Всем известно, что произведения писателей в советскую эпоху часто не проходили ценза и годами оставались под запретом. Яркий пример - повесть Булгакова «Собачье сердце»: книга была запрещена до 1987 года. Но случалось такое и в США.
какая бурная у вас фантазия. Зачем тогда книгу, изданную в 1969 году, американцы экранизировали в 1972 году? Еще и в Каннах приз получили. Есть какие-то сведения о том как книгу запрещали и экранизировали одновременно?
Запрещали. Не везде конечно, а в разных школьных библиотеках, но довольно часто - она входит во все списки самых запрещенных книг. Например:
The Ultimate List of Popular Banned Books You Should Read in 2023 | by J.J. Pryor | Feedium | Medium
Why was Slaughterhouse-Five banned?
This famous (infamous?) novel by Kurt Vonnegut is a frequent top 100 contender on the ALA’s list of banned books every year.
Why? Where to start. Obscene content, depictions of sex, angelic American soldiers using profanity (eeeh god man!), and of course, a little heresy thrown in for good measure. It was also among the first literary works to depict homosexuals as being victims of the Holocaust.
It was banned from schools in Oakland County after a court ruling in 1972, where the surely objectively unbiased judge said the book was “depraved, immoral, psychotic, vulgar and anti-Christian.”
There seems to be a reoccurring theme here, n’est pas?
And speaking of reoccurring themes, the book was banned at a Missouri high school in 2011, too.
Запрещали. Не везде конечно, а в разных школьных библиотеках, но довольно часто - она входит во все списки самых запрещенных книг. Например:
The Ultimate List of Popular Banned Books You Should Read in 2023 | by J.J. Pryor | Feedium | Medium
Why was Slaughterhouse-Five banned?
This famous (infamous?) novel by Kurt Vonnegut is a frequent top 100 contender on the ALA’s list of banned books every year.
Why? Where to start. Obscene content, depictions of sex, angelic American soldiers using profanity (eeeh god man!), and of course, a little heresy thrown in for good measure. It was also among the first literary works to depict homosexuals as being victims of the Holocaust.
It was banned from schools in Oakland County after a court ruling in 1972, where the surely objectively unbiased judge said the book was “depraved, immoral, psychotic, vulgar and anti-Christian.”
There seems to be a reoccurring theme here, n’est pas?
And speaking of reoccurring themes, the book was banned at a Missouri high school in 2011, too.
А учащихся знакомят с этими списками? А то мало ли что, попадёт случайно, а мелкий и знает, что это читать нельзя.
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