*The classroom is emptier than usual today, due to the hospitalizations/vacations of the students. If this concerns Xatu in any way, he certainly isn't showing it. Cue the two-note song heralding the beginning of class.
Welcome back, everyone. I'm sure you all know the drill by now.
*marker telekinesis whoo. Today's prompt: The weirdest thing I have ever eaten is...*
*Twenty minutes pass, and Xatu honks out his two notes again.* Pencils down, class. I'm afraid that recent events at the school have somewhat disrupted the lesson plan; I won't be continuing our unit on types of writing until our missing students will be rejoining us. I imagine you have a lot on your minds, so feel free to use this class as an outlet. Or as a means of escapism, if you'd prefer.
Today's assignment is a simple one: I want you to write a letter. If you were involved in last week's incident, you may choose to write to anyone you may have unwillingly hurt, or you may write to the individuals responsible for the whole situation. If you aren't comfortable with doing so, chose to evacuate or were otherwise uninvolved, then you may write to anyone you choose. I would suggest students and faculty currently in the hospital; I'm certain it will brighten their day to know they're in your thoughts. I will be marking you on
proper format, but in this case, the content of your letter is more important than how it's arranged.
Whomever you choose to address, please bear in mind that I will be reading these. Don't worry; I won't mail them to anyone. If you want your letter to be sent, you will have to do that on your own. I will have to ask that anybody who is writing a letter of complaint regarding the incident keep it to themselves; I would hope simply writing it would be sufficiently therapeutic, but if you feel you must air your grievances with the responsible parties then I would rather not have my assignments used in such a manner.
Your letters are due for next week. Feel free to come to me with any questions you may have.