[AIM] 6/14/08: Lopunny and Kyogre

Jun 18, 2008 13:10

[[I forgot to post this, so better late than never?]]

Characters: Lopunny and Kyogre
What: Kyogre and Lopunny meet and talk a little.
Where: Under a tree on school grounds? XD
When: Saturday; Around 4-6 PM
Rating: PG. I don’t think there’s anything bad. >:


Lopunny; -sighs quietly, taking a small walk around the school, currently outside- Hmm...
Kyogre: *curled up against a tree on the schoolgrounds, fanning herself with her hand* Urgh, this heat is so unbearable. *sighs*
Lopunny; -flips his ears above his head for shade- Hrf.... -flickers his ears for a moment, hearing a voice- ..Hmm...? -smiles a little- Someone's around? Usually I'm without company....
Kyogre: *stays quiet and still, hoping the voice woned by whoever would go away, cosidering she doesn't like company that much* ...
Lopunny; -sniffs the air and smiles- I was right... -follows his nose to the tree and pokes around it- Why, hello there~ -still looking like an idiot with his ears like they are-
Kyogre: *stares at him and supresses a giggle at his ears* Go away little bunnyman, I'm trying to get some peace and quiet. *stops fanning herself and attempts to hold her hair up*
Lopunny; Hmm? Oh, how adorable you are. -decides against her words and sits down beside her, using one of his ears to shade her- What's wrong? Cant' take the heat? -chuckles-
Kyogre: Being a water pokemon is tough, stupid. You are a pokemon as well? I can never tell with all these strange things at this school...
Lopunny; Ouch, guess it would, being that we're under the horrible heat right now. -grins- Y'got that right, I'm Lopunny...-turns his head a little toward her- What about you? What kinda pokemon are you, my pretty miss?
Kyogre: Lopunny? You must be from some other region? *frowns* I'm Kyogre, you dimwit. The most wonderful pokemon ever. Have you NOT heard of me? *crosses arms and slouches down*
Lopunny; Yep, I hail from Sinnoh... -blinks and chuckles- Ah, I'm sorry..I can't seem to think too well with the great and lovely sun pounding on my head. -grins- My mistake, Kyogre, won't happen again..
Kyogre: Sinnoh..? Whatever. Hoenn is better. I'm curious to why some of the water pokemon I knew moved there. Seems like a lame place. Wipe that grin off your face. It makes you look stupid.
Lopunny; Ooh..You've got some bite on ya...I like that.. -chuckles and drops his grin to a small smirk- I kinda have to agree, Sinnoh can be really lame at times, while on others, it's pretty awesome. -shrugs and lets his paws rest behind his head like a pillow-
Kyogre: Eww. I'm not into silly little rabbit pokemon. I don't like that face either. *rolls eyes* I bet you're just saying that to agree with me. *taps fingers on her crossed arms impatiently, wondering when he;ll go*
Lopunny; -frowns and ignores her first comment- Pfft...I'm not, for instance, we have a HUGE mountain range right in the middle of the region....I never see any of my friends for months at a time because of this.. -yawns-
Kyogre: So what? You can just go scurry over to them. *shrugs* Pokemon followed me around, so I never had problems with having company.
Lopunny; -rolls his eyes- Like I have the money to do that...
Kyogre: Try using something called feet. You have them for a reason. I don't have any in my pokemon form. :/
Lopunny; ..These dainty things? -lifts up a leg and wiggles his small toes- Please, I have hard enough time doing a move with them, none the less walk a long distance...
Kyogre: I didn't give you a time limit until you reached your destination. If you really cared about your friends, you'd do whatever it took, however long it took just to see them..
Lopunny; Hey, I like my friends, I also like living, okay? Those mountains are pretty brutal....-moves his ears down, getting pretty angry now, but not showing it-
Kyogre: Whatever. *shrugs* Aren't there route going around them though? *seems neutral*
Lopunny; Not that I know of, all I've seen are through mountain, above mountain, etc etc....
Kyogre: Don't you have a silly trainer to take care of you or whatever and bring you there?
Lopunny; Nope, I'm a free bird..bunny..whatever.. Had one guy once try to catch me, couldn't do it though, he had some weakling against me.. -smirks for a moment-
Kyogre: Silly.. Hmmph. I have had many trainers try and catch me, but none had the ability.. *laughs*
Lopunny; Can't see why would, you're too pretty to be locked in a ball...
