GOP 'cranks' dominating debate Read here how Republicans can pretend to be angry at gullible idiots for "hurting their image" by... buying their own party line and derailing the healthcare debate. Also, how they can imply that every party has their diehard foaming nutjobs - except where are all the "I demand single-payer socialized medicine" cranks, exactly? Did I miss the news reports on them?
Of course, in order to be "fair and balanced", the author comes up with this example of left-wing "whackjobs", equivalents to the guy who interrupts the president's address to both houses, and the world:
Nor are Democrats strangers to having their crazy uncles take center stage. During the run-up to the Iraq war, for example, Reps. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) and David Bonior (D-Mich.) famously flew to Baghdad, where McDermott asserted that he believed the president would “mislead the American public” to justify the war. The trip made it a cakewalk for critics to describe the Democratic Party as chockablock with traitorous radicals.
So, for the record: Republican cranks openly lie about things that can be proven false by reading drafts of the bill in discussion, and Democratic "cranks" are the ones who warned that the previous president would manipulate and deceive the American public into supporting a catastrophic war... which he was in the midst of, and actually proceeded to do?
I think
Goofus and Gallant, here, can sum up my feelings on this dichotomy quite accurately.