May 12, 2010 21:21
I never thought I'd say this but I'll be HAPPY to take the MCAT next Saturday. I don't necessarily feel 100% prepared but I think that I could by next weekend. I took a practice test last Friday and got a 30.
Granted, I DID use my notes, but I always use my notes and never have gotten above a 24. I know that I probably would've scored lower in the physical sciences at least, but not because I didn't understand concepts. The only things I had to look up were definitional, "I should know these" type questions or concepts I hadn't gotten to. NOW I've read ALL the physical sciences. And I'm going to review like crazy to make SURE I know that shit.
It gave me hope to know I'm at least capable. And I honestly think I could actually get a point or two higher in bio, because I didn't feel like I was even trying.
And no matter what, notes or no notes, I got a 10 on the verbal. That was ALL me (no notes) and continually is my LOWEST score. I've never gotten above a 7.
So I'm trying to put in tons of work these next few days...I hope it pays off. Either way, I'm fairly confident I'll get significantly higher than last time, simply from working harder.
But I'm gonna be sooooo glad to be done studying lol. I sincerely hope it pays off.