makeyourlist “If I apologized, it wouldn't make it all unhappen."

Apr 24, 2008 21:19

List of apologies.

Sorry I didn't see that they would take you away from us. I was a stupid kid. Even if my IQ does rival Einstein.

I'm sorry you died and that I wasn't with you when you did. I was dicking off somewhere else doing some other bullshit that I though was important. I'm on a roll with the stupid.

I'm sorry that you died. Even though I was with you. Protecting me? Not a great idea.

I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner. No, that's kinda all I've got.

I'm sorry I loved you. And I'm sorry you died for it. Should have listened to Daddy.

I'm sorry I got that last year of Dad's time without you. If it helps he got pissed at me more than once. Yeah, okay, didn't think that would help.

I'm sorry you spend so much time picking me up and applying tape to me. Maybe we should start using duct tape?

That money for you're virus issue? Sorry about that. Letting it happen was a mission, and I am a soldier, but I'm sorry I ruined your chance to cure it. And I'm sorry you're unhappy.

Both of you. Even if you time management skills are lacking. Sex should he spontaneous and fun. Not rocket science or sparklie bubble.

Sorry I nearly stabbed you to save my own skin. Honestly sometimes I'm a little jealous that you don't have a bar code.

I'm sorry you didn't get the satisfaction of killing me. It wouldn't have brought her back but it would have given you closure. Maybe even justice. But uh. . .tying me to a chair? Not effective.

I'm sorry I was angry with you for twelve years. I think, maybe that we're a lot alike. And I'm sorry that a lot of the time I'm still angry. I'm prettier though.

I'm sorry I'm asking things of you that you don't want to do. I'm such a guy like that.

I'm sorry that I'm not a better husband. Only think worst than 'guy' is 'cat'.

I'm sorry your dad is gone, because I'm pretty sure I'm a pale imitation. He knew what he was doing. I'm just sort of pretending.

I'm sorry I got there to late to save you. What can I say. Day late, dollar short.

I'm sorry I was to late to save him. Go me!

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to make up for 493. I think I really am prettier than him though

I'm sorry I'm a cat and not a duck. Kinda fucked up a lot of things for you didn't it?

I'm sorry I didn't live up to what you hoped for me. Second best and all you know?

I'm sorry I can't save you. I mean, my bag of tricks isn't empty yet, but I don't want you pissed at me.

I'm sorry that sometimes I look to you to be a dad. You shouldn't have to do that for me. Besides, it would be hard to compete. The Colonel was kinda an ass and John was, well John.

I'm sorry I look like you're brother, but I can't fill his shoes. His feet are bigger than mine.

I'm sorry you want to fix me and can't. I usually recommend sweeping me up into a neat pile. Maybe a ziplock baggy?

Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
Fandom: Dark Angel
Open to RP

rachel, biggs, truth, ally, death and taxes, joshua, dean, john, (comm) make your list, manticore, hell cats, jondy, made pretty, bits and pieces, bargins, 'mawage. that dweam with in a dweam", maxie, colonel lydecker, sam, hell, ruby, lost souls, cece, blood family, ben/x5-493

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