an eyebrow at DDD's intro*
CR: [(/)] *is visibly startled by the loud crash*
Midna: *stare* You call that talking?
Waddle Doo: *scuttles off to the exit*
(08:28:14 PM) Shota Idol: Green: Yes, it's talking! He ran into me on purpose!
G&W: Beep? *goes to Dedede*
G&W: I am the manager of this place, may I help you sir?
Para: *eats his donut* ....
Vulpix: Does anyone else need any orders taken~?
G&W: Reservation? For tables? Any table is free, beep
Manaphy: *head is still bowed but his hand moves in a slightly menancing manner*
Olimar: *Tweedling his thumbs, rather bored, but blissful nothing bad has happened* Haah, looks like tonight's going to be job oriented.
Combusken: *frowns at Green and unconsciously moves closer to Espio* *mumbles to self* I wonder where our food is?
Mario: Ummmm... So how's the mail carrying a-going, PK?
Louie: *to Goose* Yes, it's in that table.
Katt: ~opens notebook and writes, ignoring Dedede's entrance~ Simple pleasures like sweet vanilla, make me imagine a peaceful villa. ...I need to get someone else to write the damn words...
Midna: .... He hardly looks the type to run in to people on people, if you ask me. *pats Manaphy on the head*
DDD: *shocked* What!? In a Place like... THIS... ALRIGHT THEN...
Para: Fine...just fine....
Manaphy: (@Midna) Phii...
G&W: This is a public cafe, Dedede, we do not have private tables, beep.
G&W: *to Manaphy* Can you take Dedede's order, beep?
Green: *grumbles* Che! He's just wasting my time, I want something to eat!
Para: *sighs and sips his soda*
Goose: *at Louie* Oh yeah, thanks. *grabs both different cakes and the drinks and heads off to Espio and Combusken's table*
Mario: mm hm... *twiddles thumbs*
DDD: ... Not even for Royalty?
Midna: *crosses her arms* *at Green* Then kindly order something.
G&W: That's right, beep.
Vulpix: *ignored...?*
Adeleine: [chuckles, turns back to look at her menu]
DDD: ... *sighs* Ok Then... LEAD ME TO MY TABLE.
Manaphy: *had formed a small water orb around his hands but decides against doing any harm for now*
Para: [@ Mario] My boss hasn't been getting on my case lately..
Goose: *pops up besides Espio and Combusken's table* Heeeere you go, kiddies. *drops stuff off at their table* Enjoy yer' food, all that good stuff.
Katt: ~sips tea~
Olimar: *Smiling amused, trying to mind his own business*
Kyogre: *watches Green, Midna, and Manaphy wearily, assuming it's under control now* >:
Combusken: [@Goose] Thank you! *smiles*
Espio: *looks at Goose* [@Goose] Thank you. *looks over at Combusken*[@Combusken] Er, the table isn't that crowded for the two of us, you don't have to sit next to me. o_o
Vulpix: :x
Manaphy: I-I' going. Bye Midna phii.... *glances at Green* and strange person mana...
Mario: Well that's-a good! You're a reliable guy.
Midna: *at Manaphy* Alright~
CR: *unplugs itself from the socket and quickly dusts itself clean of flour, and wanders over to the stove again*
Green: It's Green! G-R-E-E-N!
Para: *smiles* Thanks!
Goose: *at both Espio/Combusken* No probs. *dashes off* Anyway, who else needs me here?!
G&W: *walks to the back and juggles again*
DDD: Ok Garcon... And your name is...
Manaphy: *walks off, still holding water orb on his right hand* *eventually is absorbed back into his hand* *ignores Green*
Midna: *at Green* .... You're worse than me.
Green: Tsh, kids! I- Wait, what is that suppose to mean?
Goose: *remembers* OH damn, need to get Mario's order. *heads off to the kitchen* Hey, I need a coffee for Mario here!
Combusken: [@Espio] *suddenly notices how close she is and jumps in her seat* Wah! I'm sorry. *turns red again and moves away a little* I-It's just that... *mumbles* I'm kind of scared of that person there... *points to green*
Mario: *watching Green* This-a guy has anger issues!
