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Oct 07, 2005 17:57

* a stoned conversation that I think explains why I like Bill Hicks and think hes the best entertainer ever to grace this barren earth.

(17:31:16) Hyperspaced: somehow i got caught up talking about steam trains with my brother.... and the US patent office saying that everything that can be invented has been invented, and that nothing new can be invented
(17:32:03) Hyperspaced: wow deja vu
(17:32:26) Hyperspaced: and even the idea of having deja vu is in it... and the idea of the idea of the idea of having deja vu is in it

(17:33:01) ME:O how can the US patent office say that! AT ALL!

(17:33:30) Hyperspaced: they said that in 1900... or 1800
(17:34:00) ME: the idiots

(17:34:05) Hyperspaced: such an ill concieved idea...
(17:34:23) Hyperspaced: heh... id like to see an ill concieved child
(17:36:52) ME: lol.. but what exactly is an "ill concieved child" is it A. an ill just born baby. B. A Child that was concieved by two ill people C. A child conceived imaculatly due to a virus... the list goes on

(17:38:14) Hyperspaced: i think its D. A child whos conception involves something that is a crime against nature
(17:38:32) Hyperspaced: a child that could not be.... yet somehow is

(17:39:41) ME: So.. A child conceived imaculatly due to a virus that was create by a person(thus making it a crime)
(17:41:12) Hyperspaced: bah.... created by man is natural enough... im talking something waay out... something that would definately not create a child, yet somehow it happens to be another one of the magical combinations that brings life!

(17:43:31) ME: well that does make things interesting, however how can nature be a crime against itself, by definition it would have to be something created out of nature perhaps god and thus you a few thousand years too late according to the bible.

(17:43:37) Hyperspaced: like some crazy woman took waay too much acid and got impregnated in her trip and woke up with an acid baby... where the baby isnt so much a solid baby, but an idea that gets into peoples heads and twists them to be like itself, but the idea grows like a baby and has many other babylike charecteristics... but its physically nothing

(17:44:33) ME: well thats even crazier
(17:44:52) ME: I'm impressed with taht concept

(17:45:18) Hyperspaced: :) cool
(17:45:26) Hyperspaced: songs ready too

(17:46:24) ME: And I have footage of an acid baby of a kind.

(17:46:54) Hyperspaced: :) cool

(17:50:24) ME: looking at the perspective that the acid baby is an idea or enlightenment found while on a acid or other trip that happens to be a highly evolved piece of philosophy so advanced from our thinkign that it shoots over the top of most but shoots the few in the heart with realisation that there really is a better way and reminds them not to stop looking.

(17:52:19) Hyperspaced: so the acid baby is that whole relentless quest to find something that cannot be explained

(17:52:41) ME: And the footage I talk of is of course Bill HIcks and his "squeegy clean Third Eye" after taking his "own body wait in magic mushrooms".
(17:52:56) ME: weight
(17:53:11) ME: no
(17:53:13) ME: its not
(17:54:31) ME: Its a reminder that we ahven't got it right we ahven't got all the answers and to get the fuck off taht high horse and stop gloting and stalling progress
(17:55:17) ME: and it comes in the form of there is more don't fret.

(17:55:38) Hyperspaced: indeed... what cannot be explained just isnt explained YET

(17:55:56) ME: ;)

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