Snagged from Peter (mybrothershadow)

Aug 29, 2007 17:57

Edit: So once upon a time there was a nifty little table here all nice and pretty in it's polar black-and-whiteness. But the HTML for it sucked fucking hardcore and messed up some one elses friends page and pissed me off, because I'd already had to rewrite it once.

Yes I am strangely and irrationally irritated by this.

Up shot?

My Led Zeppelin song is "When the Levee Breaks"

And here is the happy, shiny text that went with the now missing table. /edit.

You are a dominating person.  People don't stand in your way.  Everybody basically does what you say.  And if they don't, they better start, or you just might have one of your henchmen kill them.

Just like "When the Levee Breaks" dominates Led Zeppelin IV, you dominate your world.  You don't have time for nonsense (it's surprising you even took this quiz) and you would love to be dictator of the world someday.

You are dark and scary, and you probably don't at all care about this quiz, if you even bothered to read your results.

Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz

This thing makes me look like a giant evil ass hole. Or Colonel Lydecker. (Which could be both a compliment and an insult. I'll just leave it alone.) I even took it twice. Am I really that bad? At least I like the song.

Also? I totally don't think that 'When the Levee Breaks" dominates "IV' I think it would be safe to say the "Stairway to Heaven" does that. You know, since that and "Black Dog" are the only songs from the album that anyone who isn't a Zeppelin fan knows.

/music geek moment.

And. . . the HTML blew. I uh. . .rewrote it to get it to work. If any one else takes this thing use this ::points down::

[table align="CENTER" bgcolor="black" border="3"]
[td bgcolor="black"]
[font face="Agency FB"]
[font color="white"]
[center]You Are[br]
[font size=6][b]YOUR SONG TITLE HERE[/b][/font][p]

instead of their block of HTML. Just put you song title in and replace all the ([ or]) with (< or>)
And stick this at the end.

[a href=]Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz [/a]

/perfectionist HTML dork moment.

Maybe I need to lay down.

crack, piano, manticore, fun and games, geektastic, random commentary

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