Catalog of Waldo's fics - updated 03.09.08

Aug 31, 2008 12:03

Most Recent Writings


Rarely Pure and Never Simple  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
NC-17 | Posted 3.21.08 | Jack/Ianto (with others)
Torchwood Three, alcohol, camping and the brilliant idea to play Truth or Dare.  This'll end well.

Before He Is Left
PG | Posted 4.26.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: One day. The number of amazing and awful things that had happened in one day made him dizzy and made him sick. (post "End of Days")

What Happens Tomorrow Series:  A series of stories that show how the effects of "the year that never was" influences Jack and Ianto and the decisions they make in season 2.

1. Come Undone
R | Posted 1.20.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: Jack is home, but he's not okay.  And he knows it.  (Post KKBB, with spoilers)
2. Dancing on the Valentine, Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
NC-17 | Posted 2.14.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: "Can I escort you to the dance, Mr. Jones?"
3. Starting to Remember
NC-17 (for descriptions of torture) | 3.01.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: For a half-million pound hunk of flesh that can't communicate, Jack finds that he has way more in common with the alien in "Meat" than he's comfortable with.
*new* 4. When Mars Meets Venus, Part 1 | Part 2
R | Posted 4.28.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: Jack was serious, he never does want to be pregnant again.  He's still too raw from the last time. (Post "Something Borrowed")
*new* 5.  Chains
R | Posted 4.05.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: It's a few nights after "Exit Wounds" and Jack has more to deal with than just the state of his team.


Blood, Death, Grief and Pain
R | 6.10.05 | Archer/Reed
Everyone has a breaking point.


Sudafed and Snowflakes
PG | 7.17.05 | Josh/Sam
Summary: Sam has a deep appreciation for both Sudafed and Snowflakes.

Cleared for Take Off
R | 7.05 | Josh/Sam
Summary: Now they can add the State of the Union and Lisa to the list of things they've survived.

Fic alphabitized first by fandom, then by title.


The Best Bridge Between Despair and Hope
PG-13 | 03.05 | Lee/Kara
Summary: After five days of constant battle, they thought sleep would come easier. And they should have known that when they had had so little sleep, their emotions would go completely unchecked.

Drunk and Disorderly
  PG | 04.05 | Lee/Kara
  Summary: “So… havin’ a good night, are we?”
Lee’s grin was both huge and lopsided. “I,” he said with great exaggeration, “blew up a Cylon base. All. By. My. Self.”

R | 03.05 | Kara/Baltar and Kara/Lee
Summary: What in the name of the seven hells had she been thinking?
Companion Piece to:  Genius

Heads and Tails
PG | Posted 9.06 | Lee/Kara
Summary: Your best friend is one who will help you with anything and still let you retain your dignity.

PG | Posted 03.05 | Lee/Kara
Summary: "Only Kara would be afraid of being caught praying."

R | 03.05 | Kara/Baltar and Kara/Lee
Summary: This time she'd screwed herself.
Companion fic to: Genius

Where Is This In My Job Description?
PG-13 | 02.05 | Gen
Summary: She can't figure out how she went from being a pilot to doing this.

Spring Fever
PG | Posted 12.07 | Hercules/Iolaus
Summary:  After being with the Light and then returning to Earth, Iolaus has forgotten how to be sick.


A Lesson in Irony
G | 11.03 | Horatio/Archie
Summary: Archie is a fan of irony.

Like a Bad Penny
R | 09.04 | Horatio/Archie (pre-slash)
Summary: What happened after he got sent up into the rigging and why he decided he needed to do something rather permanent about Simpson.

Love and Devotion*
PG-13 | Posted 12.03 | Horatio/Archie, Horatio/Bush
Summary: Horatio attempts to move on.  He's not so successful.
* headdesk.  I knew I'd heard that title somewhere else when I used it on the Torchwood piece.  Oops.

Naval Discipline
PG-13 | 01.05 | Gen
Summary: "This wasn't naval discipline. This was lunacy. The boy had done *nothing* wrong"

PSYCH - 1 story
Two Plus Roo
PG | Posted 12.07 | Gen
Summary: Takes place directly after "Rob-a-bye Baby".  Shawn's dad catches up to him.