Midna: *grin* Nothing at all. Now, did you want to order something or not? Other people need to order too.
Para: [@ Mario] You're telling me.
Olimar: *Thinking* (Hmmm...I need some coffee...I'm still so exhausted from Friday...I also never tried their scones here...)
Fox: Another busy day, eh? Let's hope something doesn't crash this time *takes a seat and leans back the chair a little*
Manaphy: *sits next to Kyogre* Mana...
Mario: These-a new students, I swear..
CR: *searches through the drawers with the spoon while nobody has ordered anything, looking for a bell of some sort so he can call the waitresses*
Para: He really didn't need to yell at Manaphy like that...accidents happen
DDD: Ok... Now... WAITER. WAITRESS. *clunches his hammer*
Kyogre: You okay? *ruffles his hair* Ignore him~ He just has anger issues -like me-. 8D
Vulpix: *sees Fox* //KYAA~!//
Green: Yes, finally! That Fox-girl was ignoring me! Get me some cheesecake or something
Manaphy: *perks up* Phii?
DDD: *Slams his hammer on HIS table* SERVICE!
Fox: Mm? Oh! I think I've seen you before?
Manaphy: *goes to DDD* What do you need mana?
Vulpix: *darts over* Fox-kun~ ;w; H-hi~!
Louie: *already has a coffee in hand, to Goose* Uh... *hands him the coffee*
DDD: Oh, You again... I need a MENU.
Midna: .... *sigh* Alright. *at Green* It'll be a moment. Do try and be a bit more patient, hm?
Fox: Oh! You're Vulpix! *does a quick salute thing* What's up? *grins*
Goose: *grabs coffee from Louie* Yeah, thank--... *scans him* Uhh... Shorty McShort Shorts? You cloned yourself?
Manaphy: *hands him one* T-take your name choosing*tiny voice* what is your name?
Kyogre: *tilts her head* Must be hard working at this cafe~ Terrible customers. Fufufu...
Para: *sighs and pulls the paper out again and starts writing*
CR: *squints its beady little eyes at Louie... he wondered if everything he had just cooked had been prepared entirely by accident*
Manaphy: (@Kyogre) it is hard mana...
Vulpix: Oh, I'm working here tonight~! Shall I give you a seat?
Green: *tapping foot* Alright, alright, just make it quick. It's boring here without my Pokemon!
DDD: My Name!? ... MY NAME?!!? MY NAME IS Your Royal Highness, Majesty and King of Dreamland; King DeDeDe Beauchamp von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg Cortes O'Dede XXI
Fox: I'm already in one thanks :^D *thumbs up*
Louie: *to Goose* What do you mean?
Manaphy:...*is a bit taken aback* Phii....
DDD: But you can call me, King Dedede
Fox: I didn't know you worked here, you look great in uniform! *looks over Vulpix a little*
Midna: *rolls her eyes and goes to the back* Do we have any cheesecake ready?
Goose: *raises an eyebrow at Louie* You look just like that Olimar guy. Did he clone himself and you're... well, the clone? *pokes him on the head*
Manaphy: *is a bit relieved at that he does not have to remember the long name* Okay King DeDeDe...did you decide on what to order mana?
CR: *places two types of cakes on the kitchen counter, and motions to Midna* [ ! ]
Adeleine: I didn't know it was any longer than Dedede.... [absent mindedly talking to herself]
Olimar: *Watching Goose and Louie talk to eachother but can't hear their conversation clearly enough* Hmm...*Watching Dedede's little episode and snickering*
Manaphy: *secretly thinking of way to get back on the brash trainer earlier*
DDD: *glanzing at the menu* ... I want... TWO OF EVERYTHING and THREE of this... uh... Scones? Are those like some kind of Mathematical Pastry?
Midna: *blinks at the little robot* Hello there~ *takes a slice* Thanks, little guy.
Vulpix: *blushes* T-thank you~! *takes out a little notepad* Now, w-what can I get for you, Fox-kun?
