Jan 27, 2005 19:13
Last night i was watching Conan and suddenly remembered that I had to give a speech today. The speech was over our Pet Peeve. I've got many pet peeves. But the one I decided to do my speech on was self-righteous people. Here is what I wrote down in 10 minutes last night for my speech:
My pet peeve is people. Not all people, just a majority of them. Specifically people who view themselves as being better than someone else. These people can be found most anywhere. You can find these people walking down the street, you can see them on TV, and you can see them in the White House. But nowhere can these people be found in higher concentration than in the church. These Christians walk around with their noses in the air as if they have all the answers. They treat anybody with a different set of beliefs than they do with pity, condescension, and contempt. This holier-than-thou attitude possessed by these people is opposite to what the christian religion is supposed to be about, love and understanding. "Love thy neighbor as you would love yourself" is a good idea to live by however today it is more like "love your neighbor as your self, unless he is gay, in that case burn his house down." This hypocrisy exhibited by the christians of today is sickening. It is my belief that ALL people are equal in the end. Nobody is any better of a person than anybody else. It doesn't matter if they are rich or poor, smart or stupid, hindu, jew, christian or buddhist. We are all stuck on this Earth together. If we insist on segregating ourselves and hating and killing each other, there will be no planet left for future generations. If we could try to be more accepting and tolerant of the beliefs of others then the world would most definately be a better place.
That's my speech. I am much more eloquent in written word than in vocal presentation. well thats all I've got for today.