((NOTE- This is an open log just for Saturday! You are free to make other logs for the other days or individual group logs. This is just an open log for everyone to participate in))
Characters: OPEN LOG!
What: The first day that the carnival officially opens!
Where: Final Destination City, by the riverside
When: Satuday, all day long. Fireworks at
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The trio headed to the food table to grab something to eat. Daroach cut a few slices of soft fruit and put it on a paper plate. He then placed the plate on the ground so that the little ones can eat and enjoy the fireworks a the same time. Not to mention that they ate enough sweet things for the day, so needed some vitamin C to combat all of that sugar.
The older mouse then grabbed a can of beer and began drinking some, enjoying the fireworks himself. Goose happened to be nearby, so he opened his mouth to say his piece.
"Not bad, Bird Boy. Not bad at all."
He glanced down at the two little mice nibbling on the fruit, but decided not to open his mouth about them. The last time he even got near them, Daroach had a big ol' fit to give him over it, and he would rather avoid that. Although that was pretty hilarious at the time and still seemed that way. Talk about being overprotective, ha.
He wouldn't admit out front that this is indeed a good place to have a little fun, least for his kids. Other than the snacks, everything's pretty much free. And free things makes everything better.
He was certainly not ashamed of going to carnivals, even if they were pretty kiddish. His homeland was pretty much a staple for its fairs and such, and he always went to them year after year, no matter where he lived. That would never stop.
"So you're a kid at heart, eh?" He smirked. "Surprising your boy isn't around to babysit you. Must've told your nanny you ain't wearing diapers anymore."
"Everyone's got their kid moments. 'Sides, I bet ol' papa over here has to act like a baby sometimes to play with his own," Goose smirked, gesturing towards his kids. Hopefully Daroach wouldn't overreact about his kids to him, but even if he did, he would probably only just laugh. Overprotective behavior, indeed.
"...A Father does what he can to make his kids happy." He eventually said, before drinking more from his can. He doesn't like where this conversation is going.
He shrugged and drank down more of his beverage, not really doing much else.
"Daddy, are you talking to the Toothpick Man?" Adrianna asked as she hopped over to her father and Goose. Adrian followed suit, asking another question. "Daddy, can I put on his glasses?"
Before Daroach could say anything to the twins, they were out from his sight. But they didn't get far; they ended up hopping around Goose.
"Mr. Toothpick Man, what are you drinking?" Adrian asked, wondering what was inside the can Goose's holding.
"Can I have some? Please?" Pleaded his sister. It must've tasted good if their father drinks it all the time.
He wound up laughing.
"Hahaaaa! Hey, hey, calm down, ratty! I was kiddin'!" He got back up to his feet and finished off the can. He waved it around with his fingers and smirked. "See? Gone. Underage drinking's fine with me, but these things're practically BABIES."
He tossed out the can, thinking this was just too funny. This mouse dude was oddly hilarious when he was mad.
"Fuck with my kids one more time, I swear to god...." His body is literally shaking. Whether Goose was playing around or not, what he did was beyond idiotic. If you want to live to see your next birthday Goose, reconsider messing with Daroach's kids.
"Daddy..." The twins whimpered. They're literally scared out of their wits now.
"'Sides, looks like your kids ain't happy that you're mad at 'Toothpick Man', anyway," He grinned and gestured towards the cowering twins behind him.
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