Kyogre: Stop flirting, you little bunny boy. *pokes his forehead*
Lopunny; I'm not, though. I'm speakin' the truth. I'm much worse when I try to flirt...
Kyogre: It sounds like a flirt to me. ..Whatever.
Lopunny; -sits there for a moment before speaking- Would you LIKE for me to flirt, then?
Kyogre: No. I'm waaay older than you. It'd be awkward for atleast me. Not sure about you though..
Lopunny: -shrugs- You don't look it at all, though.
Kyogre: Well of course I don't. I'm a legendary. I'm not suppose to look like an old geezer. Sheesh.
Lopunny; Mmm...Of course, but do all of you legendaries have such a sharp tongue?
Kyogre: .. How should I know? Rayquaza.. Maybe not. Why should you care? -___-
Lopunny; Just askin'... >_>; -blinks- Why'd'ya only mention Rayquaza for?
Kyogre: Because I only know Rayquaza and that fire-butt of a legendary. He's not even good enough to mention though, so why should I? I don't think I know any others.
Lopunny; Hmm..Fair enough... -snorts- Hmm.....
Kyogre: 'Hmm...?' What are you thinking about now?
Lopunny; Well, for one, how many other pokemon have actually joined the school that I haven't seen yet..And acoupla other things..
Kyogre: Oh. Probably a few. I think I've seen a Meowth with an angry expression walking around once. *laughs* I don't know about others though.
Lopunny; -smirks- Oh man, you mean cat boy? I think I saw Beagle girl makin' him mad at one point, it was hilarious... Hmmpf..I know there are some though, I can pretty much smell them. -shrugs-
Kyogre: By his expression, I think he's always mad with a deeper reason under than just beagle gir-- Wait, who's Beagle girl? *doesn't have much of a nose to smell anything, if she even has a nose*
Lopunny; Yeah.. -stares- Oh, that's the little Smeargle who's really in love with fairy tales, she's usually out here drawing...I dunno where she's gone though...really strange.
Kyogre: I see. A smeargle...? I better be careful not to be using any moves around her then. *laughs* And obsessed with fairy tales, eh? A bit strange since they never are true. :<
Lopunny; Yeah, I don't see her as too much of a fighter, though. -shrugs and nods- Yeah, she goes off going "Ahh~ It's just like a fairy tale, only real~" ..a lot.. -said that with his hands locked, looking all like a girl really would, sparkly eyes too-
Kyogre: Oh I see. That sounds annoying. *considers puking in her mouth* :/ *glances at the sky*
Lopunny; Yeah..And she won't leave me alone..She will pester the crap out of me for nooo reason at all, then act like I did something bad when I object to it... -sighes and shakes his head- I kinda like her being away now..
Kyogre: Haha.. It sounds like the way a brat acts like. *talking about Smeargle* Ehh, it doesn't matter though. She'll grow up one day, hopefully.
Lopunny; Yeah, she gets worse than my younger sisters at times, it's really just..horrible... -rubs his forehead- I really do hope she does, and soon...
Kyogre: Well it depends? If she's always spoiled then she'll never change~
Lopunny; Bleh, There's no telling if she is or not..She never talks about her family that much...Or at all, to me.. >.>
Kyogre: Do you even bother asking? *rolls eyes*
Lopunny; I would if I really wanted to.. >.>
Kyogre: You should try.. >_>;;
Lopunny; Well, she's not here now..So, meh.
Kyogre: When she gets back, I mean. ...If she IS coming back...
Lopunny; Mmm..Right. Y'gonna have to remind me, though...I will forget, IF she does come back... >>
Kyogre: Why should I? It's not my job. *thinking 'Plus I hope never to meet you again'* >> <<
Lopunny; Okay, let me try that again, then... >>; Remind me of we're around again..Kay?
Kyogre: I'm not going to. :/ It's not my responisbilty. Really.
Lopunny; ...Okay, then, don't... -sighs-
Kyogre: >_>; *sighs andstares at her hands* ...
Lopunny; -flickers his ears- ...What? >>;
Kyogre: Nothing. :/
Lopunny; Alrighty, then.. -moves an ear above his head- Blah..
Kyogre: *glances at the sky* Err, it's getting late. I guess I'll get going now. *quickly stands up and pats any dirt off her skirt*
Lopunny; -nods and gets comfortable- Meh, I'll stay for a while, it's finally gettin' a little good. .-smirks and closes his eyes- Nice meeting you Kyo..Hope we see each other soon..Hehe..
Kyogre: Don't calle me Kyo. It's Kyogre. *sighs and runs off*
Lopunny; ..Yea..Fine, Kyo... -smirks and says it quietly, smirking-

!chat log, !completed log, lopunny (pokemon), kyogre (pokemon)

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