2012 Aritst Sign-Ups

May 24, 2012 15:32

Hello artist!  This is a sign-up post to get an idea of who is interested and what our pool of talent is.  You won't be actually claiming a story to do art for until September 22nd.  Once you claim a story, you will have at least a month to work on your art before it is due.  Please read the rules for artists, which is linked below.

Without further ado, if you could just copy and paste the info below into a comment box and then fill it in, I'd appreciate it:

LJ username:
We're not going to hold you to this, but just to get an idea…
Would you prefer to work on slash, femslash, gen or het?
Would you be willing to be a pinch hitter?

Author/Artist Rules & Schedule /  FAQs / Author Sign-Ups / Artist Sign-Ups / Bunny Post / Promotional Banners

PS - If anyone is willing to make icons for the 2012 SVBB, please feel free to post them to the comm, at any time, for everyone to use.

mod!post, artist sign-ups

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