Damn you, econ!

Nov 26, 2008 22:57

So- I am home for break... bored out of my mind.
I spent the first couple days getting yelled at, and today I did a lot of baking and shopping and things, so I feel as though I should be allowed to not get yelled at.

Additionally, I am going to be working at Toys R Us this winter.  You may ask, "Bethany, why do you do these things to yourself? Macy's, Target, now Toys R Us?"
And to that, I say, "Good point. I don't know."
However, it's a job and it's NOT getting yelled at by my mother.  It doesn't pay well, but it's a job.  I do these things for the great stories.  Like last year, when a woman returned a memory foam mattress topper because there was a dead snake coiled up inside.  Disgusting? Yes. Good story? Absolutely.

We got our grades today from fall quarter.  I scored obnoxiously low in econ, of course, but I passed, and that's what really matters here, isn't it?
Other than that, my grades were much better than expected, so next time you see me, you should give me a pat on the back or buy me a drink or something.  It was a rough quarter... But I will accept your praise graciously.

In other news, I have been very good at not screwing things up with a boy.  We'll see how this pans out.  I'm sure not well, and now it's the break, but I'm trying really hard not to say anything stupid.  It plays to his favor, however, that he is far less dramatic than anyone else, so when I do slip up and say something dumb, he doesn't flip out about it.  I'm so used to walking on eggshells with boys, this is kind of a huge relief. No worries though, avid fans of my, dare I say, "Love Life." Without a doubt, some way or another, this will not be working out, oh, I'd say about a month after I get back to school.  He or I will freak out or just become disinterested or something equally as detrimental to continuing whatever semblance of a relationship we have managed to piece together because I am crazy and don't make it easy for anyone to actually spend time with me.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  And that, well, that makes me all giddy inside.
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