Now today I WAS gonna have this big lecture on the air force and aerial attacks and whatever, but the research is takin' a bit longer than I expected. So you'll hafta wait to next class for that one. Instead, since everyone seemed pretty thrilled about last class, I've decided we'd do something a bit different today.
Instead of me lecturin' you, I figured I'd let you guys do some talkin'. I want you to talk about the papers you wrote on weapons that was assigned for today. Now since I just told you about this five minutes ago, I ain't gonna grade it like some giant oral presentation. However, I will grade it like a quiz. Think of it like a pop quiz in a way. Now I don't want you to just read your paper. That would be both boring and take too long. Instead, I want you to summarize your paper. Remember to mention the important facts and if you have any figures or diagrams in your paper, feel free to use 'em as visual aides. After you're done, I'll allow some time for a Q 'n A in case your classmates have any questions.
Alright, who wants to go first?