For the last week or so, we've heard coyotes howling at night. They've sounded pretty close, but it's been very late at night--two or three in the morning. We've turned on more lights when we let Rosie outside, and we check the yard first.
Well, we just looked out the window, and there was a pair of coyotes just strolling through the neighbor's yard, in broad daylight. They were huge. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought they were wolves. It was very disturbing. We're going to have to take Rosie out on a leash from now on--if they ever figure out a way into the yard, they'll eat her.
In other news,
I went to the grocery store yesterday to buy some stuff for dinner. When I got there, it was packed, and I remembered that it was supposed to start snowing in a few hours. I've decided that Massachusetts needs to issue a separate license for people who want to drive in grocery store parking lots. Failing that, I need some kind of really big gun mounted on the top of my car. Why? Well, the guy ahead of me in the endless laps to find a spot saw one opening up. He threw his car into reverse. Realizing what he was about to do, I tried to back up as well, because there was only about a foot of space between us. Unfortunately, there was only about a foot of space between me and the car behind me, and so I couldn't go anywhere. I jabbed my horn a couple times to get the guy in front of me to stop backing up, and he IGNORED me. I started leaning on the horn, and he STILL ignored me. He didn't stop until he'd hit my car and bumped me back about six inches. When we both got out of the car, you know what the stupid sonofabitch said to me? "Whoops, I didn't see you there." HOW THE FUCK DID YOU NOT SEE ME YOU ASSHOLE? I was RIGHT THERE, IN FULL VIEW. I WAS HONKING AT YOU! Stupid fucking pissant brain-dead limpdick piece of shit jackass idiotic dipshit douchebag. I sincerely wish he had totaled his prissy little BMW on the front of my tank volvo, but the bumpers took the force of the impact. And since mine are rubber, there weren't even any scratches (god, I wish there had been on his. He so fucking deserved it.).
I HATE grocery stores. Especially when it's right before a snow storm (seriously, everyone in MA suburbia needs to grow a pair. It's 6 inches of snow, not the apocalypse. Enough of you drive SUVs and pick-ups that you don't need to fear some white stuff on the ground. It was an overnight storm, and not even a blizzard, for chirssake.) *grumbles*