What's on your agenda?
(OOC: Sam (
likely_evil) and Dean (
jstliketherifle) used with permission. No sea sponges or demons were hurt in the making of this prompt.)
. . .and then he met Sam.
That’s how it was. No preamble really. Not time to brace himself. Sam wasn't there and then he was. He was, was, was.
Except, you know, when he wasn't. Because, apparently, being a baby demon was a lot like coming out of a year of Psy-Ops. Alec knew that one from the inside out. How the pieces of a person could still be there inside, but sometimes couldn't touch the outside very well. How you could be more dangerous than a loaded and cocked gun and breakable like thin blown glass.
Yeah, he had an inkling of how Sam felt. How he grasped some concepts lightning fast and other times it was like you were talking to sea sponge who was a slow learner. He'd been there, done that and the t-shirt sucked. Grey was not his colour.
And that? That made Sam just a little bit his too. It was something that Alec understood that Dean didn't. Sam was Dean's. And Dean was Sam's. Alec was on the outside, but that gave him a connection. Maybe, just maybe, when Sam no longer needed him to understand like that and he no longer had those sea sponge moments, there would be room for Alec.
A cat had to have goals, right?
Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
'Verse: Happiness is a warm gun.
Fandom: Dark Angel
Word count: 218
Open to RP