"The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free. Whether good or bad, at least they're out in the open. And once your secrets are out in the open, you don't have to hide behind them anymore. The problem with secrets is even when you think you're in control, you're not."- Grey's Anatomy
(Co-written with Dean's (
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(Also, every time you use that icon I crack up, because our Sam's mun has an Antubis muse as well. >.>)
(oooooohhh. Really? What's the LJ name? I love KH so much.)
( heee. antsolutely, I think! *checks* yes. Although, it's more complicated than just KH? Stuff. Actually Anubis.)
The books. . .not so good. The Eye's Only Dossier was awsome. And way more informative than the novels. I have a hard time swallowing some of it and basicly use the Dossier as my cannon.
(Hey, I'm okay with complicated. And Alec loves poking people he shouldn't.)
*nods* But I need to know what I'm disregarding! I don't like being ignorant when writing stuff. But, noted! Will procure that!
(*giggles* Mmm the godlings. ... hahaha oh if Alec ends up hitting on the daughter of Paul's husband, that would crack me up NO end. >.> That said, the mun has only very vague idea of DA, so. Not that I've found that a problem when reading your work, you manage to integrate elements and make things clear to the reader very well.)
Well, let me say that the lack of Lydecker didn't make me happy, and metiors? Seriously?
(Dude Antibus was made of win. And Alec flirts with everyone, but is actually pretty hands off other than that. And I don't think anyone need to know DA. Alec is so crossed over at this point anyway. But Wayward Alec *likes* Reapers. They're mellow.)
What. Lydecker did drown or ... something? But yeah, I'm waiting for a friend to finish them and then he'll send them to me.
(Iiii need to watch, don't I. But heee! Did you know what Jensen said at the con when he was asked which of his characters he'd rather have come up against Dean - Alec, Tom (from MBV), or Jason Teague? ;) )
Deck.. .there was no body in the wreck. So no death. But his return was short and pathetic.
(You really do need to watch it! It would be *so* easey to do a SPN/KH crossover. I've been wanting to do one for *ages*.
What'd he say?)
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