Pikmin family finally reunited? The shadow battle against the mauve retaliator!

Feb 28, 2009 14:52

Who: Olimar, Louie, Aviana, Ionia, Stanley, Petunia, Vianca and Hojita. Guest starring Kinoko and a Titan Dweevil (Aparoids)
What: Up against Aparoids that decided to mess with the two leaders' heads.
When: February 28th, outskirts of Final Destination City
Rating: Rated M for MINDFUCK ohshi that was terrible.

Remember, I'm just setting up the log. )

!rp log, olimar (pikmin), louie (pikmin), ionia/blue pikmin (pikmin), hojita/bulbmin (pikmin), * event - the great war

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pudgy_purple March 6 2009, 04:32:53 UTC
It was almost like some higher power had planned for both Hocotatians and the Pikmin girls to eventually find themselves in the same area of the city at the same time. As such, Petunia wasn't terribly far from where Olimar and Louie were. She was still lost, of course, having once again managed to slip away from those she was with before. This time it had been on purpose. She didn't really want to talk to anybody right now.

She remembered looking out at the city through the grimy windows of a taxi once, marveling at how big and strangely beautiful it was. Concrete art. It wasn't anything like that anymore. Just crumbling ruins and corpses everywhere. She wanted to cry, but couldn't find the energy right now.

She turned the corner, and found Olimar instead. Should she run again? She didn't know what to do anymore. She stood there quietly, staring miserably at the two.


leadthemalong March 6 2009, 18:43:47 UTC
Olimar didn't react as quickly as Louie did, fearful she would run off again. Instead... she just continued to stare at the two of them. Those eyes... Instead of calling out to her the older man made it a priority to get closer to Petunia.

"...Petunia?" He managed to smile, though it almost looked like he was about to cry. Instead, he brought her into his arms. "Thank god you're alive! I'm sorry it took so long to find you!..." He didn't want to let go, this was surely the first step to find all of them safely and taking them all back to the school.


pudgy_purple March 7 2009, 04:18:02 UTC
Oh. They saw her after all. She didn't know if she cared or not. She was happy that they were alive and well, of course, but she couldn't bring herself to return the hug.

"Leader..." She was still as softspoken as ever, but there was something in her voice... not quite anger, not sadness, but it definitely lost its normally loving tone. "Why did you lie?"


leadthemalong March 7 2009, 04:22:53 UTC
Olimar pulled away, "Lie? What are you talking about?" Something didn't seem right with her, what could he possibly had lied to her about?


pudgy_purple March 7 2009, 04:34:57 UTC
"You said nobody would have to fight. That it would not get bad."

Her hands balled themselves into weak little fists, but her blank expression remained. "You promised."


leadthemalong March 7 2009, 04:45:05 UTC

It took a moment for her words to seep in. That's right... he promised everything was going to be okay...

"Why did you and your sisters run off? We were going to stay safe at the school... None of you had to fight, like I promised!" Not so subtly, he was avoiding her statement, "I've been out here for who knows how many days! Do you realize you could have been KILLED!? I've been worried-no, scared sick over you girls!"


pudgy_purple March 7 2009, 04:53:52 UTC
"We wanted to help protect you. Protect everybody. It is not right to just stay behind and be the only people safe if everybody else is..." Dead.

She trailed off, looking away. Her brow furrowed a bit, emotion finally beginning to trickle back in to her. "It is not right. Please make it all stop."


leadthemalong March 7 2009, 05:02:09 UTC
"Everybody else is WHAT?" Maybe that was a little too loud, but she was starting to worry him even more, "Make what stop?" What was wrong with her? Olimar tried to give her another embrace in hoping to calm her down, "Petunia... what happened?"


pudgy_purple March 7 2009, 05:26:49 UTC
((And again, a hop, skip and a jump to Vianca's thread~))


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