Who: Whoever!
What: Post-war announcements regarding graduation and other things.
When: Tuesday, March 24th.
Where: What's left of the main quad.
Rating: PG
[Amidst the reconstruction of Final Destination City, a makeshift podium has been erected atop a pile of rubble in what was once the main quad. Behind it stands Master Hand, with Tabuu on his right, Crazy on the left. Though evidence of the war is everywhere, the flagpole still stands, the banner of the school billowing all-too-dramatically behind its former Headmaster. Gazing out into the assembled crowd, he clears his throat (if hands had throats, of course) and begins to speak.]
Faculty, Staff and Students of SumaBura Gakuen.
In this time of recovery and rebuilding, I come to you with both good news and bad. I cannot possibly express my gratitude in full after this trying time, and the bravery, resourcefulness, and talent of every person present here today is what makes this school as renowned as it is. Your willingness to persevere and ability to stand tall in the face of fear itself is what makes the new school year possible.
It is with great pleasure, then, that I announce my return to this esteemed institution as headmaster. It seems that here is where my heart is after all. Along those lines, Tabuu has decided to reclaim his position as mayor of Final Destination. Crazy Hand will remain as deputy headmaster, and I cannot thank him enough for taking my place for the latter half of this school year.
[Crazy's sock puppet seems very pleased about this.]
With that said, there are several other matters that need to be addressed. Obviously, the war has taken an immense toll on our city, and even with the relief effort, full reconstruction will be difficult and time-consuming. To alleviate this, I have taken it upon myself to employ the talents of a certain Dr. Wright, who is at work restoring the school and city as we speak. We hope to return things to their normal state in time for the new school year. In fact, we anticipate that Dr. Wright will even make some improvements to our campus while he is here.
Which brings us to the next order of business. It seems that...during the course of the war...more specifically the blackout that occurred shortly before the final conflict. It is with great reluctance that I say...that the student records database was lost in said blackout. Even the backup. And the backup of the backup of the backup. In short, grades have been lost. And when faced with the imminence of graduation...well, I'll be frank. We're not even sure who has passed.
But in light of recent events, I am willing to offer you, the students, and more specifically the seniors, a choice. Due to everyone serving so valiantly in the war, I am willing to allow seniors that choose to graduate to do so. Those that wish to repeat their senior year may also do so. Should one choose to graduate, I'd like to make it clear that Smash Academy's doors are always open to alumni, no matter what field of work one pursues after leaving high school. As for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors, you are similarly offered the choice to repeat or ascend to the next grade level.
Should any students choose to graduate, commencement exercises will proceed as normal on Friday, April 3rd. For those of you that do not know what this entails, commencement includes both a graduation ceremony and an end-of-the-year ball, or...senior prom, if you will, a celebration of the year's accomplishments. And truly, we as a school have accomplished a great deal.
Following this, summer vacation will begin...and...[He leans to the right so that Tabuu can whisper something to him] I am told that there will be an organized cruise vacation on April 17th for staff and students, courtesy of our very own Dr. Robotnik. Thank you Ivo, that's very generous of you. It will, of course, be optional, should students wish to spend that particular week of summer break elsewhere. Keep in mind that this vacation is still in the planning stages, and more information will follow at a later time. The new term will begin on May 4th.
With all that said, thank you for your attention, and I will now open the floor for questions.