SPORTS NIGHT - 1 story
Striking Thirteen
R | Posted 08.06 | Casey/Dan
Summary:  Dan wondered why they were discussing this now. How they’d gotten from water dripping on his bed to how cold Helsinki was in June to why they weren’t fucking each other any more to why Casey and Lisa were never going to work out. Sometimes his life just moved to fast. And it tended to do so when he was least able to keep up with it.

STARGATE: ATLANTIS - 50+ stories

Anger Always Comes
R | Posted 03.07 | Sheppard/Beckett/Zelenka
Summary: After the events in "The Tao of Rodney", Carson begins pulling away from the people that mean the most to him.

Anywhere But Here
PG-13 | 06.06 | Advisement: Death of a major character | Sheppard/Beckett and McKay/Zelenka
Summary: Death, no matter how much expected, is never anticipated.

Bad Moon Rising
PG-13 | Posted 01.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: John was hollering through the door. "You could come help me scrub. This gooey stuff has gone down my back. In fact I'm pretty sure it's gone down the back of my t-shirt, which was tucked into my pants and so it ran down -"

Behind the Face
PG | 04.06 | Lorne/Zelenka
Summary: Post-"Critical Mass" piece. What if painting Radek's face wasn't a cute little prank?

  Black and Blue Balls
  R | 11.05 |Sheppard/Beckett
  Summary: “Little training accident,” John managed to grate out, his voice a good half octave higher than Carson remembered it.

Build a Bridge
NC-17 | Posted 09.06 | Sheppard/Grodin and Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: “This is officially your one and only chance to cry in your glasses over him. Then, you have to move on.”

Complex and Simple

PG | 04.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Complex eyes, simple words.

NC-17 | Posted 01.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: John and Carson have gotten into the habit of taking a little detour on their way back from the Athosian settlement.

Doctor's Orders
NC-17 | Posted 01.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Every once in a while, John leaves the doctor some orders.

Down from the Pits
PG-13 | 07.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: “Tell him Cherry pits are poisonous. You can die if you eat them.”
“Yes, Rodney, you’re right. They contain a chemical that produces cyanide. "
“Uh, Carson…” That was John...

  Drowning or the Lack Thereof
  PG-13 | 02.06 | Advisement: Death of a canon character |Sheppard/Beckett
  Summary: Aiden Ford finally makes it home.

Euphemistically Speaking... Or Not

PG | Posted 06.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: “You’re hot.” Carson said. “That’s really nice of you to say, Carson, but… you know, I’m really not feeling so great right now, so you know… maybe we could… in the morning?” “No, love, you have a fever.”

Every Moment Is a Moment

PG | Posted 12.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Any moment, big or small / is a moment, after all. / Seize the moment, / skies may fall any moment. (from: "Any Moment" Into the Woods)

Evidence of Things Not Seen
R | Posted 01.07 | Sheppard/Beckett and McKay/Zelenka
Summary: Rodney has an epiphany... actually several in rapid succession.

Faint is the Proper Medical Term
PG | Posted 01.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Carson faints. He doesn't 'pass out', he doesn't 'swoon'. He faints. Because 'faint' is the proper medical term. He's okay with that.

The Function of Muscle

NC-17 | 12.06 | McKay/Zelenka and Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Go get him.” “Why do you keep saying that?” Rodney finally asked. “Because you’re making me crazy without him!” John replied.

Five Kisses
PG | Posted 02.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
  1. Duet
  2. Conversion
  3. Grace Under Pressure
  4. The Long Good-bye
  5. Coup D'Etat
Five Times John and Carson Met Outside of Canon
PG | Posted 10.06 | AU | Sheppard/Beckett
  1. Outside of Canon Summary: On their anniversary, they plan to meet outside of Canon.
  2. (Pick Up) Lines in the Sand Summary: Sometimes Carson's the one who doesn't see it coming.
  3. Just an Old Football Injury Summary: Carson can't seem to keep his balls straight.
  4. Mission Prep Summary: John needs to get away before he has to leave.
  5. More Exciting Than the Movies Summary: John gets in a car accident... and he wasn't even in a car.
A Heart Stopping Moment
PG | 04.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: It was about eight when the jumper landed. They had him stabilized by eight-thirty. Surgery was over around eleven. “You should get some rest, Carson,” Elizabeth said at about two a.m. Carson had nodded and promised that he would. Soon.