Louie: *to Goose* Oh, that! *chuckles a little* Well, it's because we're both from the same planet.
Goose: *at Louie* Uh, hold on a sec. *dashes over to Mario* B-By the way, here's yer' coffee!
Manaphy: I don't think they are math related sir...phii? *is a bit shocked at the amount*
Para: [@ Mario] So, how is it having your brother back?
CR: [ ! ] *wanders back to the stove to prepare more food... DDD was loud enough that he could start already*
Mario: Oh, thanky you!
Fox: Just a soda for now, thanks
Mario: *@ PK* It's-a nice! I start to miss-a the guy after a while... if only he didn't sleep so loudly. And a.... the dorm was getting messy, heheh
DDD: Well, Doesnt matters, Everyone seems to like them... as a matter of fact, scratch that, I want a dozen and Two of each item on the menu. PRONTO. *claps*
Manaphy: *makes a quick bow* I'll be going is Manaphy. ^^ *tiny* so many royalty....
Manaphy: *runs off*
Vulpix: Oh, o-okay~ >w< If that's all, then it'll be just a moment~! ♥ //;w; Eeeeee~!//
Midna: *glances at DDD* Oh, another big eater... awesome. *sighs and takes the cake back over to Green*
Midna: *at Green* Here's your cake, G-r-e-e-n.
Fox: Thanks, Pix :^D
DDD: *sighs* Manaphy... thats a strange name... he doesnt looks like an Elephant or a Manatee...
Weavile: *looks up from book and shakes head at Dedede's order*
Olimar: *Looks around to see if there are any waiters in sight*
Para: *laughs and smiles before he gives a serious look* [@ Mario] Do you think we should tell him?....About what Geno told us, I mean.
Green: *stares at watch* Jeez, took you long enough! *takes it forcedly*
Manaphy: *to anyone in the kitchen* DDD ordered two of each kind of food in the menu except the scones...>A<" a dozen for those...
Adeleine: Urr...[puts menu down] Is there a waiter..or waitress available?
Goose: *catches sight of Olimar again* ... what's Shorty looking for?
Vulpix: >////< N-no problem, teehee~
Mario: Hmmmm... I avoided the subject earlier. It's-a not like him to join up and-a I don't want him to get hurt, yaknow?
Midna: *forced smile* Do tell if you need anything else. *walks off*
Manaphy: (to DDD) It's just a name mana...people said to me I was prince of the sea and its all confusing mana.... *nervous chuckle*
Green: Yeah, some better waiters! That's what! *starts eating*
Para: [@ Mario] I know...I just feel a bit bad for leaving him in the dark... *continues writing*
Olimar: Oh Goose, that's your real name right?...(How odd...) I know I'm cashier tonight but do you think I could get some coffee and a vanilla scone?
Midna: *twitch* .... *wanders over to Adeleine* Did you need something?
Mario: Yeah I-a guess.. *peeks over* What are you writing?
CR: [(/)] *is struggling with DDD's huge order, the stove overflowing with the ingredients while the little robot runs around*
Toon Link: *eye roll* ... *just continues with his cake*
Adeleine: Um, yes, can I get some milk, please?
Para: Oh, Kooper wrote to me the other day...I'm sending him a reply.
DDD: PRINCE? I must say, most peculiar! I've never met a Prince made of Water Bottles! Horf Horf Horf! Whats your lineage, I must ask?
Louie: *to Manaphy* Another Porky Minch, huh? I'll have these in a moment.

louie (pikmin), vulpix (pokemon), goose (pilotwings), * event - sumabura cafe, kyogre (pokemon), toon link (zelda), weavile (pokemon), adeleine (kirby), combusken (pokemon), parakarry (mario), katt monrow (starfox), midna (zelda), manaphy (pokemon), mr. game & watch (game & watch), olimar (pikmin), mario (mario), fox mccloud (star fox), !chat log, espio (sonic the hedgehog), chibi-robo (chibi-robo!), green (pokemon), dedede (kirby)

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