Welcome to the fourth annual Smallville Big Bang challenge! It's our first year with our show off the air, but we know the love is still strong. If you'd like to participate in any way, all the relevant links are below.
If you're unsure about participating, check out the
Rules and
FAQs posts for more information. You may also PM me, or email me at twinsarein@gmail.com
If you'd like to write, go to the
Author's Sign-Up Post to sign up.
If you'd like to do art for a story, check out the
Artist Sign-Up Post.
Do you have one of more ideas you think would make a great Smallville story, then go to our
Super Bunny Post to tell us about it.
Is pimping your thing? Then take a look at our post with some truly beautiful
Promotional Banners. You can use them to your hearts content on your own LJ, your favorite comms, etc. Using the code beneath the banners will link directly back to this post, so people can navigate anywhere on the site with ease.