The Human Body Series
Parts vary - G through NC-17 | Sheppard/Beckett and occasional Sheppard/Beckett/Zelenka

Somewhere in Season 1: HB I: A Pain in the Ass
The Siege (3): HB II: Put Your Head on My Shoulder
The Intruder: HB III: A Slip of the Tongue, Part 1 | Part 2
Runner: HB IV: Getting Into Your Genes
Duet: HB V: Killing Off a Few Liver Cells
Condemned: HB VI: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Trinity: HB VII: Got Your Back
Grace Under Pressure: Heart to Heart, Part 1 | Part 2
Grace Under Pressure: AU ending More than Just a Sympathetic Ear
The Tower: HB VIII: Do We Need a Rabbit?
Michael: HB IX: Delete
Irresistible Keep Your Head Above Water, Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (Advisement: deals with the recovery from non-consentual sex)

I Dyed in the Field
PG-13 | 07.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: John was purple. “Dare I ask?” Carson wondered out loud. “No,” Rodney told him definitively. “No you don’t.”

If Life Hands You Lemons
R | Posted 9.06 | Advisement: Death of Major Character | McKay/Sheppard
Summary: When he'd finally had enough lemons, McKay made lemonaide.

Less Than Thankful
PG | Posted 02.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: John should be thankful for penicillin, but he's really not this time.

A Little Hedonism
R | Posted 06.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: When Elizabeth asked later - because of course she would - they’d blame it on the spores.

  Live Bearing
  R | 10.05 |Sheppard/Beckett
  Summary: John spent the night alone so Carson could spend the night with a female. He's not happy.

Need to Know
R | 05.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: “For the third time, Rodney, I told you don’t want me to answer that question.” “If you’ve had to tell me three times then I beg to differ - I clearly do want to know.”

Of Sturgeons and Switches

R | Posted 08.06 | Advisement: BDSM | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: A misdirected email leads to an over-due discussion.

On Multiple Levels

G | 04.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: To everyone else it looked like they had been doing things like this for months. Maybe years. And John carefully schooled his features to not give away that this was the first time and he was a bit apprehensive, because to be honest, he wasn’t sure if their relationship had progressed to that level.
Companion Piece to: The Unfuzzy End

On the Day Before
PG- 13 | Posted 01.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: John made a small choking sound. He’d done that? He grabbed Carson’s arm and dragged him near the door, as much privacy as they’d get in a one-room hut. “Are you saying that I did that?”

PG | 04.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: John's starting to realize that he now has a love/hate relationship with the smell of hospital disinfectant

Parts of Speech
NC-17 | Posted 05.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: “Come on, say something sexy,” John told him. “You’re insane!” Carson said. “That’s not very sexy!” John complained.

  Patient Zero
  PG-13 | Posted 10.05 | Sheppard/Beckett
  Summary : No one wanted to be the one to tell John that Rodney was one of the thirteen. That he’d been one of the three and quite possibly, given all his time off world, patient zero. And that for the past twelve hours, he’d spiked a fever of almost forty-one degrees.

G | Posted 07.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Pairing: Sheppard/Beckett

Restrain Yourself... Or I'll Do It For You
R | Posted 07.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Carson has his own version of revenge.

Running Man
PG-13 | Posted 08.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: After the events in "Runner", Carson and John talk about Runners.

Scheduled Maintenance
G | Posted 08.06 | Gen
Summary: Radek's having a 'headdesk' kind of day.

R | Posted 09.06 | McKay/Zelenka
Summary: Rodney can't be contrite. He tries, but he just can't manage it.

