ineffablefandom Jan :2. "You tell me what you want and I'll tell you what you get."

Jan 06, 2008 22:36

2. Tell me what you want.

-Two chili dogs from Spike's Junkyard Dogs. With a large soda, onion rings, and french fries.
-Freedom for my people (Oh. The melodrama. Get the fainting couch.)
-Better living conditions. (I hate ants. And rats. Unless they have a barcode. Then they're chill.)
-My cat to stop sleeping on my face.
-Kids maybe. (Can we say pipe dream?)
-A miracle or twelve.

Any one offering?

Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
Fandom: Dark Angel
Word count:
Open to RP (Maybe)

mary, trouble (the kitten.), unit bravo, biggs, truth, terminal city, ineffablefandom, shoddy dna, ruby, death and taxes, john, trangenics, cece

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