Aug 30, 2007 20:29
Define Irony.
You take a whole wonk load of normal, nice, impressionable human embryos, crack them open and spend millions of dollars cramming in the best genes available. Make them smarter, quicker on the uptake, have better memories, and better reasoning and planning capabilities. Basically genius to order. Though we weren't all smart enough to run.
Then cram in a bunch of Great Cat DNA into any space that’s left. Hell, cram in so much that there isn't actually room for it all with out botching a little and shorting out on occasion. When they aren't seizing they put the best Olympic gymnasts to shame. Also? They're a bit cat-like in personality.
After that? Torture them a bit. All in the name of science, of course. A little brain scrubbing, I mean washing, a few drownings, chemicals, fourth degree burns, (didn't know you could get those, did you?) broken bones, etc. They're pretty amazing at this whole healing thing.
Now? Get all pissed off when they think for themselves and take off on your sorry ass.
That's irony.
Muse: Alec McDowell/X5-494
Fandom: Dark Angel
Word Count: 179
Open to RP
(comm) realm of the muse -inactive,
unit bravo,
terminal city,
shoddy dna,
back story,
cat instinct!,