Stoned by the Villagers
  PG-13 | Posted 04.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
  Summary: John gave him a bright smile and a sharp, “Hi!” Rodney rolled his eyes.   
  “You certainly are,” he deadpanned.

Sounds of Sanity
PG | 04.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: The drugs in his system made him listless and foggy. The retrovirus that remained entwined with his DNA made him wakeful and agitated.

  PG-13 | 10.05 |Sheppard/Beckett
  Summary: What goes around, comes around. Never make fun of the less fortunate, some day it may be you. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze (and other things your mother taught you.)

Take Me Drunk, I'm Home
PG-13 | Posted 02.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: A story about alcohol abuse.  Seriously, they're very mean to Zelenka's hooch. :)

A Taste of Your Own Medicine | Part 1 | Part 2 |
NC-17 | Posted 01.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: "His right arm is completely fucked up,” John said, heedless of his audience. “I don’t think the shoulder is dislocated, but it’s not in good shape. The elbow has to be dislocated or something, because, really it shouldn’t bend like it did and I think a bone or several may be broken. "

Taking 'Styling Glue' to a Whole New Level
PG | Posted 12.07 | John/Carson
Summary: “Listen to me, Rapunzel, the hair will have to go."

Third Hand News
PG-13 | 10.05 | Sheppard Beckett
Summary: With the Daedalus only bringing news a few times every year, it can take a while to get bad news. That doesn't make it any easier to bear. Only the love of the living can do that.

Three May Keep a Secret
PG | Posted 06.07 | Sheppard/Beckett/Zelenka
Summary: "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." (Benjamin Franklin) - Radek let's something slip.

To Make a Long Night Shorter
PG-13 | Posted 10.05 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: For John, watching Ford recover was worse than watching him kill himself with that damn enzyme. Thank god he had someone to go home to at night.

Underneath It All
NC-17 | 02.07 | Advisement: Kink - crossdressing | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: John held up the little white silk… panties, for lack of a better word. “You have to be kidding me.

The Unfuzzy End
G | 04.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: He was used to getting the fuzzy end of the lollipop more often than not where relationships were concerned. And he’d always considered himself a fairly private person. So he never would have guessed how nice it would feel to show off that for once, he got the unfuzzy end.
Companion Piece to: On Multiple Levels

Universal Medicine
PG | Posted 04.07 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: "“I’m wearing naught by my skivvies - wet skivvies  at that - and you want my blanket?"

Wax on, Wax off

PG-13 | Posted 08.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Anything involving Rodney's ass is always funny.

Download this fic as an .mp3 podfic.

Where the Hell Do the Volcanoes Come in?
PG | Posted 06.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Rodney's lab went boom.

Why Carson and John Deep Sixed the Sixty-Nine
R | Posted 9.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
Summary: Rodney’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god, your face! Someone beat up your face! You should go see Carson. Really, he should take a look at that.”  Sheppard rolled his eyes. “He’s seen it.”

Yes and No | Part 1 | Part 2 |
  NC-17 | 06.06 | Sheppard/Beckett
  Summary: In which the Ancients believed in sex as a recreational activity, Carson discovers that not everything activated by the ATA gene hates him and John is good... mostly.

STARGATE: SG-1 - 1 story

To Infinity and Beyond...
G | 09.02 | Gen
Summary: When Wormhole X-Treme failed there was still this idea of 'plausable deniability.'

TORCHWOOD - 18 stories

5 Ways the Torchwood Team Ended Up with Ferrets
PG-13 | Posted 11.07 | Gen and Jack/Ianto
Summary: Fairly self-explanitory - 5 way challenge - 5 ways the Torchwood team ended up with ferrets.

An Exercise in Frustration Part 1 | Part 2
NC-17 | Posted 10.07 |  Jack/Ianto
Summary: Something comes up while Ianto is archiving some random artifacts. Problem is, it won't go back down again.

Ass on the Glass
NC-17 | Posted 1.17.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: Ianto has let Jack stew long enough.  He's ready to forgive.  He just can't believe he's going to tell Jack like this.  (Post KKBB, with spoilers)

The Body You Conceal
PG| Posted 3.0108 | Jack/Ianto
Summary:  Does the body you conceal / Need the touch of someone's hand?

Finish Each Day

PG-13 | Posted 10.07 |  Jack/Ianto
Summary:  Jack never wanted Ianto to know so much about death and cruelty.  Now all he can do is hope he's allowed to pick up the fragmented pieces of the man.

Good Wishes to the Corpse
R | Posted 12.07 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: Post "Captain Jack Harkness" - "Jealousy is that pain which a man feels from the apprehension that he is not equally beloved by the person whom he entirely loves” - Joseph Addison

How Does It Feel Out on the Ice?
NC-17 | Posted 1.14.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: Ianto complained, “Just for the record, they just announced that it’s officially nine below zero.”  Gwen hiked a thumb at Jack. “That’s what you have him for.”

An Invitation to the Dance
G | Posted on 2.16.08 | Gen
Summary:  Ianto expected Retcon, not a job offer. (Title links you to the full version.  As this was written for a contest with a 1000 word limit, there was also a shorter version.)

Like Drinking Salted Water
PG-13 | Posted 10.07 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: Jack realizes how much pain Ianto is carrying and decides that he really has to do something about it. And how much he wants to do something about it.
The vid "Flowers Never Bend with the Rainfall
" accompanies this fic.

Love and Devotion
PG | Posted 12.07 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: She was sure she’d have felt less shocked, less embarrassed, if she’d walked in to find them shagging on that couch.  This was far more intimate.

Download this fic as an .mp3 podfic.

The Marks They Can See
NC-17| Posted 1.09.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: "Ianto knew there were two very good reasons not to touch that particular place on the side of his head."

Parallel Lines Crossing
R | Posted on 1.31.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: Tommy is gone, but there's still damage control to be done. (Takes place in the same universe as Post Torchwood Stress Disorder)

PTSD: Post Torchwood Stress Disorder| Part 1 | Part 2Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Pa rt 7 |
R | Advisement: suicide of non-canon characters | Posted 11.07 |  Jack/Ianto
Summary:  It's been two and a half years since Canary Wharf.  It's been a year since Lisa.  And Jack is just now realizing what the real toll has all been on Ianto and the other survivors of Torchwood One.  Now he needs to fix a big thing done badly before anyone else dies.

Shake Up the Picture
NC-17| Posted 1.13.08 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: "He let Jack drag him about ten feet down an alley - not far enough to truly be hidden in the shadows - and press him against the wall."

"Some Call Her a Ghost..." and "Some Called Her a Mere Mortal"
PG | Posted 10.07 | Jack/Ianto
Summary: Two drabbles - It's been a year since Lisa's death.

'Thursday' Is the Wrong Answer
PG-13 | Posted 10.07 |  Jack/Ianto
Summary: Ianto worries about how Torchwood Three will mark their first anniversary.  What he fails to realize is that... no one had planned to do anything, until he opened his big mouth.

What Do You Do With a Drunken...
PG | Posted 11.07 | Gen
Summary: They aren't sure, but they think the latest vault resident is drunk.

When the Bough Breaks | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3|
PG-13 | Posted 11.07 |  Jack/Ianto
Summary:  What if The Year That Never Was never was, but the wild goose hunt in the Himalayas was.  And what if Jack were to come home to find that there's a much bigger issue to deal with than the fact that he left?


Tea and Sympathy
R | Posted 12.07 | Curt/Brian
Summary: Curt never had anyone to take care of him when he wasn't feeling well.  He tries to be there for Brian, but frankly, he's not very good at it.

THE WEST WING - 1 story

Is That Code?
PG | Posted to LJ 10.06 | Gen
Summary: Sam wants Josh to teach him some Hebrew. Toby thinks it's purely to infuriate him.

CROSSOVERS - 1 story

  How Season 2 Won't Start (BSG '03 X SG1)
  PG | 03.05 | Gen
  Summary: Lords, Gods, Goa'ulds, Snakes... what if they were all one and the same?
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